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Hwayoung's POV

"Wait a minute" I said and ran to the refrigerator to get us water

I went back to living room carrying the pitcher full of water and two glasses. 

"Thanks, noona!" Elyz smiled

"Let me help you" Hyunjae said and he filled the glass with water and gave it to Elyz "Do you want to go to the mall tomorrow?" 

"Why not now?" Elyz

"I have things to do" Hyunjae

"Then, are you free tomorrow?" Elyz asked

"I'm not sure about it but I'll call your noona to update you" Hyunjae

"Okay, I'll not hope but I'll wait" Elyz

"Goodboy!" Hyunjae smiled at Elyz and messed up his hair

I continued trying not to look at Hyunjae. Why is he here? Can he just leave? Damn. His phone suddenly rang and he quickly looked at it. He typed on his phone and turned it off.

"I need to go now" Hyunjae told Elyz

"Already?" Elyz

"Yeah, my Father needs me" Hyunjae

"Okay, I'll see you again, hyung" Elyz smiled at Hyunjae

I walked Hyunjae to the door and waited for him to go but he is not leaving. 

"I hope you will still change your mind" Hyunjae


"It's okay. I will wait" Hyunjae smiled and left

I sighed and closed the door. 

"Elyz, let's clean all of these then let's clean your room" 

"Alright, noona" Elyz said and started cleaning 

I quickly helped him clean "The leftovers, make sure to put it on the table in the kitchen, I'll take care of it" 

"Okay" Elyz answered from the kitchen

I wiped the table and sweep the floor. I put all the leftovers inside the refrigerator since we still can eat it. 

"Noona! Let's clean!" Elyz said and dragged me inside the room 

There's a lot of boxes and dust all over the room. I quickly brought two mops, dustpan, two brooms, and two towels to wipe the walls. 

"Let's fold all the boxes and put it inside this plastic bag" 

Elyz nodded and started folding the small boxes. I folded the big boxes and put it inside the plastic bag. I saw Elyz sighed when he is struggling to fold the next box. I went to him and helped him. 

"How about you sweep the floor? I'll take care of this" 

He nodded again and started sweeping the floor. As I finished folding the boxes, I helped sweeping the floor and the walls to remove the dust in the room. I put the plastic bag outside the room and filled the mop bucket with water. 

"Let's mop" I said and gave him the other mop

He started moving and was struggling to mop the room because the mop was too big for him. I laughed and continued mopping around the room. 

"Elyz" I called and jokingly threw small amount of water to him

Elyz looked at me and there's a shocked on his face. He just laughed and threw me a lot of water. 

"Stop, stop. Let's clean now" 

Elyz giggled and continued mopping. As I finished mopping, I wipe the walls to remove the remaining the dust using wet towels. 

"Noona, don't you miss your Family?" Elyz asked

"Ofcourse, I do" 

"Really? Are they staying there for good?" Elyz

"Yeah, let me ask you something. Seungmin said you knew that your Father is in prison. Don't you miss him?" 

"Ofcourse, I miss him so much. I cried that night but I think's it's the best for him to stay there. They told me he stole a lot of things and he has a lot of debts. I want him to reflect about what he did" Elyz

"You are so young but you know a lot of words. I met a lot of kid who's in the same age as you but they are not talking like you" 

"Is this not normal?" Elyz asked

"Ofcourse, it is. But you are so amazing. I bet you will have a great future" 

"I want to be a doctor like Eric hyung" Elyz


"I want to take care of all those people who needs to be healed. I saw a lot of people in the hospital begging to heal them but the doctors won't because they don't have enough money" Elyz

"So, you want to help them?" 

"Yes!" Elyz

"Such a nice boy" 

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. 

"I'll go with you, noona" Elyz said and we went to the door. I opened it and showed Seungmin with his friends "Noona!" Elyz shouted and ran to the girl

"Hi, how are you here? Are you giving noona a hard time?" I bet she's Eunji?

"No, I'm always helping her here. Right, noona?"
Elyz looked at me

"Ofcourse" I smiled

"These are my friends Hyunjin, Chan and Eunji" Seungmin

"Isn't she the girl in the video?" Chan

"Y-Yeah, that's me. Oh, anyway, come in" 

They saw the fucking video!!!!! Argh!

They entered the apartment while Elyz is holding his noona's hand. 

"Thank you for letting Elyz stay here" Eunji smiled at me

"No, it's okay. I am actually having fun. I am alone here but thanks to him" 

"Did you two played with water?"
Eunji asked

"We cleaned my room. Yun noona gave me my own room!" Elyz excitedly answered

"Thank you so much" Eunji

"Oh, I forgot. I'm Nam Hwayoung, you can call me Yun" 

"Park Eunji" she smiled

"I'm Bang Chan" Chan shake hands with me

"Hwang Hyunjin" he smiled

"Do you want anything?" 

"No, it's okay"

"We just ate" Eunji

"You" Hyunjin


"Hwang Hyunjin, what are you saying?" Eunji

"What? She's single and I am" Hyunjin

What the hell???

"She just broke up with her ex" Seungmin

"And they are not in a relationship anymore, right, Yun?" Hyunjin smiled at me

"Ha ha ha y-yeah" I laughed awkwardly

Seungmin just rolled his eyes.

"So, may I ask if you are dating someone?" Hyunjin

"What the hell, Hyunjin?" Chan

Seungmin sighed and rolled his eyes once again.

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