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a few weeks later...

mattia's pov:

ever since the boy had given me the beautiful sketch he did of me, i couldn't help but go back to the rooftop for more. tonight i was determined to find out his name. i turned my head to check the clock on my bedside table. 11:56pm. he'll probably be out soon, i thought to myself. i slowly arose from my bed, climbing out of my window and onto the rooftop. i inhaled deeply as i looked up at the familiar stars dancing in the sky.

soon enough, i saw him carefully climb out onto his rooftop across the road, sketchbook in his small hand. he glanced in my direction and smiled before plopping down, opening the sketchbook and roaming his hands along the page. i observed him for a few minutes as he grabbed out some pencils , delicately dragging them along the page into perfect lines.

i decided that enough was enough, i want to talk to him. i shifted around a bit to grab his attention. he eventually looked up and saw me, cocking his head slightly in confusion. i pointed to myself and then to his rooftop and he nodded slightly, chuckling to himself. i felt his gaze on me as i slowly climbed back into my room and then down the stairs to my front door.

kairi's pov:

holy shit he wants to come here?
i watched as he exited his front door, his hands nervously shoved in his pockets. his figure traversed the road, his footsteps the only faint noise in the silence of the night. he walked around to the side of my house where he had spotted a ladder and carefully made his way up, his gentle eyes looking up at me.

i stood up and held my hand out to his and carefully helped him up, his bigger hand enveloping around mine. i blushed as he brushed himself off and smiled at me. we both sat down, a comfortable silence surrounding us.

"uhm h-hi i'm mattia," he uttered softly.
"kairi," i smiled, our sparkling eyes meeting once more.

he smiled before looking down.

"i know you might think it's a bit weird for me to come here, but i wanted to thank you for the sketch, you're so good at drawing," he said, twiddling his thumbs nervously.

"it was no problem," i replied, looking down as well as my heart rate increased.

it was silent for a few moments as we both enjoyed each other's company, looking out into the dark night sky painted with stars.

"c-can i maybe see some more of your pieces," he questioned, licking his lips due to the cold.

"sure, if you want," i giggled, placing the sketchbook i'm his hands.

he carefully opened it, his eyes widening as they roamed the page lovingly.

"holy shit, you're amazing," he exclaimed, his brown orbs flickering across the decorated pages, a massive smile on his face.

i chuckled nervously and brought a hand to my head, combing it through my hair.

"t-thanks," i replied, my cheeks heating up.

"you know i kinda just wanted an excuse to come here and talk to you, you give off such cool vibes when i see you on the rooftop," he rambled, eyes still cast down at my drawings.

"i- me too, but i was too nervous," i giggled. god he's adorable.

he slowly closed the book before meeting my gaze, his cheeks a crimson colour as he too giggled softly.

"do y-you think you could teach me how to draw, i'm so bad and your pieces are s-so good," he asked hopefully.

i felt my heart soar as i nodded eagerly, a smile spreading across his face. i gestured for him to open the sketchbook again, and he opened it to a fresh page.

i picked up a red pencil and placed it into his hand. we looked down at both of our hands wrapped around the pencil, blushing hard. still holding his hand, i guided it towards the page and started drawing the outline of a rose. i gently let go as i gave him directions, giving him some other pencils to add splashes of colour to the page. he followed my directions, lightly shading in his drawing and adding small details.

20 minutes later:

mattia's pov:

i held my finished piece in front of me, kairi leaning in to get a better look. he smelt so good, like sweet peaches. his warmth radiated as i pulled him closer, my arm wrapping across his shoulders. he smiled cutely at me before focusing back on the rose i had drawn.

"you did so good," he praised me, a smile on his face.
"what can i say, i learnt from the best," i giggled.

he lightly punched my arm and snuggled closer to me, trying to steal my warmth due to how cold it was. i pulled him closer and rested my head on his shoulder, placing the drawing down next to us. i felt his head softly fall on top of mine as we admired the peaceful atmosphere around us.

"thank you for coming over, i wanted to talk to you so bad but i was too nervous," he admitted, his words slightly muffled as his head rested on mine.

"i couldn't help myself any longer, i can't help but admire you," i replied lazily.

he giggled, causing my heart to melt.

"i really like you, can you come over again tomorrow? maybe we can continue some lessons," he asked shyly.

"i would love that, rooftop boy," i replied teasingly.

he gasped and hit my chest lightly as i laughed, our laughter swirling in the air around us.

i eventually stopped laughing and slowly raised my head, my eyes meeting his as i looked at him lovingly.

"i really like you too."

a/n: hi 😈
sorry this isn't very good but someone requested this, i don't remember who :( thank you so much for writing your requests, i'll try to get to some soon. thank u all so much for your support on this book (over 800 votes whaaat), and your supportive comments about the events in this last week, you guys are incredible 💞💝💖💗💓💞❤️

here's a kith, now gimme one back 🥺❤️

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