M's Dirty Dancer [9]

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Every vein in m body was lit with the burn of adrenaline making me dizzy. I entered Zayn’s bedroom and he was on me the second I closed the door. I was gripped, spun around, pushed against the door by 200 pounds of breathing male. Zayn was shaking, his lungs laboring. He kissed me with bruising force, whole mouthed going on for minutes until he’s erection was grinding on me. He pulled at my shirt and sent it flying to the other side. As he ripped his own shirt off, I blindly moved to the bed. I heard a possessive growl and was grabbed from behind. Zayn pushed me forwards on to the bed, bending me forward.

He yanked the waist band of my sweat pants and slid it down. As Zayn stood over me, I felt the brush of heated hands. One of his hands ran over my spine, his palm gliding up and down and then around my waist to my stomach. He bent farther over me, his other hand cupping my breasts. His mouth came to my shoulders, my spine, and he was groaning, while his hands worked below. I could only breathe in gasps, my body feeling on fire. He massaged with agonizing gentleness until I was clawing at his silk sheets, my breathe coming out in sobs. 

He gently nudged me into bed, and he was in a dominating mood. It kind of scared me but I was beyond aroused. He gently pushed me into bed on my back, reaching my bottom to hoist my hips off the mattress. Zayn gave a steady pumping and a teasing feeling, lifting me up, hurling me into sensations, surging again. I gasped as Zayn went downwards and then his fingers started a slow in and out slide. His tongue flickered steadily. I jerk forward, pushing him away. He understood what I wanted and he pushed into me, his brown eyes turning cloudy with pleasure. Making him bury his face in my hair. Zayn coaxed me to lift my knees, spread them wider. It felt so hot and delicious, Zayn uttered a moan. His face was replaced by lust and I loved the way he stared at me, as if he wanted to eat me alive. I wriggled, uncomfortable with his weight and Zayn gasped out a few words that sounded like, oh god please don’t move Syreena..... baby please.

“Feel good?” I whispered.

Zayn shook his head struggling to breathe.

“Best sex ever,” he panted.

Smiling, I pulled his head down to my level and he stared a rhythm. His thrusts stroking a sensitive place, deep and low. A zing of delight went through me and I jerked in surprise. Zayn lifted his head and smiled into my wide eyes.

“Did I find a G-spot?” he whispered.

And he did it again, again, and again. I couldn’t keep quiet, groans climbing into my throat until my hips shuddered into his. The spasms were intense and long and slowly pulling out.

“Let’s try something new,” Zayn whispered in my ear. “Put your arms around bed border.”

I did what he said and suddenly he was everywhere, places I didn’t even know exist. I’ve had sex after 2 weeks now and it felt good. After he was done, I was sure I forgot my own name. Zayn then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest.

“That felt nice,” his lips murmured in my hair.


“I like the sound of that.”

Zayn stroked my back with his fingertips and shuddered under his touch. The best thing sex was the sleep. Sex after sleep was the best. Zayn’s lips skimmed my jaw and the side of my cheek, which tickled.

“Stop it,” I groaned.

Zayn didn’t stop but I fell asleep later on.

“Rise and shine you sex addicts!”

“Go away,” I croak and shift my head. But I felt a hardened chest on my lips. I jerk my head upwards and see Zayn snoring softly and then I turn my head and see a smirking Harry leaning against the doorway.

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