-Chapter 40: Confession-

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The truth is, I like Y/N. More than a friend should like a friend. That's why I'm trying to get her attention. But so far, all the attention I've been getting has been equal to the attention she's given Angelica if not less.

"It's locked," Arahz sighed as he pulled on the throne room doors. "I thought we were quite lucky when I didn't see any guards," John said, folding his arms. "Philip? Philip, can you hear me?!" Alexander yelled as he pounded on the door. 

She has a boyfriend now. That one guy she bumped into when I sent her to deliver a fake letter I wrote to make her jealous. George Eacker. I've seen him a few times around campus. I've gotta pick myself up from this and move on. So what if she has a boyfriend now? I still have a chance. Right?

Inside the throne room, Philip suddenly heard some banging coming from the far end of the room. Some muffled yelling followed by another loud bang. "What the heck?" he mumbled as he pushed himself off the floor and slowly walked toward the doors. "Pops?" He mumbled before placing his ear on the door.

Y/N is very intelligent for her age. She and pops don't really get along and she knows why. She understands the actions of her father and adapts her method of communicating with my father. 

"Hello?" Everyone grew silent as a voice could be heard from the other side. "Philip?" Alexander asked. "Yes, that's me?" They heard. "Are you alright in there?" Arahz asked. "I think so... Is that you, Arahz?" Philip asked from the other side. "Yeah! It's me! We're going to get you out of there. The doors are locked," Arahz told him. "Please listen to what we ask of you,"

"Sure! As long as you get me out!" Philip chuckled.

She is just so stupid! I've seen Eacker be disrespectful to people around her and she just stands by like nothing is happening! I don't wanna hear a thing from her when Eacker cheats on her! 

"How about we break the door?" John asked. "The doors are too sturdy, they're thick and tall. We're not breaking them with a simple kick," Arahz said which made John go into thought. "Well, how about explosives?" He asked as he pulled out his gun. "You can't shoot the door," Arahz told him. "It'll do nothing to break the door open," 

Apparently Eacker got "kidnapped". She reeled me into jumping on a ship with her to follow pops to England. Sometimes I wonder if she knows the power she has over me. 

"I'm not going to shoot the door," John said, emptying out the gunpowder as he grabbed a small pouch from his other pocket. "How much stuff do you carry with you?" George asked, raising a brow. "Too much," Jones answered as John opened the pouch to reveal grey powder. 

It pains me knowing how much she's hurting me without realizing it. I wish she had stayed with her mother and never came here! She only causes trouble anyway...

"I've been experimenting with gunpowder. In China, they used it for fireworks. I don't see why we can't use it for explosives," John suggested. "You mean lighting the pouch on fire?" George asked, pointing at the pouch. "It'll act as a kind of bomb. We'll get that door blasted open in no time!" John smiled, closing the pouch.

"Do you want all the guards to hear us?" George asked. "Well, they already know we're here. Why not use that to our advantage?" John asked making George groan. "Why do you want to make everything more difficult?" He groaned at John. 

"Got any better ideas?" John asked George. "One. Single. Better idea?" He asked to which George started glaring at John.

She keeps whining about Eacker. Eacker this, Eacker that. Dad and I are getting fed up with her whining. Can she just shut up for a minute? Her stupid fling is gonna be the end of me.

"This isn't your run of the mill gunpowder. When I light it on fire it'll explode and it'll explode hard. All of you need to back away as far as you can. Philip should probably head to the far end of the room," John explained. The group did what they were asked to do and Philip moved to the far end of the room, getting behind the throne to take cover. 

It's always about Y/N. Her opinion is always the most important. She doesn't care about anyone but herself. I'll always be a supporting f*cking role.

"Ready?" John asked as he grabbed a match, looking at the other side of the room to see if everyone had backed up. He himself was standing a few feet away from the door. "As we'll ever be!" George loudly said. "Wait! What about you?" Jones asked as John lit the match. "Don't worry. I can run," John waved him off. "That makes me worry even mo-" The sudden sound of an ear-piercing bang was enough for everyone's heart to skip several beats.  


The blast caught everyone off guard. Philip felt the ground beneath him shake as he leaned against the throne. The rest fell to their knees or gripped to the walls. The blast was big enough to send a loud soundwave and create enough force to make John trip while he was running away from it. Lucky for him, he was far enough from the bomb to not get injured. 

Covered in soot and grime, John stood up and stumbled toward the group. "Ugh, that didn't work out as I planned it to," He mumbled, rubbing his nose. "Well, I think it did," Arahz said and pointed ahead. One of the two doors had fallen to the ground, creating a big entryway. "Good job, Laurens," Jones said and patted him on the back. 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just gonna, sit down right here. You guys fetch Philip," John said as he slowly knelt down and rolled over on his back. "Jones, maybe you should stay here and make sure he doesn't faint," George suggested. "Yep," Jones sighed and sat down next to John.

"I'm pretty darn gay, I think," John mumbled. "Yes, Laurens. We all knew that." Jones said and patted John's head.

Alexander quickly ran toward the throne room and found Philip stumbling toward them from behind the throne. "Damn, that was a big a$$ blast-" He managed to stutter before Alexander ran over and hugged him as tight as he could. 

"Hi, dad. Can't. Breathe," Philip coughed. "I'm so sorry, son," Alexander said. "Erm... If this is about leaving Y/N and me... I'm not mad at you so-" "No. No, I..." Alexander let go of Philip. "I exchanged Y/N's freedom for yours," He said, looking at his son with tears in his eyes. 

"So f*cking stupid," He mumbled to himself as Philip stared at him. "Where is she now?" Philip immediately asked. "Samuel took her to see the queen," He explained. "Well. Let's steal her back," Philip said, patting his father's shoulder before stepping forward. Alexander turned around and watched Philip as he approached Arahz, asking him about the possible places they could be at.

George approached Alexander quietly. "I thought saving Philip wasn't really worth it. Y/N was pretty resistant about it though. However I underestimated Philip's justness," He admitted to Alexander. "I thought he would have the same reaction as me," He said looking at Alexander. "You know since you sold out his best friend for selfish reasons," George sighed.

"But he's more understanding than any of us here," 

"Guys!" Philip said as he waved at the two fathers. "They're probably at the east wing of the castle! Let's go," He said as he and Arahz quickly ran out. "Yeah. I guess you're right," Alexander smiled before running after the two with George following suit.

As they passed John and Jones, George halted and told Jones. "John should probably rest. Go to the dungeon. We'll meet you there," Before running along. "Alright. You heard the king, John. Let's go," Jones groaned as he stood up. "Ya know, Jones? I should've known I was gay long ago. As a kid, I wanted to make it rain to see a rainbow to then jump into the rainbow," John mumbled. 

"Okay, buddy, whatever you say," Jones sheepishly said before helping John up.

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