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Seungmin's POV

"Why am I nervous?" she whispered

"I don't know. Why would you ask me?"

"Kim Seungmin! Help me. I'm really nervous" she whined

"Just calm down. I am beside you and I won't leave you there. You just have to smile and act like you are professional. That's it"

"How? Argh. I am really frustrated" Hwayoung pouted

I sighed and looked at her "Keep in your mind, you are Nam Hwayoung. You are beautiful the way you talk, walk and more. Everyone will love you"

"Really? Argh. Why am I still nervous? Huh?" Hwayoung looked at me

I secretly laughed because of her reaction.

"Do I really need to be your partner? Can I just tell my friend to be your partner?" Hwayoung

"Why would you? You are here already. Just calm down and smile" I smiled at her, she nodded nervously

We entered the venue while we hold each others' hands. I smiled at everyone who is looking at me. I looked at Hwayoung and she is smiling naturally but she is holding my hands so tight.

"C-Can we sit?" Hwayoung whispered

I didn't answered and brought her to my friends "This is Nam Hwayoung"

"Hi, goodevening" Hwayoung greeted and smiled at them

"Hi, I'm Hyejin" Hyejin smiled at her

"I'm Jia!" Jia smiled as well

"Seo Jiyeon" Jiyeon smiled too

"I told you the dress suits you" Jinah smiled

"Do you two know each other?" Minho

"Eunji and I went there earlier. We helped her to get ready for tonight" Hyejin

"I'm Dasom" a voice behind me said

I turned around and saw Dasom with Jisung "When did you arrived?"

"Last night hahaha" Dasom

"This is my girlfriend, Nam Hwayoung"

"I know, the news is all over the world! Damn, power!" Dasom laughed

"I'm Minho, Jia's fiancé"

"Han Jisung, Dasom's boyfriend"

"Yang Jeongin, Jinah's husband"

"Seo Changbin"

"I'm Kim Minkyu"

"Lee Felix, Hyejin's boyfriend"

Hwayoung smiled at them when everyone finished introducing theirselves to Hwayoung.

"Hi, I'm glad you came" Hyunjin

"Don't even dare, Hyunjin. She is my partner"

"I'm just trying to greet her. Why are you so jealous?" Hyunjin laughed

"I am not"

"Anyway, you guys should enjoy the night. I need to go there. I'll see you all around" Hyunjin said and left us

"Seungmin, you might wanna introduce the girl beside you?" Dad smiled

"D-Dad, why are you-"

"Why? Can't Hyunjin invite us?" Mom winked

"So, who is this beautiful lady beside you?" Dad

Hwayoung held my hand tightly "G-Goodevening, I am Nam Hwayoung, nice meeting you"

"My girlfriend..."

"I see. Hi, how are you? I'm Seungmin's Dad" Dad smiled at her

"You are so beautiful in person but you are also beautiful in the video" Mom smiled at her and hugged her

Hwayoung looked at me so shocked. She might be wondering how did Mom saw the video.

"Thank you, you are more beautiful. No wonder Seungmin is so handsome. I already knew why" Hwayoung smiled

Did she just say I am handsome? I already know that. But, when it comes from her, it's different.

"He is handsome today because you are here. But you don't know how different his face is when he is alone hahaha" Mom


"Anyway, we need to go back to our table. The event will start in any minute" Mom

"Enjoy, Hwayoung. Nice meeting you!" Dad

"We'll see you later" Mom said and left with Dad

"Ah, you are handsome today because of me? I see" Hwayoung

I looked at her but she laughed.

"Don't worry, you are always handsome for me" Hwayoung winked and smiled

What? The? Fuck? When did she-

"Just because everyone already knew you, you are acting normally again. I just hope you remember how nervous you are earlier and you even held my hand"

"That was just acting. You know, I'm famous for acting hahaha" Hwayoung

We both sat at the same table with Chan, Eunji, Jisung, Dasom, Changbin and Minkyu. While the others are on the table next to ours. Hyunjin stood in front holding a mic on his right hand.

"Goodevening everyone, I am Hwang Hyunjin. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hwang, I know some of you doesn't remember me. Since it's been so long when you some of you last seen me. I think it was the day, Dad brought me to the hospital. That was the first time I went there. U-Uhm... I don't really know what to say, since I'm new to his kind of events. I mean I've been invited to a alot of company events but this is the first time I talked here in front. I won't say much and I just want to thank those who helped me. Those who helped me to become a better person and move forward from the dark past I experienced. My friends, their parents, Uncle Joon, and Eric, they changed me a lot. I've become the person I am today. The Hyunjin who is stronger than before. Tomorrow, I will be the official owner of Sanxia International Hospital. I just want to tell to our hospital staffs, doctors, nurses, workers, guards, janitors and more. I want to tell you all that I am still learning and please help me. That may sound weird but let's help each other. I may not be the best owner like my Father, but I will do my best for all the people who support and helped me. I don't want to make this any longer but for the last time. I want to thank my parents who took care and loved me. And to Areum, the girl I love, I want to thank her for changing me. From this day, I promised to help a lot of people, those who needs my help. I will donate regularly for the orphanage, and I will assign some doctors to go to different places for free checkups and medicines..." Hyunjin continued talking

I am happy he finally found the better version of his self. The Hyunjin who is brave to face every problem. He finally walked out of the dark past he came from.

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