M's Dirty Dancer [8]

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The ride over to my house was in silence, Syreena and I had things to think about and it uncomfortable. Especially with Syreena listening on the conversation I had with Niall in her living room. I couldn’t believe Niall said those harsh words about Syreena and she wasn’t a toy which I would use and give it back, and if Niall were implying it to that way then she was my toy. Strictly mine. I park my Bentley in front of my house and Syreena glances out the window.

“This is your house?” Syreena widens her eyes and then looks at me. “I’m going to get lost in there, just so you know.”

I give a shaky laugh; she was trying to lighten the mood because she also knew I heard.

“You’ll always be with me,” I speak and we both get out of the car.

Syreena’s car van was parked outside and the workers alongside with the lads were picking up boxes and putting then inside the house. We were walking when Syreena stopped short. I glanced at her and her eyes were locked on an Audi A6, the car I brought for Syreena when I saw her after our break up. Break up didn’t sound right, more like our agreement, but that was also broken too.

“You still have it?” Syreena asked, locking her eyes with me.

“I like the car and since you’re here, you can have it,” I answered sheepishly.

Syreena didn’t answer so I grasped her hand in mine and we entered my house. It was big, it had seven bedrooms and five bathrooms and it was a ranch style house, high ceilings with loft stairs. It was my home and Syreena’s as well.

“Wow,” Syreena gasps as she takes in her surroundings. I knew exactly what her mind was going through; my first impression of this house was the same. “You live here?” Syreena asks in disbelief.

I laugh at her facial expression. “It’s you place too now.”

This made Syreena come up short; she seemed at loss of words. I knew it was weird and very uncomfortable for her to move in with me but we didn’t have a choice. We needed to help Eleanor.

“Mate, the boxes are kept upstairs. The men are leaving, I paid for them….”


“Doesn’t matter,” Louis cut me off and then smiled at Syreena. “Liking the place?”

Syreena smiled, you have no idea.

“Well then Mr. Malik,” Syreena turned to me, “Won’t you give a tour of my new house?”

I smiled back. “Right this way Angel.”

The boys also joined me in Syreena’s tour and wouldn’t let me talk, the lads did. I was enjoying watching Syreena. She seemed happy and really amazed; it looked like as if one of her dreams were fulfilled.  

“This is---“ I began.

“The kitchen!” Harry sing songed and dragged Syreena inside. “As you can see, its marble counter with steel mixed in.”

Harry was acting like a sales man, making Syreena grin every time. I turned my body around and set my eyes on Niall. He looked back at me and ushered me with his head. I looked back at the lads and Syreena, they wouldn’t notice us gone. I followed Niall outside and I took out a smoke, I needed one.

“What’s up?” I asked as I took a drag from the cigarette.

Niall eyed me and said, “What is up with you and Syreena?”

I opened my mouth to speak but Niall put one hand up, stopping me.

“I haven’t finished yet,” he said. “I am sorry for acting that way but truth being said, you and Syreena are not compatible. You two are fire and fire, and do you even care about her? Taking her in your house is a big deal, I mean I’m sure as hell I know you two are more than sex.”

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