25 (WARNING!!!)

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(If you're a bit sensitive please don't read this part :< I don't want to offend anyone. This chapter includes sensitive scenes or words. I am deeply sorry for that)


Third person's POV

Hwayoung's body was brought to the hospital's morgue. Seungmin and the others went there including Elyz who is carrying by Eric. Seungmin is staring at the window the whole trip to the hospital. His mind is blank when he saw Hwayoung's body. Her whole bed is covered with blood.

"Seungmin, we're here" Chan told the quiet one

"If you don't want to go inside, Elyz and Eunji can stay here with you" Hyunjin

Seungmin started crying "I-I want to see her" he whispered between his sobs

The others were quiet as they worried about Seungmin. This is the first time they saw Seungmin cried ever since they met them. Seungmin is the one who is good at controlling his emotions. But this, he didn't controlled his emotions.

They all went to the hospital's morgue where Hwayoung's body is.

"To those who wants to see her, you can come inside before we start" the one who is in charge in the morgue said

"C-Can I see her, hyung?" Elyz asked his brother

"Okay" Eric carried Elyz inside together with Hyunjin, Chan and Eunji

Eric put Elyz down, the boy started crying when he saw Hwayoung. He ran to her, like he is not scared of her.

"N-Noona, don't leave me, please" the boy cried as he begged Hwayoung "P-Please, w-wake up" he begged once more as his cry started getting louder "N-Noona..." he called

Eric approached his brother and carried him "She needs to rest now. You should let her go"

"But she promised me she will be one of my first passenger when I become a pilot" Elyz whispered as he hugged his brother

Eric, Chan and Hyunjin went outside while Eunji stayed inside. She walked to Hwayoung and stared at her face.

"How can you leave Seungmin? You know he loves you so much. Why would you do that? You should've at least gave him a chance. Damn it. Wake up, will you? Seungmin needs you more than anyone else" Eunji told Hwayoung who is in front of her "Rest well, Hwayoung" she said and left the morgue

"We're going to start" the guy said

"I-I want to see her" Seungmin said

Hyunjin signaled the guy to let Seungmin enter. He nodded and opened the door for Seungmin. He didn't wore a face mask and just entered. His heart is beating so fast. He never thought that this day will come. His tears started falling as he saw Hwayoung's lifeless body. He walked to her and held her hand.

"H-How can you take your own life? Huh? I should've not let you leave me. I should've stayed by your aide and protected you" Seungmin cried while still holding Hwayoung's cold hands

While outside of the morgue, the investigator Myungsook and the police came. They talked to him about Hwayoung's death.

"We found out, those 9 guys to be exact did something horribly to her, at 12 am. Elyz said he saw Hyunjae and his friends leaving the house while laughing on the morning. As what Elyz told us earlier, Hwayoung is still alive when he woke up. When he heard Hwayoung crying, he asked if she is okay, she answered she's okay. So, the little boy gave her some time. That's when Hwayoung took her own life and left this in her cabinet..." Investigator Myungsook gave them a written message "And I think it's for Seungmin. Where is he?"

"Inside, he needs some time to say goodbye" Hyunjin

"Take care of him. We need to go now" Investigator/Detective Myungsook left with police

"I'll give it to him" Hyunjin said and entered the morgue while holding the paper. He went to Seungmin "I know it's hard but let her rest in peace. I felt that before, saying goodbye to someone. That's the best thing to do now, let her go" Hyunjin said and gave the paper to Seungmin and left him

Seungmin is still crying his heart out. It was like he is shattered into many pieces and no one can bring back any pieces anymore. Seungmin's attention was caught by the paper Hyunjin gave him. He quickly unfolded the paper and started reading it.

Seungmin, I know I am at fault and I am sorry. I still remember how you and I promised to each other. I still remember how you made me smile with your own sweet words. I still remember how we first met. It's all still fresh in my mind. You are the most adorable person I've ever met. And I hate myself for leaving and making you cry. That night, when I told you those words, I felt like I am betraying my own feelings. I wanted to hold your hand and tell you I love you and what I told you wasn't true. But how can I? It's your life who's going to be in danger if I will do that. My last card is to let you go and make you hate me. And I did it, you hated me and you stayed away. That was the most painful situation I've ever been. Letting you go without even saying how much I love you.

I hope you will cherish those days we are together. Because now, I am officially saying goodbye to you. Thank you for making my days memorable. Always, take care.

Goodbye, Seungmin.

Seungmin's tears started falling as he finished reading the paper "H-Hwayoung, please wake up. Don't leave me like this. Please, I'm begging you. Don't do this" he cried and held her hands so tight "Hwayoung, please. I don't want us to say goodbye. I want us to be together forever. P-Please..." he begged

His tears are still falling and there's hope in his eyes that Hwayoung will wake up and tell him it was a joke. He held her hands much tighter but Hwayoung is still not waking up.

"I-I can't let you go, i-it's so hard"


End of Series#9

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