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Third person's POV

Hwayoung woke up and went straight to the bathroom to do her morning routine. After that, she went to the living room and saw Elyz sleeping.

"Elyz, wake up" Hwayoung softly shake Elyz to wake him up "Why are you here? Did you slept here?"

He sat and stretched his body "Yes, noona. I was worried about you. So, I opened your door and slept here to watch you. I am sorry if I am to sleepy and didn't even wake you up. I stayed up so late to check on you"

Hwayoung was touched by the kid's care for her. She smiled at Elyz, trying to hold back her tears again. She doesn't want to cry in front of the kid anymore.

"Noona, my Father said, if you are having a bad day you should tell someone. I am here, noona. You can always tell me, I will always listen. Even though I won't understand it. I will still listen to lessen your sadness" Elyz told Hwayoung who is holding back her tears "So, from now on, remember that I am here, okay?"

"O-Okay" Hwayoung smiled

"Are you hungry, noona?" Elyz asked the girl

"Not really" Hwayoung sat beside him

The doorbell rang, Hwayoung quickly opened the door and saw Seungmin holding a bouquet of flowers and a paperbag.

"Hey, how are you? Are you feeling okay now?" Seungmin greeted

"I'm okay since last night" Hwayoung answered

"A-Ah, good to hear that. Anyway, these are for you" Seungmin gave Hwayoung the flowers and paperbag that has chocolate inside "Goodmorning"

"What are these for?" Hwayoung

"It's like my first way of saying sorry. I want to say sorry if I made you feel pressured about last night. I am sorry, I was just too excited to ask you out officially. But it turned out you are not ready yet. So, I want to tell you, I am willing to wait" Seungmin smiled sweetly

"Can't you understand?" Hwayoung asked while staring at Seungmin's gifts "I don't like you and I'm not pressured last night. I don't have any feelings for you"

"I don't believe you, Hwayoung. I know you love me, I know you want me to be with you forever. And I am always willing to wait for you. So, please take your time. I'm not pressuring you" Seungmin

"I don't like you, Seungmin. You are just one of my toys I played with. What happened between us means nothing to me. And even you, you are nothing to me" Hwayoung stared at Seungmin

"I'm not going to believe you, Hwayoung. I told you I love no matter what happens" Seungmin smiled even though deep inside, it hurts for him. It hurts how Hwayoung managed to say those words to him. He still loves her despite of all those hurtful words she received.

"Leave me alone" Hwayoung

"Why would I?" Seungmin

"Hyunjae and I are back together" Hwayoung answered

Seungmin was broke into pieces again. He received a lot of hurtful words but that one hurt him the most. He is scared that Hwayoung will be in danger because of Hyunjae. But he never expected that Hwayoung and Hyunjae are back together.

"So, please leave me alone" Hwayoung

"Earlier, I can even kneel in front of many people or die for you to not leave me. But you changed my mind with those words. You literally made me hate you so much" Seungmin

"Really? That's nice to hear" Hwayoung

"Yes, nice for you but not for me. I guess you chose him over me. I am not hurt but I am annoyed. You chose the guy who will bring you to danger while I am trying to save you. I guess this will be the last time we will see each other" Seungmin stared at Hwayoung's eyes with full of pain and hatred

Hwayoung stayed quiet.

"Be happy with him, Hwayoung" Seungmin said and left Hwayoung

He left the building with full of pain, hatred, sadness and even with a broken heart. He is mad but he still can't deny that he is hurt. He is saving her but she chose to stay with Hyunjae. He drove to Hyunjin's mansion with full speed, he doesn't even care if he will die. But he just wants to let go of what he is feeling.

He arrived at the mansion. He went inside and saw Hyunjin, Eunji and Eric talking. They were shocked to see Seungmin enter suddenly.

"You startled me! Don't you know how to rang the doorbell or atleast shout?" Eunji

"She's back with her ex" Seungmin said

The three of them were shocked, they know who he was talking about.

"What? When? How? What happened?" Eunji asked nonstop

"I thought you asked her to be your girlfriend? And you didn't even update us. I thought everything's going well between you two" Hyunjin

"I guess we are not meant for each other" Seungmin smirked but everyone can see how hurt he is

"Did she told you that they are back together?" Eric asked

"Yes, she even told me I am just a toy for her. She just made me fall inlove with her and will leave me. She said everything was planned" Seungmin

"What? You mean- the first daynyou guys met was planned?" Eunji

"How can she do that?" Hyunjin

"I don't know but she is a very smart one. She used me and I am so stupid, I believed her tricks hahaha" Seungmin laughed so loud

The three are looking at him and they are worried about Seungmin who doesn't show his feelings.

"What is your plan now?" Hyunjin

"What else? Forget her" Seungmin answered without hesitation

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