-Chapter 41: Tainted-

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"Are you sure that there are no guards here, Arahz?"

"Pretty sure. It's pretty private here."

With shaking hands, Y/N lowered the notebook and stared into the nothingness. "Why'd you show me this?" She asked in a mumble. "So you know that your friend isn't even your friend," The queen explained, looking at her daughter. "I didn't want to know!" Y/N snapped and threw the book aside. Samuel watched it hit the wall and fall down on the ground. Some of the pages were wrinkled now.

"What's your strategy, son?"

"I'm working on it."

"Wait, what?! You don't have a plan?!"

Y/N put her hands in her hair and sank down to her knees. "I didn't want to know," She whispered. "I get it! Everything I thought I knew was a lie! Please don't tell me anything else," Y/N said as the queen tried to approach her.

"As I said. I working on it pops!"

"You can't break into the office without a plan!"

"Philip, your father is right. Samuel is dangerous."

For guidance, the queen looked at Samuel who had seen this all unfold. "I'm sorry, Y/N. But we don't have time for you to break down," Samuel said as he approached her. When he put his hand on her shoulder, she perked up. She stood up and tried to get away from him. But as she did, she tripped and fell down on her butt. "Stay away from me! This is your fault!" Y/N yelled. "You're the one pulling the strings!" 

"Well, I'm dangerous as well."

"Damn... That's pretty hot."

"What'd you say, Arahz? You were mumbling,"

"I didn't say anything!!! What'd you mean????"

"Y/N," Samuel said as he took off his glasses. "Look at me," He said, crouching down. The queen frowned as Y/N grunted and looked directly into Samuel's eyes. Suddenly Y/N's pupils dilated. "Samuel, what are you-" The queen asked as she looked at Samuel who's eyes were glowing white light. A sudden shift appeared in Y/N's eyes as she relaxed her tense shoulders. 

"You're underestimating him, Philip. Don't say things you can't live up to!"

"You're being a bit cocky, yeah,"

"I'm sorry, my queen," Samuel said as the light in his eyes dimmed down revealing his normal eyes again. "But I think you've failed to win over your daughter. Looks like it's time I try my hand at fixing this issue," He said as he got up. "What'd you do to her?" She asked with a frown.

"That's my whole persona, though."

"Philip, stop running so fast!"

"Keep up instead of using your breath to yell at me."

"Philip, you're going to get yourself killed!"

"Just increased her anger a bit," Samuel said, putting his hands up. "... You are not Samuel," The queen said, shaking her head. "Wow! Finally. After so many years you finally figured it out!" Samuel grinned. "Kinda thought you were different. You are the most ruthless version out of all the timelines," He said, pushing her aside. "Turns out all of you are the same though. You guys always hurt so many people but when it comes to the last blow, you always chicken out," 

"Philip, slow down! The others can't keep up!"

Suddenly Y/N rose up to her feet and looked directly at her mother. Her eye color had shifted to a deep purple color. Her movements looked static and robotic. As if she was a statue who had come to life. The queen was horrified. 

The faraway footsteps fell into deaf ears because of that. And before they knew it, the door was slammed open and in stepped Philip. "Where is Y/N?!" He yelled at the very calm Samuel. He blinked once at him. "If you can get her to go with you, she's all yours," Samuel smiled. This caught Philip off guard. Something wasn't right. He looked around and saw Y/N on the other side of the room.

He side glanced Samuel who was still calmly smiling at him. Behind him stood the queen who hadn't even noticed Philip. Then he looked back at Y/N. She slowly turned toward him and made intimidatingly fierce eye contact. It almost scared Philip enough to just turn around and walk out of the room. Almost.

"Y/N, let's go home," Philip said as he approached her. "I'm not going home with you," Y/N sneered. It felt like she had thrown a dagger right at Philip. But Philip avoided the metaphorical dagger and grabbed her wrist. "Not now, Y/N. We gotta go back to-" "Get lost!" Y/N hissed, pulling her wrist out of his hand. "What's up with you?" Philip asked with a frown.

"What's up with me? Really? I'm not the one keeping tabs on other people," Y/N said. "What are you-" "Do you really think I'm that selfish? You really think that ill of me?" A sudden shock of realization hit Philip harder than a lightning strike. "How'd you-" "Shut up!" Y/N yelled, shoving him forward. "I trusted you!" She yelled at him. "You noted down everything I did, every lie I told, every smile I smiled, every breath I took! As if you know any better!" Philip backed up. "Y/N, you can get angry at me all you want when we're back home. Please just come with me," Philip said. "No! Why would I believe anything you say ever again?!" 

"Because I love you," Philip said. "No, you don't," Y/N spat, pushing him again. This time he fell down. "Now that that's settled," Samuel said as he grabbed the decorative sword off the wall. "Want to finish it?" He asked as he offered Y/N the sword. Without a word, Y/N took the sword and lifted it above her head. 

"Oh, god. Not again," Philip groaned before the sword came flying at him.

He kicked it away making the sword land into the wooden floor. Angrily, Y/N began pulling at the sword to get it out as Philip quickly got up and ran out of the office. Once she got it out, she huffed and puffed and shot a glare at the door. "Get him," Samuel ordered making her run out and chase Philip.

"That boy is awfully lucky when it comes to avoiding getting stabbed with a sword," Samuel chuckled and turned around. As he did, his nose met the point of another sword. The sword was being held by the queen. "I might not know who you are. But I do know you're no longer welcome here," The queen hissed. "You know. We could still do this together," Samuel suggested, staying calm.

"Nah, I'd rather have your head on a spike," The queen said and swung her sword at him.

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