M's Dirty Dancer [4]

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I watch in wonder as Zayn starts unbuttoning my shirt and I was even more surprised that I wasn’t stopping him. I was liking this, very much. It was so kinky, not to mention having Zayn look at me in such a desperate way, it pleased me. Zayn was halfway through my shirt when he stands up. I look up at him, why did he stop? I wanted this, even though it was wrong. But I missed sex.

“Stand up,” Zayn mummers, his eyes burning.

I do as I’m told and Zayn does  a half smirk. “Open your shirt.”

“Why don’t you do it?” I question.

Zayn’s smirks widens. “You sure.”

I nod and then Zayn comes closer to me. He firmly plants his hands on my shoulders and for a second looks at me. Then he starts unbuttoning the rest of my shirt. Zayn slides the shirt off my arm and it drops to the floor. He glances at my chest and then he takes off his coat and shirt, leaving him bare. My eyes scanned his chest towards his abs, and they were very prominent. I was in my black and white polka dotted bra and I ran a hand through his chest hair, it was so fucking hot.

“You look so delicious,” Zayn whispers.

My body was burning and my blood was signing, why couldn’t he touch me?! Zayn steps back and his fingers curl on the waist band of my pants and he brings me close. I look up and he smirks, then his hands go to my back, and then opens the hooks of my bra. Zayn slowly removes the straps of my bra, until I’m bare. This kind very weird, especially I hadn’t had sex with Zayn for quite a while, so I felt myself flushing. Zayn cupped my chin and brought towards his face.

“You ready?” he asks, with a wicked smile on his lips.

I bite my lips and Zayn groans. He narrows his eyes at me and then out of nowhere, he picks me up bridal style carrying me to my bedroom. He kicks the door close with his feet and lays me on the bed. My hands go towards his pants and I zip his zipper down. I look up to Zayn and he had a look of hunger. I smile, feeling happy that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way. He bends down and his teeth graze my chin and then his mouth goes down. I’m panting, oh shit, I haven’t had Zayn like this for a long time. I didn’t want to make love, I want to fuck and that is hard. Zayn seemed to understand because his hands went to my pants, and slowly, he stared sliding them down.

“Please,” I moan.

Zayn gives off a low throaty chuckle. “I like slow.”

Zayn slides my pants down from my legs and throws them somewhere. He lays himself on me, so he’s between my legs. He looks at me and then starts nuzzling my neck, my chest, everywhere, expect my lips. Why isn’t he kissing me? I shift and I could feel his erection, wow. I need that in me, right now. Zayn seemed to understand, so he rubbed his erection on my hips making me groan. I get it; he was going to torture me. Zayn towered above me with glint in his eyes, slowly showing it on his lips, he was enjoying himself. He bends down and bites my lower lip. I open my mouth to kiss him but he pulls back.

“Not yet,” he whispers.

Not yet? What do you mean not yet?! Zayn pulls back and goes back to the living room. Few seconds later his back with a foil packet and he grins.

“I’m not making you pregnant yet, Angel,” he mutters

 “Yet?” I question, my voice low and rough.

He gets up on the bed and winks. “You’ll see.”

I frown but it disappears when Zayn thrusts into me. Holy shit, I haven’t felt him in a long time.

“Faster,” I breathe.

Zayn doesn’t respond, instead he does it slowly. Then he bends down and kisses me hungrily, until I feel my lungs will burst. He pulls back and smiles. “I haven’t made love in a long time.”

“I wanted to fuck hard,” I inhale and then look at him.

His face flickers and then he gives a wicked smile. “Who’s stopping you?”

I grin. “Way too tired. I haven’t had sex since you were gone.”

Opps, I did not mean to say that. Now he’s gonna think something else.

“Oh really?” Zayn arches his eyebrows.

I bite my lips and Zayn’s index finger moves my teeth away and then he bends down to bite my lip. He pulls back. “I want your pleasure.”

“Control freak.”

“I am.”

I roll my eyes and then the bed starts vibrating. We look at each and laugh. Zayn gets his phone and presses it to his ears. He nods and then looks at me with a grin.

“Sure thing,” he speaks and then hangs up.

“Where you going?” I ask and sit up.

“Studio,” he answers and walks into the living. I can see him put his pants on and then grabs his shirt from the bed. He walks towards me and plants a kiss on my lips. “Laters baby.”

He walks out and then I hear the front door slam. Then I duck into the covers and sigh. I just let him get to me again, great. What happened to ripping him apart? But I didn’t mind right now, my body was still buzzing from Zayn. I close my eyes, feeling tired all of a sudden and then fall asleep.

A/N; Sorry of its short, not my fault. I dropped my blackberry down the toilet. D: Im dead. Don’t ask how. It just happened. -.-‘ Vote and comment please. Love u. READRICH BITCH PEOPLE! Its my new book. [:


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