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* they're dating in this one :)

kairi's POV (for whole story):

my small legs dangled from the tall stool i was sitting on as my physics teacher's voice drilled into my skull. i glanced over at the clock on the wall for the millionth time today. fuck, it's only been 2 minutes since i last checked?

i used to love physics, as i could sit next to mattia and joke around with him all lesson. but my teacher being the old bitch she is put a seating plan into place cause we were all messing around or some shit. so now, mattia is in the back row and i'm right at the front. alone.

i was brought out of my miserable thoughts as a piece of paper hit the back of my neck sharply. "ouch," i squealed, looking back to see mattia smiling, a pen in his hand. i smiled back at him and slowly opened the paper, as to not attract the teachers attention. it read:

meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes bubs ;)
- mattia

i turned back around to give him the thumbs up as he raised his eyebrows at me and smirked. soon after, he raised his hand, asking to use the bathroom. an audible sigh was heard from the teacher, an annoyed expression taking over her wrinkly face.

"fine, just make it quick polibio."

the italian boy arose from his chair and walked towards the door at the front of the classroom, lightly hitting my ass on the way out. i let out a muffled cry as he tried to contain his laughter, striding out into the halls.

a few moments later, i too asked to use the bathroom. the teacher hesitantly agreed, stating the same thing she had said to my boyfriend. stupid bitch.

i gratefully zoomed out of my chair and into the halls, walking into the nearest bathroom, assuming that's where mattia was. i was greeted by the smell of his delicious cologne filling my nostrils as his strong hands snaked around my waist.

"i've missed you bubs," he whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

my heart melted as i looked at his perfect features, standing on my tippy toes to bring him in for a short but passionate kiss. my heart fluttered as he pulled me closer, deepening the kiss while squeezing my ass. i moaned softly, feeling his smile against my lips.

we disconnected after a while as he sat on the counter, patting his lap to indicate for me to sit there. i waddled over and plopped onto his lap, burying my blushing face into his neck.

"i love you matty," i mumbled against his soft neck, feeling his arms wrapped tightly around me in a hug.

"i love you more mamas," he replied, making my blush deepen. we stayed like this for a few minutes, swaying against each other and appreciating each other's company.

mattia unwillingly unwrapped his arms from me and sadly said "the old bat's probably wondering where we are, we need to go back." i sighed and gave him one more kiss on the cheek before walking back out into the halls.

as we re-entered the classroom together, all eyes were on us. "and what took you two so long hmm?" the old lady questioned. "don't worry about it miss," mattia said with a wink. i laughed to myself as i sat back down in my seat, glad that it was nearly time to leave this hell hole.

god, i love mattia polibio.
i'm gonna marry him one day, mark my words.

and that's a wrap! thanks for reading 😚
feel free to leave me any requests, im bored as fuck in quarantine and would love to write your ideas
- stay safe 😋✊🏻

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