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mattia's pov:

"c'mon matti!" my small husband shouted as his petite feet pitter-pattered across the warm hawaiian sand. i smiled to myself and i let my eyes admire the beautiful sight in front of us; palm trees swaying in the warm evening breeze against a mellow purple and pink sky.

i quickened my pace to keep up with kai, giggling at his enthusiasm. we eventually made it near to the shore, laying down our towels and belongings. there were other tourists dotted all along the beach, with staff wearing leis wondering around to offer tasty looking drinks.

i sat myself down on my towel, resting my weight on my hands behind me. i looked to my right and grinned, seeing kairi trying to figure out how to take photos with the special camera i had bought him for his birthday.

"here bubba," i laughed, placing my hand on top of his to guide him towards the correct buttons.

"thanks matti," he giggled as he snapped a photo of the elegant merge of colours above us.

he then flipped the camera, wanting to take a memorable selfie of us. i threw my arm over his shoulder and kissed his cheek as he smiled and blushed cutely, taking a snap of the moment.

"hi gentlemen, sorry to interrupt. would we like any drinks?" a friendly looking resort staff member offered, approaching us. he was holding a tray of colourful looking drinks in tall glasses, topped off with a small umbrella, as well as a slice of pineapple and cherry.

we smiled and thanked him, carefully grabbing a glass each before he walked off along the beach.

"well, cheers to our honeymoon! i can't believe i got to marry someone as amazing as you kai kai, i love you to the moon and back. we made a great choice with this trip, it's been amazing so far, spending every second with you. you're the best thing in my life and i want you to know how much i appreciate you," i babbled lovingly as i looked into his beautiful brown eyes.

i saw tears forming in his eyes as he smiled softly at me. i moved my thumb to caress his cheek, gently brushing away his tears of happiness.

"s-sorry i just love you so much. you've made me a much better person, made me realise who i was. i love you so so much, thank you for being here. i can't believe you're finally officially mine, and i can't wait to see what the future holds," he sniffled.

i kissed his forehead and rubbed the back of his hand softly, calming him down. we clinked our glasses together gently, celebrating our new marriage before taking a big sip.

he pulled me into a side hug, placing his head in the crook of my neck. i smiled and gently rested mine on top. we sat like this for a bit, enjoying each other's company as the rippling waves in front of us reflected the sunset.

3rd person's pov:

the peacefulness was soon interrupted as kairi started to get restless, he was still a child at heart. he looked out towards the sea, desperately wanting to jump into the nice warm water.

he started to slowly move his head, communicating to mattia that he wanted to sit up properly. mattia lifted his head up, giving kairi a confused look.

"can we go in the water pleaseee," the smaller begged, giving mattia puppy dog eyes.

the taller rolled his eyes and giggled.

"well, i guess we didn't wear our bathers underneath for nothing," he stated, starting to remove his shirt.

kairi followed suite, and they were soon standing in their bathers, tan skin glowing under the setting sun.

kairi offered his small hand out, causing mattia to interlock his much bigger one. their matching rings connected as they ran into the crashing waves together, laughing as the warm water splashed around their ankles and knees.

mattia splashed jokingly at kairi, being met with a death glare from the latter.

"oh it's on big boy," he smirked, splashing him back with force, causing mattia to let out a girly scream.

kairi's pov:

we were soon both soaked, laughing and panting heavily after our water fight.

"we might as well just go under," i chuckled, we were completely drenched.

"you first," he challenged.

"same time," i retorted.

"fine," he grumbled

"3..2..1.." i announced as i plunged my head under the water.

i rose to the surface, shaking my head quickly to get my wet hair off my face. i looked to the left to see that he hadn't gone under yet. i scoffed as he smirked at me.

"pussy," i mumbled, pushing him down under the surface.

"come out here kai, it's fun," i heard him shouting as he swam into the deeper parts of the ocean.

"i'm too short for that bitch, i'll drown," i grumbled, desperately trying to doggy paddle to stay afloat. let's just say i'm not the best swimmer.

i heard him chuckle before swimming back to come collect me. i giggled and jumped onto his wet back with much difficulty. i gently gripped his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist as he held them there securely, almost drowning in the process.

"i love you," we vowed at the same time. my arms were still resting around his neck as he held me on his back, looking on  in the distance as the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away.


why do i never know how to end these smh
this is definitely not edited so sorry for any mistakes

this was kinda a request but i couldn't be bothered to write smut rn sorry, just wasn't feeling it :(

thank you for reading bbies, have an amazing day 💗

i 👁 was ✨ a ❣️girl 👧 in 🎃 the village 🏠 doing 🥊 alright 👍 then 👾 i 👁 became 👽 a 🎄 princess 👑 overnight 🌒

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