Part 38

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"Joe!" Nonna spoke loud behind him as he was standing at her porch. "You need to stop with this nonsence." She pushed him in the house and sat him down on a sofa like he was five and did something wrong.

"Nonna..." Joe protested but he was silenced again by the lady who raized him.

She sat down next to him but this time she was not sweet and understanding, she was pissed and annoyed with how he talked to Patty a few days ago. "I'm not gonna tell you again how stupid you are but standing in a porch, looking at her house every day won't bring her back to you."

Joe looked at her, embarased because she knew exactly what he has been doing. "What? I am not!"

"Stop being a chicken and go talk to her. Now!" She pulled him hard by his hand until his legs were hard on the ground. "Go before she leaves for good."


"Auuu!!!" Joe screamed as his butt hit the hard concreat. He layed there on his back, feeling sorry for himself until he spotted Sofia coming. "Oh hey." His lips turned into a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Sofia kneeled down so she can talk to him more quiet. "Mommy said I can't talk to you."

"I came to apologize." He whispered back, looking for where their dog is. "Is she home?"

"Sofia, what did I say about talking with straingers?" Patty walked towards them picking her up. "Where is that dog?" She looked around, completely ignoring Joe.

"Please can we talk?" He stood up, begging.

She still didn't look at him as she was walking back to her house. "No."

"You have no idea how hard I've been trying to reach you for the past week. There was the dog who absolutely hates me, then it was the electric fence. That was brutal by the way." He chuckled as he rememberd how it shook him to the bones. "And that time I climbed over the fence and a grabbed a snake!!"

Patty hid her smirk, walking away. "So the fence is good to keep unwated animals away."

"C'mon if I try it once more it might kill me." He almost begged.

"I have absolutely no problem with that." She finnaly turned to look at him. "I give you three minutes. Talk."

"Three?! I can't tell you everything so fast." He tried to grabb her hand but she pulled it away.

"One and a half then. Now speak." She got annoyed but she wanted to hear what he has to say.

Joe pulled his hand to himself and took a step away. "I am sorry for the nasty words but please don't leave. I need to see my baby girl." He almost cryed and she never saw him that hurt. "I will leave you alone but don't take her away from me."

"I wasn't going to." She closed the door after Sofia went inside. "She needs her father but I don't need you let's make that clear. Even if I love you." She looked at him with round eyes, blurting out the words.

"You love me?" He smiled as he took a few steps back. "So it's not to late for us?"

Can't Have You (#wattys2019)Where stories live. Discover now