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smut warning for you horny fuckers
if you couldn't already tell

kairi's pov:

fuck, i'm so late

i sprinted to my locker, snatching my books from my bag and slamming it closed. i ran like a maniac through the halls, desperately trying to find my history classroom.

why didn't my fucking alarm go off

i eventually located it and carefully opened the door, hoping no one would take too much notice.


i was met with the eyes of 20 students and none other than mr polibio, aka the hottest teacher in my school.

i gulped as i felt his harsh glare burn through me and slowly trudged over to my seat.

"LATE, cosentino, once again. you can see me after class," he boomed angrily.

i nodded slowly as a slight blush spread over my cheeks, before looking straight down at the table for the remainder of the lesson.

40 minutes later...


oh no. the end of the lesson.

my classmates scrambled to get their stuff together, wanting to escape the history classroom as soon as possible. they rushed past me to the exit, all of them running out of the doors, bumping into each other in the process.

i stayed frozen in my seat, heart rate going through the roof as i looked up to see mr polibio signalling for me to come to his desk.

i gulped and slowly got out of my seat, walking towards the front of the classroom to his desk. my breath hitched as i took in his appearance.

his tight black shirt outlined his muscular body, the first few buttons undone to reveal the honey skin underneath. a chain was hung around his neck, gleaming under the classroom lights. his raven black hair was messily parted, drooping down over his forehead and into his eyes. a manly smell lingered in the air around him, one that smelt like fresh linen and sandalwood.

he brought a muscular hand to his hair, combing through it to get it out of his eyes. he leant back in his chair as his brown eyes slowly raked across my body.

"so, what's the excuse today? this is your fourth week in a row being late to my class," he spat, eyes still glued on me.

"s-sorry sir, my alarm d-didn't go off," i rambled nervously.

"bullshit. that's the same excuse you've been using every week," he grumbled, an eyebrow raised.

"i s-swear, it's true," i mumbled.

"hmm. school rules say that if a student is late more than 3 weeks in a row that a detention is meant to be issued. i decided to give you another week to redeem yourself, but it looks like you're taking advantage of the situation," he sneered.

"please, sir, i can't get another detention. my mum will actually kick me out of the house," i begged.

"then i guess," he said standing up, "that we'll have to do this a bit differently."

he slowly approached me, causing my cheeks to redden as he got closer and closer.

he gently grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. he leant closer, hot breath tickling my neck.

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