Wrapping things up

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My dearest, readers

The story has finally been concluded and the trilogy has ended.

If you have any questions left, regarding this story, you may leave them in the comments and I'll answer them personally.

Also, I've got a question for you guys. 

If ya'll remember correctly, in the first king George x reader, you guys chose between two endings; ending A and ending B

-Ending A: Y/N wants to go back to America but is caught while escaping and is forcefully brought back to the castle

-Ending B: Y/N stays in Britain but Alexander, who didn't want to leave Y/N behind, ends up drugging her and bringing her back to America.

Ya'll chose ending A and so I wrote two books following that ending.


For the ones who voted ending B or the peeps who're curious how I would've handled ending B, would you like me to write an ending B? Because I had a storyline planned for it but never really got to it because I was preoccupied with this book.

If you do, please do leave some suggestions for what you want to see. I'll credit you if I end up using the idea.

If you don't want me to continue, I'll continue writing and finishing other stories.

Thank you so much for reading this book!

From your probably not favorite author


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