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kairi's pov (for whole story):

i exhaled deeply, my face squished into my pillow as i laid on my side. i stared blankly at my lit up phone screen, i've been scrolling on tiktok for so long that i somehow reached the end of my fyp. i refreshed it finally, the first video that popped up was a weird old dude trying to lip sync to a random song with 3 likes. i sighed exasperatedly and screamed into my pillow. my whole body is stiff from lying in this hell hole for so long. why, you may ask? coronavirus. i've been quarantined in this house for almost a month, and my family is slowly making me go fucking insane.

i clicked on the settings app on my home screen, curious to know my screen time for today. 9 hours and 52 minutes. i groaned loudly and threw my phone next to me, staring up at the ceiling that was coated blue from my led lights. i started to think about what would happen if this quarantine didn't exist. my break wouldn't be ruined, i could see all my friends, i could go to the mall, eat out on friday nights...

my thoughts were interrupted when i felt my phone vibrating next to me. i patted the bed next to me without looking, eventually finding and picking up the phone. i brought it up to my face, seeing that mattia's contact had popped up. god i miss him so much. i smiled before pressing the green button to answer the facetime.

i saw his grinning face appear on the screen, making me blush and smile back at how cute he is. he should definitely smile more, it looks good on him.

"hey kai kai," he said softly.
"hi," i replied, in that stupid high voice.

"how are you holding up?" he chuckled at my voice.
"i'm bored as fuck, i miss you," i pouted.

"aw i miss you too bubs, gonna give you a nice fat wet kiss on the lips when i see you," he said, trying not to giggle. (a/n: yes, this was inspired by his tweet hehe)

i scrunched my face up in pretend disgust, although i was secretly wishing it would happen. my soft giggles filled the room as i picked my phone up, walking downstairs to get a snack, with mattia still on the call. i approached the kitchen, seeing my mum and maiya sitting on the couch in the living next door. they gasped in unison and exchanged shocked looks, seeing me come out of hibernation for the first time in days.

i rolled my eyes. "don't worry, i'm not staying," i said playfully. i heard them chuckle before i grabbed some oreos and started to make my way back up the stairs eagerly. i plopped myself back down on the bed, seeing that mattia had started playing gta on his xbox.

"yoo can i play with you?" i asked shyly, observing as his face scrunched up from concentration.

"of course baby boy," he replied lowly, his eyes still stuck in his screen, sending shivers down my spine and making my face light up gleefully.

i hopped onto my xbox and started up gta. ale and seb were playing with us as well, all of us excitedly shouting into our mics. we started playing some missions, the boys roasting me cause i wasn't very good. i fake pouted. "i hate it here." the boys laughed as i died once again. (a/n: i'm writing this based off their mixer streams LMFAO)

*time skip: a few hours later*

we had been playing gta for hoursss, mattia and i still talking and laughing on the call. ale and seb had left a while ago. i glanced over at the clock on my bedside table. 4:24am. i switched off the xbox and turned to my phone.

"aight i think imma hop off," i said to mattia as i stifled a yawn.
"nooo dont leave me," mattia pouted, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"bruh i gotta sleeeppp," i whined, my eyelids getting droopy.
"can we sleep together on facetime, it'll help me miss you less," mattia asked, a hint of hopefulness in his tone.

i felt my heart almost pound out of my chest, a heavy blush appearing across my cheeks.

"u-uh finee," i sighed as i heard a happy squeal from his end. i giggled as i settled into my bedsheets, cocooning myself.

i saw him getting comfortable, setting his phone on his bedside table as i did the same. "night bubba," he yawned, giving me a cute smile.

"night night matti," i replied, my heart melting. i saw his beautiful brown eyes slowly close, his long eyelashes fluttering as i heard his light snores. a small grin crept onto my face at how adorable and innocent he looked as i felt myself slowly drift off into a slumber.

a/n: this may or may not be based on my daily routine at the moment 😍
this is really shitty and short, i'm sorry 🥺. i promise the next one will be longer, this was really rushed lmfaoskdnsls. i really wanted to get something out for u guys cause we hit over 2k views, we literally gained more than 1k views since last chapter which is insane, so thank u 😚🥺
pls leave requests lmfao i need some inspiration
stay safe and make sure you're getting some exercise!

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