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ALONE. BEE felt utterly alone.

Bee's friends were confused, in the past week she had stopped talking to them all and now the only time Bee spent with another person was the nights she spent with Roger.

Beatrice had gradually stopped showing up to Defence Against The Dark Arts and Transfiguration and the only lesson she still attended was Divination, if she didn't go that she'd probably go insane.

Or maybe she already was insane.

The heavy bags under Bee's eyes had become a permanent feature on her pale face. She never used to wear makeup during school but now it was a regular occurrence. The colour of her lips had drained to a very pale tan rather than their usual light pink.

Trelawney continued to ask Bee how she was feeling, but even her favourite teacher couldn't get Bee to speak up. The blurred together "I'm fine" had become Beatrice's most used words.

Fred hadn't gotten a lot of sleep and George was worried. His twin had become more quiet over the and hadn't taken part in a prank in the past week.

"Hey Freddo, do you wanna go into Hogsmeade today. Everyone else has plans to it's just us." George grinned at his brother, eager to get some one on one time.

"I think I'm gonna stay here today, sorry Georgie."

"Oh-Okay" George left the dorm to head to Hogsmeade with the girls.


Bee lay in her bed, tears streaming down her face. It had gotten to the point where her throat had gone dry she had been crying that much.

What had she done.

Bee hadn't eaten in a couple of days, she had to get some food inside her. The blonde made her way down to the kitchens, her stomach rumbling.

Beatrice closed the kitchen door behind her, excepting to find the room empty. However she was surprised to find Cho and Luna Lovegood eating lunch.

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb."

"Bee! I haven't seen you in so long, give me a  hug" Cho leapt out of her seat to squash her friend.

"You weren't interrupting by the way, it's not like we were on a date." Luna said in her dream-like voice. "Come and join us."

Bee sat down, the girls noticing her puffy red eyes.

"I haven't seen you with your friends recently" Luna said bluntly.

BETTER HALF OF ME | fred weasley ✔️Where stories live. Discover now