-Chapter 27: Swap-

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Y/N slipped through the door and headed toward the hallway to check the dungeon. It wasn't well lit there so she had to ninja her way through. The one thing that stood out the most was a well-lit room with the door slightly cracked so you could look inside. 

She felt intrigued and knew a peek inside wouldn't hurt a fly. So she poked her head in and saw that the room was empty. She stepped inside and saw a desk with papers scattered all over the place. Cabinets were torn open and documents leaked out of them, some still falling and scrambling over the floor. She slowly made her way to the desk and saw one folder opened on it. 

Nonchalantly she took a look at the name of the folder. "The Children," She read in a whisper. She read the first few paragraphs but skimmed through the rest. "Blah blah blah, King George blah blah blah, Y/N L/N blah blah bl-" She stopped in the middle of a paragraph and read it intently.

On the same night, that the Americans attacked the palace, one of the twins had reportedly died. The queen was devastated that her baby girl had died while she was dealing with said Americans. The baby boy was kept safe inside the dungeon and the girl was found dead in its bed. 

Hold on a damn second. I thought the queen only had one child. No one ever said anything about twins.

As Y/N read the whole page, she didn't notice that someone was standing at the door. "Wow," Y/N perked up and skipped a heartbeat. She looked up and saw a royal advisor at the door. "I knew that kidnapping a Hamilton would lead you to the castle. But right into my office? It must be my lucky day," He smiled, making Y/N very uncomfortable. 

"Wait... You didn't kidnap a Hamilton," Y/N said, backtracking a bit. "We didn't?" He asked with a grin. "Well, we certainly do have a boy in our dungeons who has profusely yelled at us that he's not a Hamilton," He sighed and rubbed his face. "George," Y/N said under her breath. 

"Oh, so you do know him?" The advisor asked. Y/N froze in place, too shocked to say anything. "Well, I should introduce myself as well, I suppose. George and I talk a lot so it would be rude if I didn't!" He smiled. "I'm Samuel Seabury," 

Y/N, where are you? Philip thought as he stared at the door she left out of half an hour ago. She was supposed to hop in, hop out and let everyone know if George was actually down there. His father was nowhere to be spotted as well and frankly, Philip didn't really know what he was doing here. 

He felt like the supporting cast in his own life. Again.

Here he was, serving champagne to some rich people while his crush and dad went on to do their business in the castle of the literal queen of England.

You know what? No. F*ck both of them! I'm going out there as well.

He put the tray down on a table headed toward the same door Y/N exited out of. As he did, he didn't notice that the eyes of the prince were on him.

He followed his own instructions and easily found the dungeon. The door was very hard to pull open and it was so humid in there. His only worry at that moment was stepping on a spider followed closely by getting caught by a guard. It seemed to be his lucky day because there weren't any spiders or guards anywhere.

The dungeon itself was pretty empty. In the distance, he did hear someone talk. Thinking that it might be Y/N, he inched toward the direction of the voice and as he did it became less and less distorted by the echoes. He turned a corner and saw someone stand there so he backed away and slammed his back against the wall as he held his breath. "-you clearly didn't think this through. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He heard. 

"Go f*ck yourself, Samuel," 

That was clearly Y/N. But who was this Samuel person she was talking to? "You sound just like your mother. It's almost freaky. I'm sorry that you have to remain here for now but I can't interrupt the queen on her son's ball," Samuel told her. 

"Oh, you're so kind!" Y/N almost yelled as some chains rattled in the background. "Yeah. You're definitely her daughter," Samuel commented. "Well, George, let's go back upstairs," He said. 

Hold on a damn second.

Footsteps approached and Philip had an immediate 'nope' moment. He turned around to run away as he did, he saw the prince approach from the other side. Philip saw him and he was damn sure that the prince had seen him. "F*ck," Philip mumbled. 

"What're you doing here?" Arahz asked as he approached him. Just as he did Samuel and another person turned the corner. "Sh*t," Philip mumbled even quieter. "Oh, prince Arahz. What're you doing here?" Samuel asked. 

Arahz stepped in front of Philip as quickly as he could. "I'm just in need of some quietness," He said. "Why wouldn't you go to the garden?" Samuel asked. "Too full of... Girls and such. It makes me a bit nervous," Arahz blatantly lied. "Prince, you really need to face your fears head-on. I know the queen wants you to find someone so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to talk to some girls," Samuel advised. 

"Well, yes. But as soon as I'm done taking a breather here, I'll talk to some," Arahz, again, blatantly lied.

"Go get them," Samuel smiled. "Let's go, George," He said to the guy behind him and together they headed out the dungeon. As they passed Philip, Samuel glanced at him for a second but the guy behind him didn't. Philip looked at both and immediately noticed that the guy behind Samuel was in fact, Eacker. Philip could only look in awe as he saw George tail behind Samuel and leave the dungeon. 

"I think you owe me a big thank you and an explanation," Arahz told Philip, snapping him out of his daze. 

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