M's Dirty Dancer [7]

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I heard my phone ring and I grumbled in frustration. I had shampoo in my hair. I tried to ignore it and continued to lather my hair but my hair kept ringing.

“Fuck,” I mutter in frustration.

Again, I ignore it by singing Who You Are in the shower.

“Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing……. Just be true to who you are!”

Suddenly I stopped singing and I felt a presence in the bathroom with me. Oh crap. I look around my tub and find a shampoo bottle, that would be a very bad weapon but if I used it right…..

“Syreena love, are you finished?”

I scream in sheer terror when I notice the shadow from the curtains. The shadow was tall and the hair was blown upwards… like a quiff, Zayn.

“Zayn, you fucking asshole!” I scream and I clutch my body. Even though he didn’t move the curtains, I’m sure he could see the outline of my naked body.

“Go away!” I shriek.

“I’ll be waiting outside,” Zayn chuckled and left.

I blow out a breath and quickly finish my shower and when I was about to wear my undergarments, they were gone. I narrow my eyes and scream.

“ZAYN!” I scream and I hear a laugh. “GIVE ME BACK MY SHIT!”

“Come out and get it,” Zayn challenged from the other side.

My body was wrapped around a tower and I wanted to pull Zayn’s hair, kick his balls, and curse him out.

“Zayn,” I plead. “Come on!”

“Let’s make a deal,” Zayn offers.

“I’m listening.”

“If I hand you back your panties, you have to move in with me?”

I inhale sharply. What did he just say? My head was fumbling, move in with Zayn. See him every day, touch him whenever I please, and be greedy. A smile appeared on my lips and I didn’t notice the knob turning. A second later Zayn enters the bedroom and I look up at him and my eyes travel to his arm, where he’s clutching my undergarments.

“Is that a deal?” he asks softly.

Did I really want to move in with him? Did I really want him to destroy my inner self? I didn’t notice that Zayn bend his head to my height and he was looking back at me.

“What?” I flush.

His free hand comes up and his finger runs across my bottom lip. “Is that a yes?”

His beautiful eyes were looking at me with such force, it was intense.


I didn’t answer; it was someone else deep inside of me who felt that burning sensation. Zayn’s lips twitch upwards and both his hands brace the bathroom wall and his staring down at me, licking his lips.

“You look so tempting,” he spoke with such seductiveness. His hand came up to cup my face and he grinned. “I really want to take you to bed right now.”

My nerves were sizzling right now, any girl would love when they’re boyfriend tells them how bad they want to fuck them. Zayn smirks down at me and hands me my undergarments.

“Get changed, the lads are going to come and help you pack,” Zayn spoke and opened the door and then looked back, with his lazy smile. “Then I’ll take you home.”

Malik's Dirty Dancer (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now