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kairi's LED lights caused a purple hue to coat the room, outlining his beautiful facial features. as soft music played in the background, mattia couldn't help but admire his perfect eyebrows, plump pink lips and sharp jawline. ethereal.

"-tia, mattia!" kairis soft voice interrupted his thoughts suddenly.
"hmm?" mattia looked him up and down slowly, causing a slight blush to settle on the wasian's cheeks.

"i said, do you want to go get food?" kairi asked again, indicating a slight annoyance in his tone. it was just the two of them at the house, scrolling through tiktok for hours on end. mattia glanced over to the clock on kairi's table, it read 12:32am in bright red numbers.

"don't you think it's a bit late for that?" mattia chuckled. kairi giggled a bit too, causing mattias heart to soar and fill with happiness. god, why is he so cute, mattia thought to himself. "i mean, if that's what you want shawty," mattia replied with a slight smirk, causing the blush on kairi's face to become deeper.

kairi punched his arm lightly, a small smile creeping on his face from the pet name.
"i wanna go to 711, i want candy," kairi mumbled, giving mattia puppy dog eyes, knowing his ways to get to the italian boy.

a soft sigh left mattias lips, observing the smaller boy next to him.
"fine, fine. get your shoes on before mr tickles arrives," he says, moving his hands towards kairi, slightly tickling his sides.

"a-aah! not the tickle monster nooo!" kairi exclaims, quickly getting up and running towards the door where his shoes were deposited at the start of the evening.

*time skip to arriving at 711*

the 2 teens swiftly pushed the door open, nodding their heads in acknowledgement of the tired-looking cashier. kairis eyes went wide as he sprinted to the candy aisle, eyeing it greedily. mattia laughed to himself, trying to keep up with the smaller boy.

kairi looked up to the top shelf of the aisle, seeing a bag of sour patch kids practically begging him to buy them. he made an attempt to jump up and reach them with a small grunt, but there was no such luck. he pouted as he saw mattia turn the corner, out of breath after chasing him.

the small boy made grabby hands towards the candy, causing mattia to smile widely. he put down the bags of chips he had already grabbed and reached up effortlessly to get kairi's candy.

"thanks matty!" the wasian beamed, earning an even bigger smile from the taller boy.
"no probs bubs, wanna grab anything else?" he questioned.
kairi blushed profusely and grabbed an arizona tea out of a nearby fridge. the boys walked towards the counter, paid for the snacks and thanked the cashier.

*time skip: back at kairi's house*

the 2 teens happily munched on their snacks, the sugar making kairi more hyper than usual. kairi had always admired mattia, and had had a crush on him since freshman year. he looked even hotter now, the way he crunched his chips displayed his sharp jawline and beautiful, soft lips. fuck.

mattia looked over and noticed the older boy checking him out. "you liking watchu see?" he joked, a smirk appearing on his face once more. the smaller quickly gasped and came back to reality, his face heating up quickly.

"n-no i-," he tried to stutter out as he felt mattia move closer to him, his warmth comforting the wasian. the smaller boys heart rate picked up as his eyes met the italian boy's lust-filled hazel ones.

before thinking, both boys leaned in slowly, their lips connecting blissfully after a moment. neither boy wanted this magical moment to end. kairi gasped into the kiss and wrapped his arms around mattia's neck, attempting to taste all of him. the taller wrapped his strong hands around his waist, pulling him closer.

after a few moments, both pulled away hesitantly, their deep breaths filling up the room. they locked eyes once more, both beaming as they felt their strong connection.

"you taste like candy," mattia giggled softly. kairi smiled at that and whispered "i love you bubba, you have no idea how long i've been waiting to do that."

"i love you so much," mattia replied lustfully, pecking the wasian once more on his lips, secretly loving the way he tastes.

the 2 boys snuggled up against each other, both unable to believe that the moment they had been waiting for had finally happened. they didn't quite know what they were yet, but they were sure of one thing.

they both shared a love for the taste of candy.

i'm new to wattpad 😋🤝. i've never written a story before but i've read so many cool ones and i'm bored in quarantine so why the fuck not. pretty please leave any requests you have, i would love to write your ideas! also leave any feedback you have, as i said i'm new and i'm not very good at writing 😔🤚🏻 anyways that's all, i hope you enjoyed and can leave me some requests, and i'll try to update soon xx

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