Part 25

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Patty walked home from the restaurant. It has been a one hour walk and her legs were killing her but she needed time to calm herself down. Tears have soaked her whole face and people have been beeping behind her but she didn't care, she has been in her own world.

She was this close to telling him and Brad had to ruin everything. She didn't blame him though bacause deep down she felt it was her own fault. She should have told him the second he came after her feom Italy.

Patty unlocked her front door and sat down on her sofa. Everything was silent and then it hit her, all of Joe's sftuff was gone. He was gone. Tears started to fall down again as she layed on the soft sofa, falling asleep in tears.

Heavy cramps woked Patty up the next morning and she was happy her next appointment was scheduled today. She went to the bathroom and removed the dress that only reminded her of painfull time. After looking herself in the mirror she saw her baby bump is getting bigger and bigger. "Finally." She chuckled and when most girls feel disgusted by gaining waight and being round she couldn't wait for it.

Patty opened the water and stepped into the shower, which was a perfect excuse to cry out the pain.


Joe sat in his new office, typing on computer. It's been over a week since he returned to New York and he still had not called her. He didn't know what to say, how to apologize for acting like an idiot but he tought he couldn't take care of someone else's baby. Now he knows he should of stay, he misses her way too much.

He made a promise to himself, he would get as good in his work as he was before if not even better. "Amy, bring me those files I have to sign." He ordered his secretary that resembles Patty way to much. "You can leave now."

Amy walked slowly towards him, leaning on the table in feont of him. "Is there anything I can do for you sir? Anything?"

Joe looked at her exposed chest and for a second he tought about taking her because a week with out sex is torture for him. But then he tought about her... "No, there is nothing you can do." He highlighted the word you.

He threw himself in work as days, weeks, months went by but he still didn't made an efford to call her. Joe scrolled through the calledar and saw March 9th circled in bold red. "Crap it's Nonna's birthday next week." He cursed himself because he totally forgot about it. He quickly packed his stuff and locked his office down.

He rubbed his head as he wated to remember the last time they spoke. She called him manny times at the bigining but because we wouldn't return the call she stopped. "Maybe I should send her the present?" He tought out loud, loving the idea.

Can't Have You (#wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now