-Chapter 35: Castle of regret-

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Philip was thrown into the throne room, two guards behind him, shoving him down the long hall before standing in front of the queen herself. "Bow to your queen," One of the guards barked as he stood at the threshold of the stairs leading up to the throne. "She's not my-" Philip argued back but his head was quickly pushed down as he fell to one knee, head bowed down. 

"Your majesty, this is Philip Hamilton," The guard said, letting go of Philip's head. Philip kept his head bowed down, not wanting even more trouble with the queen's lackeys. "He's the one that attacked Seabury at the-" "I know who he is," The queen said, narrowing her eyes.

"You can go wait outside," She ordered. A bit taken aback, the other guard said: "But my lady. This man attacked Seabury. I don't think it's a good idea to leave him alone with you-" "Did I stutter, Lerman?" The queen asked looking him right in the eye. 

With a lot of hesitation in their steps, both of them walked away, leaving the handcuffed Philip alone with their queen. As soon as the doors slammed shut, Philip said: "For the record. I didn't attack Samuel, he attacked me, and that's the tea,".

"It doesn't matter who started it. You broke into my castle, Hamilton," The queen argued back. "Jesus, I sound like my mother," She mumbled at the end. With a raised eyebrow and a lot of anxiety, Philip asked: "How are you so sure that I won't hurt you?"

"You won't. You befriended both my son and daughter. You wouldn't hurt their mother," She told him, making him sigh. "I wouldn't hurt anyone in general," He whispered. "So what's your grand plan, huh?" He asked. "I heard that you put out a warning with my head on the line," He said. "And another thing," He continued. "I read that Y/N was supposed to be dead. How in the hell did she end up in America?" 

"You're just as observant as your father," The queen remarked. "I'm surprised you don't know though," She continued. "After all, Alexander was the one who brought her there," She said, with a shrug making Philip's eyes widen ever so slightly. "I think you should be asking him these questions if you get the chance to," She said, looking at her nails.

"Well, that's all the time I have for you today," She said, standing up from her throne. "You'll be spending your day here. I can't be bothered to move you to the dungeon," She said, passing him as she walked toward the exit. "Do beware that there are guards everywhere and they won't hesitate to shoot, stab or murder you," She said, opening the doors. "Buh-bye!" She waved as the doors slammed shut, leaving Philip alone in the big throne room. 

He immediately walked toward the windows to see how high off the ground he was. Let's just say that if he jumped out of the window, he would probably end up as a pancake. "Ugh, damn you castle lay-out!" He cursed and sat down against the wall. Philip was a bit confused as to why the queen left him in the throne room. She must be breaking some kind of etiquette.

With a sigh, Philip reached into his pocket to grab his journal. Because surprise, surprise, he carried it with him at all times because, you know, when you obsessively write about someone you don't just leave the evidence at home. But when he reached into his pocket, he found it to be empty. He checked the other one and still found nothing. "Seriously?!" He groaned and rested his hands in his lap. 

"What's that?" The queen asked as she approached Samuel on the balcony. "A journal," He said as he shut it and handed it to her. "It fell out of Philip's pocket when Eacker hit him over the head," He explained. "Pretty incriminating, if you ask me," He said as she opened it. After reading a few paragraphs she closed it and nodded. "Pretty incriminating indeed," She agreed. 

"He really does remind me of George," She said as she handed the journal back. "He used to write down every little thing about me," She reminisced a bit. "I still wonder if I made the right choice or not," She sighed.

"Of course you did. George was a ruthless killer," Samuel spat and folded his arms. "A ruthless killer who fell off the roof," She said. "Yeah... Fell off the roof," Samuel agreed as he looked aside.

"What happened with Jones and George?" She whispered as Samuel chuckled. "They're taking a dip in the canal to check the temperature," He whispered back. "That's swimmingly,"

"I was a bit blinded by hatred," She admitted, looking ahead. "But your majesty," Samuel said, gritting his teeth a bit. "He is dead. Good riddance. He caused nothing but pain to you and his country," He pointed out. "But I was so close to changing him," She argued back. "You can't change a psychopath," He barked. 

"Dude, I'm also a psychopath!" She yelled at him. "I pestered, manipulated, and killed so many people to get where I am now!" She let out a shaky breath. "Maybe if I had never captured George, I would've had a happy family," She sighed. "Now I have a son who doesn't trust me anymore," She stuttered in frustration before walking back inside.

"Y/N, wait!" Samuel groaned as he hurried inside. 

Little did they know that underneath the balcony, two people were dangling beneath, barely keeping themselves up. "Well, that was depressing," John mumbled, slowly feeling his hands swell up from holding onto the edge for so long. "And a very interesting argument, no?" Jones asked. 

"Yeah sure. I've seen the queen break down before but this is a whole new level," John grunted as he pulled himself up a bit to check if they were gone. And luckily for them, they were. "Let's hope those two made it inside as well," Jones sighed as John got on the balcony and pulled him up as well.

"Don't worry about them," John said as they hurried inside as well. "Let's worry about the fact that we're the bait," He grunted before they disappeared into the nearest hall.

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