Chapter 18

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I spent the next couple of days in meetings. Thomas accompanied me and stirred up some trouble every now and then. Some of my advisors wanted me to banish him from the castle or confine him to his quarters for the duration of his stay. But I told them about what's been happening and they all shook their heads.

"You're all too quiet here....Make some noise...make as many mistakes as you want don't need to be so perfect."

They all let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Our former King...your late husband... forced us to be silent....not one mistake or we'd all be done for.....Thank goodness we weren't left with a ruler as cruel as he." My head advisor Reginald murmured. For such a big guy he spoke and held himself so low and quiet. But him talking about my late husband's behavior explains why he carries himself this way.

"Before I dismiss you for the day. I'd like a make a decree. 'All laws made my late husband are abolished."

They all gave me wide but confused grins.

"You're being serious your highness?"

"Yes, in fact. Everyone that was thrown in the dungeons under his brief rule. I want to ensure that they all get a fair trial."

They all smiled and bowed as they left the room.

Within the next few days, countless servants were declared not guilty. Free to go about their lives under the fair Queen. I became swamped with thank-you letters from the families of said servants. Thanking me for my generosity. But the best part of all was it wasn't quiet anymore. All throughout the day, you could hear the hustle and bustle of servants and guards. Some stop to talk to me briefly before going back to whatever they were doing.

"Seems like things aren't so quiet now...Looks like I should be heading back to Zairyn."

I grabbed his wrist as he walked to his room.

"Plants wither without water."

"You're a cactus you can go a long time without me, Lily."

"I'm still Lily. I need my twin."

He hugged me to his chest. And kissed the crown of my head.

"I'll visit you so much you'll wish I didn't."

"I'd like that," I said nuzzling into his chest.

"Your highness!" Someone shouted

We broke our hug and turned in the direction of the shout. Reginald was running towards us.

"Yes, Reginald."

"Your highness, a distant relative of your late husband has come to the castle. They've come claiming that they are the rightful heir to the throne."

"Have them meet me in the throne room. Thomas would you please accompany me for moral support."

"Of course."


In the throne room, I was met with a gangly woman about as old as my mother.

"Your Majesty, this is miss Georgia Amelia Cotton....A distant aunt of Jonathan."

"Nice to meet you, your Majesty.Your Highness." She said bowing to me and my brother.

"Nice to meet you too Miss Cotton. I don't believe I saw you at the wedding...or the funeral."

"I didn't get an invitation to either."

"A pity. I would've loved to meet more of my late husband's family. That isn't in the gallows or amongst the dead."

"I would've loved to meet you too. Word has it that you were quite bold. Suscept a throne within minutes after the coronation and wedding.A throne that would've gone to me if not for your marriage to my nephew."

"All hold true. I'd be happy to have you and any of your descendants in line for the throne after my brother."

"If I don't have any children."

Georgia's smile dropped at that sentence. The thought of her and children never really having a clear claim to the throne. After me, my brother and after any children we have. She crossed her arms.

"I think you should step down and allow me to rule. Then you rule after me."

"I am the rightful ruler through marriage. Making me the Queen of Stocaea. And I was adopted to be the daughter of Queen Ember Scylla of Zairyn making me a princess. What authority do you have besides age? What titles and land do you have claim over? " I said matching her stance.


"A potential heir to the throne of the Stocaea Dynasty," I said cutting her off. I smiled big and bright as I stood up. Vines protruding from my sides and snaking down my legs. "You can take the throne. You just have to run and touch the throne....Without me touching you....I'll step down if you succeed."

"I accept the challenge."

"Guards are not allowed to assist. All along the edges of the room. Anyone who assists will spend the next week in the dungeon." I ordered.

Georgia stood in the middle of the room. She started to make a run for it. A vine rushed towards her. And barely missed her. She weaving around the vines. She got the throne and her fingers grazed the throne until two vines grabbed her wrists. A third grabbed her ankle. Dragging her back to the center of the room.

"So close...maybe one of your children will have a better chance. You are dismissed but you are free to stay in the castle. You are family after all."

My vines retracted from her. And she bolted out of the room. I never saw or heard from her again.

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