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Hwayoung's POV

"Noona! Wake up! You need to wake up!" I heard Elyz's voice and he started shaking me "Noona! It's already 8am! You should wake up"

"Let me sleep some more" I said and covered myself using my blanket

"It's already 8am. Wake up, please. I am hungry" Elyz

"My phone is on the table and text Seungmin. Tell him to buy you some food. It's not my job to wake up so early and feed you"

"Please, noona. I don't want to disturb him. I am sure he is with his friends" Elyz

"I am still sleeping"

"You are already awake" Elyz

I sat and sighed when he smiled at me.

"Noona, faster!" Elyz said and pulled my hands

"Fine" I answered and let him pull me to the kitchen "What do you want to eat? Order? Cook? What?"

"We should just order since I am hungry and I think you don't know how to cook" Elyz

"Why made you say that?"

"Look" Elyz said and pointed at my kitchen "It's so messy"

"But I still c-can cook"

"Whatever you say, noona" Elyz said and ran to the living room "Anyway, goodmorning!"

I secretly smiled and went to my room. I dialed a famous restaurant around here.

[Goodmorning, P**** restaurant]

"Hello, I want to order- Wait. What are you breakfast menu?"

[We have some pancakes, pizza and more. But we do have a breakfast set]

"Okay, I'll order the breakfast set"

[What is your address, Ma'am?]

"Building A, near the barbershop. Room 309, third floor"

[Okay, Ma'am. Thank you for choosing us, have a good day!]

"You too" I ended the call and lied down on my bed

I slowly closed my eyes when someone called.

Ali calling...


[I'm planning to treat the three of you later. Are you in?]

"I'm not sure"

[Too bad. Then, we will see you next time]

"Yep, sorry. Take care" I ended the call and put my phone on the side table

"Am I going to sleep here, again, noona?" Elyz asked as soon as he entered my room "You are always moving. I can't sleep"

"Yes, that's why I slept at the living room last night and I just slept here when you are deeply asleep"

He told me he can't sleep because I am moving and moving nonstop. I slept at the living room and just came back here when he is already sleeping. I think he woke up because I kept moving. After 20 minutes, someone rang the doorbell.

"Noona, I'll open the door" Elyz

"No, I'll do it. If the doorbell rang make sure to tell me, okay?"

"Yup" Elyz sat on the couch

I opened the door and it's the delivery guy, he gave me the order. I gave him the money and watched him leave. I closed the door and prepared all the foods on the table at the living room.

"Wow! Noona! Are we going to eat all of these?" Elyz asked


"Wow" he smiled

"You can eat now"

He nodded and started eating. He looks cute even when he is eating. I secretly smiled once again while looking at him eating.

"Shall we have some rules?"

"I think we should, noona" Elyz

"For my rules, I don't want to see mess-"

"But I just saw a mess in your kitchen" Elyz

"I-I just forgot to clean it up since you guys showed up and I was so tired" 

"Whatever you say, noona" Elyz

"So, the first is, I don't want to see a lot of mess here. If you are going to play make sure to put it at the right place. Second, I want you and me to sleep early and won't stay late at night, unless we both agreed to watch some movies together. Third is, don't wake me up so early. You can order using my phone and wake me up if the order is already here. Fourth is, don't open the door if the doorbell rang, make sure to tell me or wake me up. Fifth, if someone ask who you are, tell them you are my cousin at my Mom's side. Sixth, we will clean every weekend together" 

"Isn't those to easy, noona?" Elyz

I looked at him. 

"Just kidding! Can I have my own rules?" Elyz

"Sure, you can" 

"Please don't move when I am sleeping with you. I am a light sleeper and I always wake up with one move. But I'm not telling you to sleep in the living room" Elyz

"From now on, you aren't going to sleep with me"

"What? Why? Am I going to sleep here?" Elyz

"You will have your own room"

"Really?!" Elyz excitedly shouted

"Want to see it?" 

He nodded and smiled.

"Follow me" I said and I can hear his small footsteps behind me. I opened the door "We still need to clean it. Should we clean it today?"

"Wah! This is big! Yehey!" Elyz smiled and went inside

"You excited?" 

"Yes! I can't wait!" Elyz

"Shall we continue eating?" 

He ran to the living room and continued eating. I sat and continued eating as well. 

"Noona, are you living here alone?" Elyz

"Yep, my family is living in states. I have two older brothers" 

"Ah, I do have one older brother and one older sister. I already met my sister before and last night. But I never met my brother even once. Eunji noona told me that he doesn't know anything about me" Elyz

"Soon you will live with them too" 

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I quickly ran and opened the door "Hyunjae?"

"Hey, I hope you don't mind visiting you today" Hyunjae smiled

"N-No" I smiled back

"Noona! Your food is waiting!" Elyz shouted

"You have a visitor too?" Hyunjae

"Who is that?" I heard Elyz ran to the door "Hello" he greeted and smiled

"Hi, who are you?" Hyunjae asked as he sit down to face Elyz

"I am Park Elyz" Elyz

"My nephew" 

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