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mattia's pov (for whole story):

i locked my eyes on the road as one hand gripped the steering wheel, the other softly placed on kairi's thigh, gently rubbing it. the sun was beaming through the open window, the wind ruffling our hair and rushing all around us. the music was blasting as we zoomed down the road, dancing along goofily and screaming the lyrics like no one was listening. i had no cares in the world.

"i'm so excited matti," kairi giggled as we pulled into the car park for the waterpark. his eyes sparkled as he looked out the window to see the brightly coloured water slides twisted around everywhere, his feet tapping excitedly. i chuckled as i pulled into the parking space, bringing the car to a halt.

"c'mon baby," i said, gently squeezing his thigh. i hopped out of the car, looking through the window to the passenger side to see him plop out, his short legs barely reaching the ground. my heart melted as he waddled to the boot of the car, attempting to lift out the shared duffle bag we had brought. i heard his small grunts as he tried to carry it on his shoulder, struggling under the bag's weight.

"i got it, kai kai," i walked over to him, gently taking it off his shoulder and placing it over mine. he smiled up at me gratefully as i interlocked my hand with his smaller one, our fingers intertwining perfectly like puzzle pieces. we waltzed over to the entrance, kairi giddily walking faster as he gasped at all the fun slides like a small child.

"slow down buddy," i laughed as he enthusiastically pulled me along. we made it to the counter, purchasing our passes to get in and thanking the kind lady.

"bubba look, there's ice cream!!" the wasian boy squealed next to me, pointing to an ice cream stand in the distance.

"we can get some after bubs, we've got all day to explore," i replied, earning a small pout from him. the atmosphere surrounding us was absolutely buzzing. kids were running around everywhere, followed by the shouts of lifeguards as they called after them to slow down. screams of excitement could be heard from the fast waterslides, massive splashes of water coming out at the bottom. i didn't even know where to start.

kairi quickly threw his shirt off happily, revealing his honey toned skin and muscular chest. the chain around his neck gleamed in the sun and a massive smile was displayed on his gorgeous face. his board shorts were a beautiful red colour, they suited him so perfectly.

"hurry upppp matti, so slow!" he hurried me, tugging on my sleeve impatiently. i laughed as i brought my shirt over my shoulders swiftly, then bringing a hand up to my head to adjust my hair. i had decided on navy blue board shorts. he admired my body with heart eyes as i leant down and gave him a peck on the cheek. he smiled warmly at my gesture before i started running off without him.

"now who's the slow one?" i teased, as i saw an angry kairi running towards me. he caught up to me pretty fast, i swear he's secretly sonic. he softly punched my arm before grabbing it and dragging me to a nearby bright blue waterslide, giggling softly. music to my ears.

it was one for 2 people, both sitting in a raft. we climbed the stairs to the top, kairi hopping eagerly next to me as i cooed at his adorable he was. we grabbed a raft and placed it at the top of the slide, kairi climbing in first as the water rushed past us. i then carefully got in behind him, putting my legs either side of his petite figure. i snaked my arms around him as he leaned back onto me, and i made sure to hold him tight.

we pushed off the side, the raft picking up a quick pace as we energetically made our way down the slide. kairi let out cute screams as he kicked his legs happily, a huge grin plastered on his face. i felt the adrenaline course through my body as we turned the corner into an enclosed part of the slide. it was completely dark for a few seconds, making kairi and i scream even louder. i hugged him tight and placed a kiss on top of his head, causing him to turn around and peck me on the lips.

we'd been dating for months now, but i still found myself blushing at even the smallest things he does. he's just so cute. i felt myself snap back into reality as we turned yet another corner, causing the raft to climb the side of the slide.

"woohooo!" kairi and i shouted in unison, having the time of our lives. we could see the end of the slide soon approaching, water spilling out of the sides of the slide as we finally came to a stop. i could feel my heart beating out of my chest from the sudden rush of excitement, kairi was still squealing next to me.

"that was awesome!" he exclaimed, beaming up at me. i bent down and gave him a forehead kiss before ruffling his hair.

"yeah it was! come on, let's go on another one!" i said, this time it was me pulling his arm. we speed walked over to another slide, as to not get screamed at by the lifeguards for running. this one was a hot pink slide, it was a vertical one that went straight down.

i heard kairi gulp nervously next to me as he stared up at the fast slide. i put my hands on his shoulders and gently massaged him, making him relax into my touch.

"you got this bubs, i'll be right at the bottom waiting for you," i reassured him with a smile. he nodded his head eagerly and pecked my cheek before once more running to the stairs for the slide. we eventually made it to the top and i hopped into the top of the slide. i turned around and gave kairi a thumbs up before letting go of the bar, dropping myself down the slide.

i felt my heart drop to my stomach as i shot down the almost vertical slide, screams escaping my lips at how fast i was going. i made it to the bottom in a matter of seconds, my heart racing out if my chest and adrenaline pumping through my veins. i hopped out of the slide and looked back at the top, seeing kairi climbing in. i watched as he zoomed down the slide, laughing at his priceless expression. he came to a stop at the bottom, just sitting there in complete shock. i giggled at his face, he looked shaken up. he slowly climbed out of the slide, struggling to keep his balance as he held onto my bicep.

"that. was. incredible!" he shouted, grinning from ear to ear.

*time skip: a few hours later*

i was absolutely exhausted, and i'm pretty sure we had gone on every single waterslide in the entire waterpark. we were in the change rooms now, showering off after our long day of fun. i saw kairi turn the corner, a towel wrapped around his waist. water droplets dripped from his perfect figure, i could almost feel myself drooling. i saw a blush appear across his cheeks as he cheekily smirked at me before throwing on an over sized t-shirt and some shorts. i was already dressed. i admired his messy hair and godly facial features as we exited the change rooms, making our way back into the busy park.

"how about we get that ice cream?" i turned to the perfect wasian boy next to me, a smile on my face.

"yay!" he shouted, trying his best to run to the ice cream stand as his tired legs almost gave out underneath him.

a/n: imagine if this actually happened though 🥺
i wanna take this opportunity to thank you guys for all of your support on this book so far. it makes me so happy to see your comments! and we're almost at 4k reads which is INSANE. thank you.
i hope you're all staying well during isolation, and i hope you guys aren't going batshit insane yet (i'm definitely not, aha ha 😳)
so much love 😚💋

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