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mattia's pov:

i slammed my car door shut, making sure to lock it before wearily approaching the front door. i couldn't believe that this shitty ass day was finally over and that i could finally see my beloved boyfriend. i slowly opened the door and walked inside the warm house, carefully closing the door behind me in case my baby was asleep.

i chucked my keys and wallet on the counter and approached the living room. empty. maybe he's upstairs? it seems awfully quiet in the house, so maybe he went out to get food or something. but he would've left me a note if that was the case. i crept up the stairs and slowly pushed open the door to our shared bedroom.

"are you in here bubs?" i called out gently. i moved my gaze to the bed, where i could see a small figure tangled up in the bedsheets. i could hear soft, angelic snores, this chest lightly moving up and down to the rhythm of his breathing. my heart exploded from his cuteness as i walked over to the bed and gave him a soft forehead kiss.

i saw his eyes slowly open, they looked red, as if he had been rubbing them. it then occurred to me that his cheeks were tear-stained.

"bubba are you ok?" i questioned worryingly. he sat up slowly and sadly looked right into my eyes before shaking his head no. he flopped back down onto the bed and held his stomach tightly.

"m-my stummy hurt," he hiccuped between small cries, his voice full of pain. he started sobbing as his small body shook under the bed covers.

"aww baby it's ok, c'mere," i cooed, kicking off my shoes and getting into the bed. he shuffled in towards me as i wrapped my arms around him gently. i softly rubbed his stomach and whispered reassuring things into his ear. i saw a small smile appear on his face as the whimpers slowed down a bit. he buried his face into my chest as i rubbed his tummy in circles.

"bubba why didn't you text me, i would've come straight home," i mumbled quietly, delicately running my fingers through his soft hair.

"i d-didn't want to d-disturb you," he replied, still whimpering slightly as he held onto my arms. i felt my heart break.

"nothing's more important to me than you bubs, i'm always here if you need me. you'll text me next time ok?" i whispered softly. he nodded his head gratefully and played with the hem of my shirt in his small hands.

"can we get some medicine?" he rasped out quietly. my poor baby.
he started trying to climb out of the bed, but i gently picked him up and tucked him back in.

"i'll get some from downstairs, i'll be 2 minutes," i told him, softly kissing him on the cheek. he mumbled his thank you as i slowly got up and walked towards the stairs.

kairi's pov:

i laid in the bed, waiting for mattia to come back upstairs. i was feeling just fine this morning, but i started to feel dizzy and my head was exploding. it was like i could see colours dancing all around me, my vision was going blurry. and then my tummy started to hurt, feeling like someone was stabbing me with a knife and twisting it around. i tucked my knees into my chest as i saw mattia re-enter the room, smiling softly.

he placed a few tablets with a bottle of water on the bedside table. in his other hand, he had a spoon of medicine. i could see it's orange colour, it smelled revolting. aw fuck no. this bitch really chose orange? he gently saw down on the bed next to my feet. i slowly sat up again and looked at him, and then back at the spoon. he sighed, knowing what was coming next.

"here comes the choo choo train," he exclaimed excitedly, trying to put the spoon in my mouth. it was met by my closed lips as i shook my head stubbornly.

"cmon bubba, it'll make you feel better, he pleaded desperately. i pouted, folding my arms.

"but this ones yucky," i mumbled ungratefully like a child.
"i know baby, i know. it's the only one we have though," he sighed.

he attempted to get it into my mouth again, failing miserably. i saw his face light up as he thought of an idea. oh no.

as he approached me with the spoon for the third time, he brought his hand down to my ass, gently squeezing it. in the 2 seconds that i gasped, he took the opportunity to carefully shove the spoon into my mouth. i hesitantly swallowed it before making a disgusted face at the taste.

"mattia!!" i slightly giggled.
"sorry baby it was the only way," he chuckled, raising his eyebrows.

i softly hit his chest and brought him in for a hug, secretly loving his safe and warm embrace. he wrapped his strong hands around me as his beautiful smell filled my nostrils, relaxing me.

he pulled away gently after a few moments, causing me to pout jokingly and for him to giggle at my reaction.

"i gotta start making dinner bubba, you can stay here or come down, depending on how you feel," he said lovingly, his soft eyes meeting mine. i nodded as he heaved himself up and exited the room.

mattia's pov:

i got out the rest of the ingredients for dinner as the water on the stove finished boiling. i started to pour the pasta carefully into the pot when i heard the small pitter pattern of someone's feet. i turned my attention to the stairs, where i saw kairi plopping down them slowly, being careful not to fall, still wrapped in his blanket.

he waddled over to me and looked up at me happily.
"are you feeling a little better baby," i smiled back down at him.
"i guess the disgusting medicine worked or whatever," he admitted, looking down at his feet.

i lifted his chin up and placed a bunch of kisses on his cheeks, his cute giggle filling the room.

"do you wanna help?" i asked hopefully. he nodded and looked into the pot, his face lighting up with glee when he found out we were having pasta. he started doing his little happy dance as i laughed, my face heating up at just his adorable he was.

i grabbed him a stool to sit on and placed it next to the stove, gently picking him up and sitting him on it. his small fingers grasped the wooden spoon, and i placed my bigger hand on top. he beamed up at me and i grinned back as we manoeuvred the wooden spoon together, the beautiful aromas filling the air.

a/n: hihi, i thought this was a cute idea 🥺
im also in shock, i can't believe this book has reached over 1k reads already! i started this book about a week ago for fun, not thinking anyone would read it, so thank you legends 😙🤝💗
feel free to comment any requests you have, i have too much time on my hands due to this dumb quarantine. make sure to vote as well teehee
- emily 😚

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