Chapter I

35 2 14

August 17th, 2022

How long had I been looking at myself in this mirror?

From every angle I turned, I looked human there was not a mark, bruise, or wrinkle on my face. Yet I knew it was not so as I saw darkness embodying the mirror that radiated from my very heart.

My eyes shifted around the familiar dark room as I lay on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling, I saw the lion looking down on me. I was home, but where was everyone? Where was my daughter? How long had I been waiting for word of them with nothing new to go on? When I had first come home, there were signs of a battle that had taken place, but beyond that no bodies to go by. Rainbow said they were still alive, but then where did they go and how had they survived for so long? This was the safest place for her to be while the world goes to hell, here or my mother's last resting place. I would never have that place turn into ruins. I would have beautified it all, if it were not for my fear of drawing too much attention towards it. Instead, my mother would receive fresh flowers upon her grave.

But for them to leave was this Mallory doing and did she take the box my mother had given me? It had to be someone that was in that room. Why did these futile thoughts keep taking up space in my mind? That child belongs to me and what is mine, nothing or no one will stop me from taking. The box, I will know the truth of it.

A knock came to the door outside.

"Mi Lord, dinner is ready."

"Thank you, I was beginning to feel hungry," I said.

"I whil pepa the plates, shall I ge entertainment?"

"Yes, that would be lovely."

Her loud pronounced steps carried through the halls causing the house to shake slightly.

I scratched my chin. I will have to get a name for her too. These servants were nothing like Ralph. That man was just one of a kind.

What will I do with this obsessive hunger that seemed to take me? This desire for something so foreign and peculiar.

I got up out of bed and adjusted my clothes as I stepped into the hallway.

I had made many changes to the halls and the rooms in my spare time. The inspiration came from the sights of what I had seen outside and my own time spent reading. The walls and rooms told a story about a battle of the gods. Zeus and Hades clashed from heaven and the pits of hell. Each wall, each room displayed a separate battle and a different god. Human beings were also a part of this war, caught right in the middle as unwilling participants. They battled between themselves as they were forced onto different sides or caught into mother nature itself. It seemed so lifelike as if you were actually experiencing it firsthand.

All it took was to get the right people and gather the required components and equipment. Only then would my ideas come to this level of grandiose. Even then, those few that saw my idea come to fruition marveled at it as they crafted their life's masterpiece. One last fulfilment before they were gone. The last few had worked today on the last room. Still, it was lonely not having many people to show it to.

I smelt the stew in the air, it had a great aroma. Barry number two had outdone himself, it seemed. To believe the other day he didn't know the difference between a fork and a spoon. Perhaps one day when my daughter is found she would come to enjoy these new treats.

As I came down the stairs, the servants all bowed in their darkened uniforms. Some still had stains upon them from their previous meals, which they had tried their best to hide. I wouldn't reprimand them for it today. Of course, everyone makes mistakes. Besides, it was not like I had anyone important to meet or a business meeting at home.

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