M's Dirty Dancer [10]

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Me, Zayn, and Eleanor? Oh crap, what did I do now? I stared at Liam and stepped aside, letting him inside my new bedroom.

“Guess you didn’t sleep here?” Liam asked and sat on my bed.

“Uh..” I close the door and stare at Liam.

Liam smirks. “Zayn.”


“Sit down,” Liam says and pushes me those four wheeled chairs. I take it and sit down, my hands folded on my lap.

“So..” I draw. “Is everything okay?”

“Its fine,” Liam assures me and smiles. “You want to know why you came here, don’t you?”

“If you’re talking about moving in with Zayn, yes,” I answer. “No one told me anything.”

“Alright then, you were moved in here because of Eleanor’s safety.”

“Safety, is she okay?” I was going into a mini panic mode. “Is the baby okay, where is she?”

“Calm,” Liam tells me. “Breathe, Eleanor and her baby is fine,” he assures me but then casts his gaze down. “Not for long though.”

I bend my head down so I could see his eyes. “Not for long?” I squeak.

Liam raises his head and gives a barely there smile. “That’s why you’re here Syreena, to take care of Eleanor and Zayn.”

“What’s going on?” I question curtly.

Liam sighs. “Eleanor’s parents are threatening to tell the press about the pregnancy.”

“What?” My voice cracks.

I am totally shocked, why would they do such a thing? It was their daughter for god sake! Liam nods sadly and I bite my tongue from keeping the string of curses inside my mouth. I wanted to kill Eleanor’s parents and then feed it to the dogs. How could they say that, just because she was pregnant they reacted like this?

“Eleanor will be living here with you,” Liam spoke breaking me out of my hate thoughts. “And she is also going to attend college.”

“But she’s in her trimester,” I say. “She has to be very careful now and how is she going to hide that bump?”

“I don’t know,” Liam said and rubbed his face with his hands. “But I do know is Eleanor trusts you and so do we.”

I smile a bit. “Thanks Liam.”

“No problem Syreena,” Liam replies and then his face turns serious. “Now, about you and Zayn.”

Oh shit. I cast my gaze downwards and run the back of my neck. I knew I was going to get a lecture and I hope Zayn got it too.

“What’s up with you and Zayn?” He questions making me look at him.

“I don’t know,” I answer warily.

But I did know, I wanted to rip Zayn apart and I did know he wanted to inflict pain on me. But I couldn’t tell that to anyone.

“Well, let me tell you what Zayn thinks,” Liam said making me curious. “He wants you to be comfortable here in his home, which is now yours. And he wants you to behave.”

“Behave,” I say. “I behave,” I add back defensive.

“I don’t know about that,” Liam laughs making me feel embarrassed. “But I need you two to get along and your crappy sex history as well.”

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