Chapter VIXI

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Blood poured from her mouth, one last death-defying stare as her hand slapped my face.

What had I done?

My huge hand slowly released Zora as her body fell to the ground. The traces of anger and regret left her as her lifeless body laid there in a pool of blood, small, frail, dead, she was dead.

Silence, long, horrible, agonizing silence as the heat radiated from my body and I looked at the hand that was now covered in filth. It could not be mine. I did not want such a thing.

The red lights littered the halls mocking me, revealing the remains of the fallen. I swore I heard laugher on the wind. I didn't mean to kill her.

"Please wake up!" I shouted, "Please Zora wake up. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to hurt you."

There was no response. The dead don't speak to the living.

Crick, crick.

The breaking of glass with each tapping footstep. A presence was behind me it was filled with hate.

"Argggghhhhhhh!!" I heard a scream behind me from a familiar-sounding voice as a loud clunk came upon the ground.

Was it pain, or was it anger?

I heard the gun cock and vibrant fury of cursing screams. I waited for it. I closed my eyes as I heard the sound when it was fired.

My body merely moved in response. It did nothing, like a pebble against a mountain. I turned to see who had fired to meet a face, I did not expect to see. It was  Chris. On realization, I covered my face.

"Monster!!" he shouted tears in his eyes as he tossed his gun towards my head. Missing by a fraction as it clanked upon the ground.

Wait, I said.

"Domenic? You, what are you? Why did you do that?"

I turned to face him as I saw the reflection of myself in the glass I was a monster. I was the same as the demons I had dreaded to get away from.

How was this possible? My face, my eyes, no this couldn't be me.

His body leaned slightly not sure what to make of it. It was almost like a combat stance.

"Are you really him?"

I was silent.

"Answer me you bastard what are you?"

"I am Domenic."

"Then when did we first meet?"

"I was sleeping in my car. You and another officer approached me."

"What the hell are you? Is that some sort of suit? Why is Zora there what did you do to her?"

I raised my hand out to touch her face hoping that she would somehow forgive me.

"Get away from her you monster!" He charged at me head-on.

I took a few steps back and then he was gone, torn into pieces. His body parts flew and sprayed like a mist. His face facial expression had not comprehended what had happened. It landed on the ground his eyes still facing mine.

He had condemned me.

I heard light steps on the ground as someone else approached me.

"Domenic, you're no monster and why should you feel sad, hurt, or loss over someone who wanted you dead?"

"I killed her, I am responsible for this."

"You only did what you had to do, no need to feel sad," she said.

Her hands caressed my face and brought them to her bosom.

"You don't have to be afraid, take my hand and let's go forth to the outside and see what awaits us there," she said, as she held her hand out to me. There was a comforting smile on her face.

I felt strangely relieved, safe in her presence. I didn't look back as I took it and my body rose until I towered over her.

Each step I took, I felt the building would shake. Each breath I drew carried heat. My back felt heavy as two huge wings bore down upon them. Black, I resembled black like the darkness I felt in my heart.

We walked side by side outside in quiet. The sky opened and through its doors came hell. Screams rang out in the distance as the red sky had turned dark from what fell out.

Lilith turned to me, her wings flapped. "Welcome, Domenic to the new world."

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