Part 31

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"Good morning ma'am. This is your last day at the hospital." The kind nurse greeted, bringing a bunch of pappers and a pen. "You have to sign all of these before leaving." She smiled, whinking to the little girl that was laying in the bacinette.

Patty exhaled deeply, not knowing what to write on the section where the father's name should be written. "Should we call your dad?" She giggled when her daughter opened her eyes and smiled. "You are right princess, we should call him right now."

Patty grabbed her phone that was charging on the night stand and dialed his number. She deleted it a few months ago but she memorized it in her heart. After a few rings a woman picked up. "Halo? Is anyone there?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I think I typed the wrong number." Patty giggled, thinking nothing of it. "I was just surprized the woman answered and I was calling a man." She chuckled and when she was about to say goodbye her heard dropped.

"Were you calling Joe?" The woman asked. "He is taking a shower but I can tell him to call you back."

"No, no... I will try again later it's not that important." Patty lied, trying to hold herself together just for the call to end. "Good day ma'am." She hang up fast and pulled a cover over her head. "He already moved on." She sobbed.

Half year later Patty struggled in her life. She barely collected the money to buy food due to not being abble to work as much as she did before. One day she got a visit from Nonna and Monica who dragged her and little baby with them to Italy. "It's only temporary." She would say to herself but she knew she was better off living with them. They both were.

By now her heart was over Joe. The last time she ever tought about him was the day her heart was ripped out of her chest back at the hospital, and replaced with a rock. She was over him and she promised herself to never feel again for anyone like she did for him. To never let her love for someone be as strong as it was for him.

Patty was in the best shape of her life and there were some man in her life after that day but she used them for what she wanted and never gave them anything in return.

When they settled in Italy things started moving forward carrer wise. She started working in the restaurant and not long after she bought land next to Nonna's and started building her own house. Not the big one that were usual in that area but a small one with a yard where her daughter could play in and a barn where she will keep her horses. That was what she always dreamed about and her life was perfect until one day, a week before Sofia's first birthday, Joe decited to show up and mess things up.

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