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Hwayoung's POV

"W-What?" Seungmin looked at me

"Let's end everything..." I looked into his eyes "between us"

"What do you mean?" Seungmin

"I don't want to see you anymore. But don't worry about Elyz. I will still take care of him and will keep him"

"Wait- What are you saying? What do you mean by end everything between us?" Seungmin

"Can't you understand? I said I want us to end everything between us. Let's not cross paths anymore"

"You must be kidding me right now? Hahahaha" Seungmin laughed

"I'm not"

He looked at me.

"I am serious. I want us to stop"

"Why?" Seungmin asked and held both of my hands "W-What's the reason?"

I stayed quiet.

"Why did you suddenly changed your mind?" Seungmin asked again

"I-I don't like you"

"W-What? Can you even hear what you just said to me?" Seungmin

I nodded

"If you are pranking me, fine, I believe you now. Just stop. I hate this kind of feeling" Seungmin

I stayed quiet and trying not to look at him.

"Okay, you are not pranking me? You must be testing my patience? Okay. I love you, Hwayoung. I will never let you go easily. So, please stop this. I still have a confession to make" Seungmin

"I'm sorry"

"Hwayoung, I'm begging you" Seungmin held my hands so tight


"I don't need your fucking sorry! Tell me your reason! I want to know why are you doing this?!" Seungmin

"Y-You want to know the truth?"

Seungmin desperately nodded.

"I don't like you"

"W-What? Nam Hwayoung-" Seungmin

"You said you want to know the truth. You should believe me"

"How can I believe that? You told me you want to spend your life with me. You said you are willing to live forever with me. It was you who started the promise. What are you saying right now?" Seungmin

"I-I'm sorry"

"Please, I don't need your sorry! I need you to make me understand! What the hell made you change your mind?! Huh?! Tell me, Hwayoung" Seungmin begged as tesrs flowed from his eyes "P-Please, I'm begging you. Tell me why?"

"L-Last night, I just used you. The day I met you, the first time we met, it was p-planned. I already know it all. I planned to get close to you. I planned to make you fall inlove with me and leave you"

He looked at me with full of hope in hi eyes.

"I guess, I succeed on making you fall for me. Now, I just need to leave you"

"P-Please, don't leave me" Seungmin cried

I didn't say anything and looked at him.

"Hwayoung, p-please. You promised to stay with me forever. Why are you doing this to me? You know how much I love you but how can you say those like I don't mean anything to you" Seungmin

"Because it's true, you are nothing to me, you are just my toy. After playing with you, I will leave whenever I want"

"Y-You said I love you to me. Don't you remember?" Seungmin

"I do remember but I don't care about that now. That means nothing to me, I already told you. Please, excuse me" I stood up and tried to remove his hands but he is holding me tight

"I-I am begging you, H-Hwayoung. Don't leave me p-please" his voice cracked

"I'm sorry, Seungmin" I said and removed his hands

I quickly left him but my own feelings betrayed me. My tears started falling as soon as I left Seungmin at the second floor. I left the restaurant and ran to the bus stop. I waited for a couple of minutes and the bus finally arrived. I quickly got in and cried quietly. You did well, Yun. You don't have to feel bad. This is for him and not for you. You are saving him from danger. It's better to break his heart than to see him dying. It's okay, Yun. It's better to see him being happy with someone else. You'll be fine. You have to be fine, Hwayoung. Please.

When the bus finally arrived, I quickly got out and walked to my building. I went to my apartment while I'm holding my tears. Elyz can't see me like this. I entered and saw no one in the living room. I went to Elyz's room and slowly opened the door trying not to wake him up. He is already sleeping.

I entered my room and cried my heart out.

Nam Hwayoung! Why are you being like this?! Seungmin needs to stay away from you! My phone received one message, I quickly opened and read it.

From : Seungmin

You must be pressured earlier. Rest well. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Hwayoung. I love you.

I turned off my phone and cried out loud. Damn this life. I've never been so happy like this in my life. But why am I so unlucky? Why does it have to be me? Can't I be happy? Damn you, Hwayoung. You should've listened to your brothers and now you are crying your ass out. Damn it. It's your fault!

"Noona? Are you crying?" Elyz asked as he open the door

"N-No, go back to-" I stopped when I felt him hugging me

"It's okay, noona. You can cry. Sometimes crying makes you feel better" Elyz said while still hugging me tight "It's okay..."

Argh! Why does he have to do this? I shouldn't cry!!! Damn it.

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