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Jihoon just stared at his father looking at him through the door. Papers flew everywhere getting stepped on and crumbled.

"What have you done?" Asked his father slowly walking into the room.

Jihoon shook his head, "No! What have YOU DONE?! YOU MADE ME THIS WAY YOU ASSHOLE! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" He grabbed the collar of his father shirt about to punch him.

"Jihoon stop!" Yuna ran up to him and pushed his arm off. "I know you're upset, but let him explain."

"Yuna are fucking serious?! All the proof is right here in this damn file! He doesn't have to explain shit to me!"

"Stop it! There's more to it! The file said that were already born with strength. You weren't normal in the first place!"

"What are you talking about?" He stepped back trying to calm himself.

"The file says that the reason for the experiment was for healing. They were probably trying to heal you."

"Heal me from what? All I had was strength. Are you saying that I was a threat from the start?"

"That's enough already!" His father yelled going in between the both of them. "You don't understand any of this. Your mother and kept this a secret from you because we knew you'll end up being like this. We were planning on telling you just not right now."

"You should've told me from the start you fucking asshole. You just wanted me to live miserably as a fucking monster!"


Jihoon stopped, "A mistake?"

Yuna stood against the walk giving them space. She knew how angry Jihoon was, but she knew that if she went in the way of them he might hurt her accidentally.

His father sighed, "We didn't mean for any of this to happen to you." He sat down, "You weren't supposed to be like this. We were trying to make you normal."

Jihoon sat in front of him, "What are talking about? Was I threatening? All I had was strength?"

"It wasn't normal strength though. You were born with supernatural strength. It was like you were Superman, and you didn't know how to control it. It made you dangerous."

There was something behind his voice that sounded hesitate. He was hiding something else from Jihoon. How dangerous was he really?

"Is there more? What gave me the ability to transform?"

His father shook his head shamefully, "There was an accident that happened. One of our assistants mistakenly mixed up the wrong formula and didn't double check to see if it was right, so he inserted it into you with a syringe." He rubbed the back of his head. "Your mother and I weren't aware of it until a week later."

"Is there a way to change me back?"

"No..... I'm sorry."

Jihoon stood up and walked out of the room without saying anything else. Yuna followed him.

"Jihoon wait. Where are you going?" She followed him outside into the woods. She knew where he was going.

He didn't look back he just kept walking. There was something different about where he was going. It was not the same way that he would usually walk through.

Yuna kept following him, but kept her distance. She saw his hands were in fists. He needed his space.

They walked through an abandoned dirt path that was next to a river. This side of the woods looked haunted. It only became darker before it got lighter.

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