M's Dirty Dancer [1]

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It’s been two months that Eleanor’s been pregnant, two months of my job, and two months of not seeing Zayn Malik. Thank the god. Eleanor lives with me now and its fun having her around plus I get to take care of her since she’s nearing her third month of pregnancy, she has to be very careful now. Louis talked to Simon about him being a father and a first Simon thought it was a joke, we were all present, Eleanor behind my back.

“Simon, we have something very important to tell you,” Louis said in a very businesslike tone.

Simon arched his eyebrows and saw all of us standing as if we were going to war, especially my guest experience and Eleanor’s.

“What happened?” Simon said and sat down.

Now was the moment of truth and we all started staring at each other. Finally Louis turned to Simon, “Eleanor’s pregnant and I want the child,” clean and direct. Never thought Louis had it in him.

Simon looked like he had tons of emotions going through his face and he seemed to pale. He took a deep breath and at the same time, Eleanor and I squeezed hands. I was going to see the wrath of Simon Cowell. But that didn’t happen.

“Louis, how many times have I warned you?” Simon slowly speaks.

‘What’s done is done,” Zayn speaks up. “Louis doesn’t want the abortion, so…”

Simon puts his hand up to stop Zayn. “We have to keep Eleanor out of the public eye for a while.”

Now this was surprising, he didn’t get mad. Simon looks like as if he was thinking and then his eyes placed on me. He gave a small smile. “How are you Syreena? I hope Zayn is treating you right?” His eyes flickered over to Zayn.


“Yes,” I speak up and turn my gaze towards Zayn and give a hint of a smile. “He takes care of me.”

“Well,” Simon claps his hands. “That’s great to hear.” And then he points to Eleanor behind me. “Come out, El.”

Eleanor side steps me and then Louis grabs her hand smiling to her. Aw. Simon looked at both of them and then he beamed. “Well, we’re going to have a new member of the One Direction family!”

This led to whoots and whoops. We all hugged each other and Simon looked really happy about the news. “Well,” he says after laughing. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Simon!” Niall laughed. “It’s only been 7 weeks.”

“Oh,” Simon looked down and then beamed. “I get to name it.”

And that ended the conversation of breaking the news. It went very well and Simon actually paid for Eleanor’s doctor visits and such, Louis didn’t like it. But no one wanted to face Simon in the dark side.


I fast walk towards Eleanor’s room and see her sitting in her bed, rubbing her stomach.

“Are you okay!?” I start questioning and going into panic mode.

Was she okay?

“Syreena!” Eleanor yells.

This stops me in my mid frantic craziness.

“I am fine,” Eleanor assures me. “I called you because I’m bored.”

“Because you’re bored?” I said. “Do not scare me like that!”

“Let’s go baby shopping!” Eleanor says and sits up. “Yeah, let’s go buy stuff.”

Malik's Dirty Dancer (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now