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Third person's POV

Hyunjin finished his speech with a smile on his face. Everyone clapped while his friends are cheering for him like they are in a basketball league.

"His girlfriend died?" Yun asked Seungmin who is drinking a wine beside her

"Yeah, it's so hard for him, he even tried to kill his self. But look at him now, he became much better" Seungmin answered

Yun pouted because she can't believe what happened to Hyunjin before.

"Are you hungry?" Seungmin asked Yun who is pouting "Why are you pouting?"

"I read that his parents were killed and even his girlfriend. It's just really sad, that he experienced all of those. But he still managed to move forward and smile. Isn't that amazing?" Yun

"Are you really asking me that? Yes, he is amazing. If you are hungry go get your food" Seungmin rolled his eyes

"Are you jealous?" Yun

"Why would I be? Do I have a right to be jealous? Huh? We are not in a relationship" Seungmin

"How can you act cold to me? Dumbass" Yun pinched his arms

"That hurts. Why do you always hurt me? You slapped me three times then you are pinching me now. I am getting scared" Seungmin

"Say what you want, Kim Seungmin" Yun

"I'll go get us some food" Seungmin said and went to the catering service. He chose lasagna and chocolate cake for Yun and for him. After choosing he want back to his seat "Let's share"

"Why?" Yun

"Public image, Hwayoung" Seungmin

"Why would call me my real name? It's so long. Just call me Yun" Yun

"They are all calling you Yun. I want to call you Hwayoung, and I'll be the only one to call you that" Seungmin said and started eating

"You are so possessive over me. Don't tell me you already like me?" Yun smiled cutely at Seungmin

"Says who?" Seungmin

Yun pouted and started eating.

"Hi, Seungmin, how are you?" a girl wearing a red dress greeted Seungmin

"I'm fine" Seungmin answered and he saw Yun looking at the girl annoyingly "How are you, Hayoon?"

"I'm fine too. I missed how you call my name" Hayoon smiled sweetly

Yun rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Really? Hahaha that's nice to hear" Seungmin said but he is looking at Yun's reaction

He smiled as he saw Yun rolled her eyes and mocked Hayoon's voice quietly.

"Anyway, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Nam Hwayoung" Seungmin introduced

Yun rolled her eyes at Seungmin and faced Hayoon "Hey" Yun greeted uninterestingly

Chan, Eunji, Jisung, Dasom, Woojin and Changbin laughed at Hayoon's reaction over Yun's greeting.

"Excuse me" Hayoon said and left them

"Excuse me" Yun mocked while making a face secretly

Seungmin laughed at Yun.

They all continued drinking while Yun is talking to Eunji, Hyejin, Jia, Dasom, Jinah, and Jiyeon.

Seungmin is quietly glancing at Yun, he is mesmerized by her beauty and how cute she was when she's jealous. Seungmin secretly smiled but Changbin and Minkyu saw him.

"You are inlove" Minkyu

"I am not" Seungmin answered

"Why are you smiling while looking at her? Don't tell me you are crazy?" Changbin

"I'm not smiling" Seungmin denied

"It's not a sin to be inlove. What's wrong about that? Everyone knows you and Yun are in a relationship. If I were you, I will ask her to be my girlfriend" Minkyu

"I agree. It's now or never!" Changbin

"You two are imagining things. I am not looking at her and I'm not smiling. Why would I smile? Am I crazy? Huh?" Seungmin said and drank his third glass of wine

"Yun is beautiful, smart and even nice. Your parents likes her, we also likes her for you. We saw how many times you smiled and laughed because of Yun. We just saw a new side of you" Minkyu

"And you are telling us you are not inlove? You can't lie to us. We know if you are lying or not" Changbin

"If you are going to keep on denying your feelings, someone might took her away from you. Just like what happened to me, when I finally realized my feelings, it was too late. Someone already have her" Minkyu

"What do you guys want me to do?" Seungmin looked at the two guys

"Ask her to be your girlfriend officially" Changbin

"Yeah, we are willing to help" Minkyu

Seungmin just smirked and stared at Yun.

The event finished but there's still a lot of people there. Seungmin decided to drove Yun home because Elyz is waiting for her. Seungmin started driving but there's a lot of thoughts on his mind. Those advices from Minkyu and Changbin, he can't get it out off his mind. They finally arrived in front of the building.

"Thank you, Seungmin" Yun smiled at Seungmin and she was about to open the door when Seungmin locked it "Why?"

"Hwayoung" Seungmin called her name

Yun looked at Seungmin. That was not the first time Seungmin called her name but it's different this time. Seungmin looked at her eyes.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" Yun

"Can you promise me that you will stay away from Hyunjae?" Seungmin asked

Yun was confused "Huh?"

"Because if you promise to stay away from him and forget him. I will promise to give you the life you deserve" Seungmin said

"What are you-" Yun didn't finished talking when Seungmin kissed her passionately

She doesn't even know why, but she is kissing him back. The kiss is getting deeper and deeper.

"Promise me" Seungmin whispered

"I p-promise" Yun said and hurriedly continued the kiss

As the kiss gets deeper, Seungmin is unbuttoning his polo and even removed his necktie. Seungmin kissed Yun's lips down to her neck. Yun is panting when Seungmin's kiss is getting deeper and he is leaving hickey on her neck and collarbone. Seungmin was about to open his polo when someone knocked.

"Noona! Hyung!" It's Elyz eating ice cream with Ali, Sab and Sam

Seungmin smiled "I'll see you again"

"Yeah, take care" Yun smiled awkwardly

"Noona! Hyung!" Elyz shouted

Yun kissed Seungmin for the last time and smiled at him. She opened the door and got out of the car.

"Hyung, are you going home? Stay here tonight" Elyz

"Can I?" Seungmin smirked at Yun

"S-Sure" Yun answered

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