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Seungmin's POV

I woke up when I heard my phone rang.

Hyunjin calling...


[Where are you?]

"At home"

[You just woke up?]

"What else?"

[Ah, sorry hahaha]

"So, why did you call me?"

[Eunji was planning to tell Eric about Elyz and we need your help]

"Help? Why? What can I help you all?"

[Explanation like where he is staying and with whom]

"You can explain it yourself. I don't care about it now"

[Oooh, I see you are moving on from her hahahaha]

"Can you stop? I'm still sleepy"

[Just help us. You don't have to mention her name or her relation to you]

"When will you stop?"

[Until you say yes. You know this is a great opportunity to face what you and Hwayoung- you know]

"What a great offer"

[See? You are amazed]

"You think so?"

[Let's just say, you are doing this for Elyz and not for anyone else. I know you also want to remove any connections between you two. And if Elyz is still there, you two can always meet each other unexpectedly. Who knows?]

"Fine, for Elyz" I annoyingly ended the call

I took a quick bath and wore a navy blue shirt tucked in and a fitted jeans and a black rubber shoes. I dried my hair and just fixed myself. I went downstairs and saw my parents.

"Seungmin! Are you going somewhere?" Dad

"Isn't it obvious?" Mom rolled her eyes at Dad and looked at me "Are you going to Hwayoung? That's great!"

"It's obvious, he will go to Hwayoung" Dad

"Whatever! Anyway, when can I meet her again?" Mom asked

Should I tell them? I think I really should. That won't hurt them. Besides, she's not worth introducing for.

"We broke up"

They both shockingly looked at me.

"You two okay? We broke up"

"What? Why?" Mom

"I thought-" Dad

"It's just your thoughts, Dad. It didn't work out, we tried but it's not-"

"How can you easily give up on her?!" Mom angrily asked

"Mom, I'll talk to you later. I really need to go now. For the last time, I will try if I still can"

They both smiled because of the last words I said. I still want to try it. Who knows? Maybe she used it so I will stay away from her. I drove to Hyunjin's mansion, where the confession about Elyz will take place.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived. I went inside and saw Eunji, Hyunjin and Chan watching Eric's moves.

"You are here" Eric


"They said you need to tell me something" Eric

"When did I-"

The three of them looked at me and signalling me to tell Eric everything. Damn it. It's not like I am Elyz's brother. Eunji should do it. Why is she telling me to do it instead of her?!

"Fine. I'll tell you everything directly. Your Father is in prison and you have a little brother named Elyz. The police called Eunji because she is the only person your Father saved as his contacts. They told Eunji to pick up Elyz and keep him. Eunji went to the police station and brought Elyz with her hut she doesn't know where to leave him. At that night, I bumped into Eunji and found out everything. She told me she will tell you but in the right time. She's scared that you will hate your Father. Hwayoung is living alone based on my Uncle's research. I decided to leave Elyz to Hwayoung but we always visit him. That's it"

"How can you let Seungmin tell me everything? And what are you scared of? Elyz is my brother, and keeping him here is not related to Dad. Just like you, I will accept and will love Elyz. You are both my treasures" Eric

"I'm sorry" Eunji

"Just tell me everything. You should tell me those kind of situations, Eunji. You know me very well" Eric

"That's why I'm sorry" Eunji

I looked at my phone when it started vibrating.

Hwayoung calling...

What is this time? Is she going to give Elyz back? Right. That's what I want. To cut all connections with her. I quickly answered it.


[Seungmin h-hyung, help me please]

"Elyz? Why do you have Hwayoung's phone? Why are you crying?"

[H-Hwayoung noona is not yet coming o-out of her room since last night. I heard h-her crying but when I ask her she said she's okay. I t-tried to knock and open her d-door but it's locked. She doesn't l-lock her door. What should I d-do, hyung? I-I am scared]

"Calm down. We are on our way there. Just stay where you are" I ended the call

"What happened?" Eunji

"I'll explain later. Let's go" I said and ran outside

We got in Eric's car, Chan drove to the building because he knows the way. They asked me what happened so I told them. I don't even know if I answered their questions right. I am really worried about her. I hope she is fine. This is your fault, Seungmin.

We arrived at the building. We rode the elevator and arrived at her apartment. Elyz opened the door for us and he is still crying while holding Hwayoung's phone.

"Hwayoung! Open the door!" I shouted and tried to open it but it's locked

"Please, open the door!" Hyunjin shouted and tried to banged the door

"Where are the keys?!" Eric

"It's not there. I can't find it" Chan

"Fucking open the door, Hwayoung! I am begging you! Talk to me! Please!" I shouted and tried to destroy the doorknob

"Let me try" Eric said and destroyed the doorknob using the fire extinguisher

For the last try, he finally destroyed the doorknob. He quickly kicked the door and it showed

Hwayoung's lifeless body.


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