-Chapter 23: His majesty-

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"Delivery for produce," Alexander said in the most British accent he could muster (If you've seen Mary Poppins, you know exactly how it would sound like) as he stopped in front of the gates. "From where?" The guard guarding the gate asked. "From America," Alexander replied. "I'll check the list while my partner checks the produce," The guard said before walking away. The other guard, who looked much more intimidating, walked around the carriage. 

He opened the body of the carriage and saw nothing but produce. On the rack behind the carriage were some crates. He opened all the crates and checked inside. In the last one, he found a ripped bag with some flour still in it. "Your produce is tampered with," He notified Alexander. "It was a rough transmit. Apparently some little kids opened the crate and sat in it. I wasn't planning to drop it off at the palace," Alexander lied nonchalantly. Technically, he wasn't really lying. The flour bag did get damaged because of some kids.

After listening to Alexander's excuse, the guard tipped the whole crate over, smashing it to bits and pieces on the ground. All the flour and products spread over the dirt road. "Better safe than sorry," He said in a low growl. The guard couldn't see it, but Alexander gulped.

"The queen wanted these to be delivered as quickly as possible, lad," Alexander said after catching his breath. "Wouldn't want to be late," He said and looked straight ahead of him. The other guard came back with a list. "Weren't there supposed to be two of you?" He asked Alexander. "Oh, my mate had some other business to attend to. Straight orders from the queen and I had to leave shortly after," Alexander explained.

Both of the guards looked a bit suspecting but Alexander knew that mentioning the queen and mentioning the magic words: 'as quickly as possible' would give him an immediate pass. And so they did let him through eventually. 

Alexander patted himself on the back. Now his only concern was the two youngsters. He had told them to hop off the carriage before entering the city walls. The only thing they had to do was sneak in with the crowd and enter the palace. And so they did.

Mostly looking down and following the biggest crowd, they found their way into the storage room which leads to the kitchen. "Where's your dad?" Y/N whispered as the kitchen staff grabbed produce and headed to the kitchen. All hands were on deck over there. Chefs, maids, courtiers, nobles, everyone was in the kitchen. Making food, tasting the quality of the food, checking the produce, plating, etc. It was a full-on process.

Y/N quickly got hold of an apron that someone had left on a crate and put it on. "Oh, what a cute look," Philip grinned at her. Y/N stuck her tongue out at her before throwing a towel at him. "Go wash the dishes or something," She hissed, covering her red cheeks. 

"We need to blend in until your father arrives-"

"You over there, come here and help bring the plates to the dining hall," One of the nobles yelled at Y/N. "I-erm... Sure," Y/N said. "Find your father and stick with him, I'll be right back," She told Philip before she grabbed a stack of plates and followed the others upstairs into the actual palace. 

Philip decided to be a good boy and act as if he was very busy drying the forks. After an hour or so he had grown tired of waiting and decided to grab a stack of plates and head upstairs as well. 

He had made a good decision because Alexander wasn't going to show up for another hour or so.

Everyone was going against the plan as Y/N wasn't where she was supposed to be, Philip hadn't waited for his father to show up and Alexander didn't show up in the kitchen. It could only go downhill from there.

Y/N kept wanting to leave and go back downstairs, but she kept getting held up and sent to a different location to do other stuff. Fold that cloth, wash those windows, help the nobles choose their clothes. She had grown tired of it all. 

"Go fetch the prince," 

Y/N groaned after she got sent to the library to fetch the prince. The queen only had one son because her only fling ever was with the previous king who had now passed away. It was a very rare occasion for a queen to only have one child and not marry a second man. She opened the door of the library and was hit with the immediate smell of freshly pressed books. 

Still wanting to go downstairs as soon as possible, she rushed through the racks and finally saw a figure sitting on a velvet couch. He was sitting properly with a book open in one hand, a cup of tea in the other. His white outfit almost matched his very light blonde hair. 

"Sir L/N, you are expected in the dining halls by your mother the queen," Y/N said, interrupting the prince's reading session. The prince looked up and basically struck her down with his intense glare. Y/N feared no man, but that thing... It scared her.

"Christ," He cursed with a sneer. Y/N immediately looked down, not wanting his wrath upon her as well. "Can't she call me over once and just tell me everything she has to say instead of calling me over every, single, hour," He spat, slamming his book down and standing up. 

The prince was a young man who could best be described as being a snake. He hyperfocused his anger on one victim at a time and pierced all of them with his actions after choking them to death. He really took after his father and mother. But he was also swift, fearless and not very hard to look at. 

"What're you still doing here?" He asked Y/N. "I-I guess I was just-" "Get out before I put you on the execution list," He hissed at her, figuratively towering over her. "Yes sir," She squeaked before quickly walking away. Once out, she took her chance and headed back downstairs.

Philip set down the plates in the dining hall and did a scan of the area. Not only was it a very large room, but it was also decorated with curtains, mirrors, chandeliers and various paintings on the walls. He looked at each painting and acknowledged the painting of King George. But he really got the chills when he saw the painting next to it. The queen. 

He would've probably found it less scary if the actual queen wasn't standing right in front of it. Chills ran down his spine as he quickly rushed out of the dining hall. When he did, he bumped into someone. "Oops, sorry! I should've-" Philip said, looking up and staring into the sharp eyes of the prince. "Ah... Aha..." Philip nervously laughed. "Erm I-... My deepest apologies, sir. I didn't know you would be present at this time," Philip quickly said bowing down. 

The prince stayed quiet for a moment. "No, it is quite alright. It was an accident," The prince replied, looking to the side as if he didn't accept his bow. "I'm so sorry, but I have to leave. Have a lovely night," Philip said with a smile before walking away. The prince turned around and watched him hurry to the stairs to go downstairs. He hadn't seen him around here because if he did, he would've taken notice of him quicker. After a while, he shook it off and entered the hall.

"Duuuuuuude," Y/N shout-whispered as she saw Philip in the kitchen. "You didn't wait here?!" She asked. "No! You were gone for an hour and my dad hasn't shown up!"Philip said. "What do we do now?" Y/N asked and bit on her nail. 

All of a sudden, the great, almighty Alexander decided to run into the kitchen. He spotted the two and dragged them outside again. "Where were you?!" Y/N yelled. "Yeah, yeah, good to see you too, Y/N. Now listen," Alexander said out of breath. "What'd you do?" Philip asked.

"I saw something and I think you're gonna want to check it out," 

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