M's Dirty Dancer [12]

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 “You have to tell him.”

My ears suddenly perked up when I heard Syreena’s voice. I quickly and quietly went up the staircase and then stopped short when I heard Eleanor.

“How is he going to react?”

Her voice sounded grave and sad, was she okay? I bit my lip, should I really be doing this? I was hidden behind a wooden door, so I cautiously poked my head out and Syreena sitting on the floor cross legged and Eleanor pacing in the room.

“What you mean what’s he’s going to say?” Syreena asked in disbelief. “It’s his babies, I mean if he’s gonna fuck you and then leave, then he’s dead. I’ll destroy his baby maker.”

Eleanor giggled and I winced. Oh God, I should never get her mad or else it bye bye for my balls, and I needed them. Eleanor looked down at Syreena and shook her head at her. “Louis won’t do that.”

“I know she won’t do that,” Syreena said and then cocked her head to the side. “But I don’t want him to make some lame excuse later on about why he can’t take care of the kids.”

“He won’t do that.”

Eleanor sounded definite and sure, but I wasn’t so sure. Syreena answered my thoughts.

“But for his music he will do anything. I just want him to walk away from you, I mean its his babies.”

Babies? Why was she saying babies? It should be baby, singular. And then Eleanor looked at my direction and I quickly hid, practically banging the backside of my head to the wall.

“Ow,” I clutch my head and close my eyes. I hope she hadn’t seen me. I strained my ears to listen to what Eleanor was saying.

“Think we should break the news?”

“Yeah, it’d be for the better,” Syreena replied. I creased my forehead; I wasn’t understanding anything these girls were talking about, what the hell were they saying?! But I listened on anyways.

“Should I be direct and tell Louis first or the—“

“Tell Louis first,” Syreena cut in. “He’s the dad; I mean he’s soon going to be the father of twins.”

My eyes flew almost up to my eyebrows. Then I came out of hiding and confronted the girls. “Twins!” I yell in shock. “Eleanor’s having twins!?”

Syreena scrambled off the floor and stared at me. “What are you doing here?” she questioned, accusingly.

“What am I doing here?” I ask. “This is my house and you two are in my room.”

Eleanor looked between us and Syreena bit her lip and glared at the floor.

“Okay you two calm down.” Eleanor said and made motion gestures of calming down. I turned around and closed my bedroom door, locked it in as well.

“Now,” I say as I turn around and lean against the wooden door. “Tell me.”

“Why should we?” Syreena scowled.

“Because I’m the uncle,” I say in utter annoyance. God, she was getting on my last nerves. Right now I wasn’t caring if me and her had sex last night even if I enjoyed every single moment of it. I had a right too, Eleanor’s like a sister to me, I loved her dearly.

“Guys,” Eleanor acknowledged to the both of us. She turned to me and placed a hand on her stomach and smiled.”I’m having twins.”

My face instantly broke into a smile and I went up to her. “Wow,” I mutter as I pull her in. “That’s just awesome.”

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