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Seungmin's POV

"So, when are we going to meet your Father? Don't get me wrong. Talking to you about the company is really amazing but it's still different. Since it's your Father I am partnered with" the guy who wants to be partner with Dad for a new company

"I understand. I am not sure exactly when. But I promise you will meet him. He is just currently busy with the upcoming new book stores"

"Ah, I see. Since we are finished talking about the business. Let's talk about you, I mean you are really amazing. In that age, you managed to take care of your Father's company. It's really amazing to meet you. You are really famous, everywhere I go, everyone knows you and your friends" Mr. Gong

"Thank you. I learned how to handle the company for a long time. Although, it's not really my thing but I still want to continue what my Family started"

"You are really amazing. I wonder if you have a girlfriend" Mr. Gong

"No, I don't have, Sir"

"Are you courting someone?" Mr. Gong

"I'm currently focusing on the company. I don't want to waste my time for girls. I think I will just take care of my lovelife when my future and her future is secure"

"You are really amazing. If only I have a daughter, I will really arrange her wedding with you" Mr. Gong

"I may not show care about my lovelife but I want to marry someone I love"

"Really? I am sorry for that. So, what are your hobbies?" Mr. Gong

"Reading? That's really my hobby. But I do know how to do some sports. Name it"

"Wow. You are really unbelievable. That's why girls are going after you. I won't doubt if you will have a girlfriend sooner" Mr. Gong

"Ah, I don't want to say something but it's not impossible. My parents are also pushing me to have a girlfriend as soon as possible"

"See? Even your parents wants you to be in a relationship. You know these days, you also need to have fun. You are a teenager, a right age to have a girlfriend" Mr. Gong

"I'll try to have one this year"

"That's the spirit. You are really amazing just like your Father. I hope I have a son like you" Mr. Gong

"You mean-"

"I do have a son, they are twins and still 3 years old. I mean, I want to have a son like you. I hope my sons will learn something from you in the future" Mr. Gong

"I will visit them if I have time"

"That's great" Mr. Gong

"Excuse me, Sir" I smiled and went to the bathroom carrying my phone

It's vibrating for a thousand times ever since I got here my phone is vibrating. I opened my phone and saw some texts from Jisung. I opened the last message.

From : Jisung

Where are you? Make it fast, Seungmin.

To : Jisung

What do you need?

From : Jisung

You know, mall.

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟿 |𝙺𝚒𝚖 𝚂𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚖𝚒𝚗|Where stories live. Discover now