M's Dirty Dancer [6]

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“Yeesh Louis,” I shudder and point to his feet. “You have scary feet my friend.”

Louis slaps me on my head and I laugh, and earn a glare from Simon. I press my lips together from laughing and from the booth, Harry flips me from the booth and I smile. Niall and Harry were inside the booth recording some final vocals for the album. I’ve been stuck in the studio for 2 hours and my mind kept replaying sex with Syreena. I smirk down at my folded fingers, Syreena was going to go apeshit on me, I just left like that. As if she was a one night stand, she was more than that.

“You’re thinking about Syreena, right?”

I look up quizzically at Louis. “How do you know?”

Louis gives a small smile and sighs. “Just guessed, I just came back from her place.”

I shift my body towards Louis and stare wide eyed. He did not and now he tells me! “Why?” I demand. Louis, hell, no one knew the ‘game’ me and Syreena are playing. Right now, we were just warming up, especially my internal rage.

“I needed to talk to her,” Louis answers and then stares at me. “You better treat her right, Zayn. I know your relationship is fucked up, but she’s a woman, treat her right.” Louis gives me a serious look, eyes fixed on mine and index finger pointed on my chest. He was dead serious right now.

“I am treating her right,” I defend myself. “I haven’t even seen her.” Nice, what a pathetic lie. I just fucked her and then came here.

Louis’s nostrils flare. “I know what you two did.” He props his legs on my laps and smirks. “I saw her hair.”

I look down from embarrassment and it felt odd to have Louis talking about ‘fuck hair’ since I was the one who told him how to spot fuck hair. Now, I was truly regretting it. Louis gets my attention by moving his bare feet quickly and I shoot a glare. Louis laughs and covers his mouth with his hands; Simon was going to kill us.

“Hey,” I ask Louis. “Why is Simon here today?”

It was odd, Simon never, NEVER came during our studio time. Louis glances at me and shrugs. Something was wrong, I was sure of it. And did the fans find out El was pregnant? No one said anything, still news went around fast. Also, Syreena kept her hidden. Well I hope she did, but she wasn’t that type of person. I watch as Harry and Niall step out of the booth and Niall sits on top Louis’s legs, bouncing a bit.

“OW!” I wince in pain. “Get off Niall.”

Niall smiles at me in response and when he doesn’t budge, Louis’s legs kick him and he falls to the floor. Harry cracks up and Niall just shrugs and sits there, looking carefree.

“Alright lads,” Simon comes off and claps his hands. “You guys are finished.”

We all applaud and Liam enters the door with Yorkshire Tea in his hands.

“Yorkshire!” Louis screams in delight and puts his arms forward. “Gimme gimme.”

Liam rolls his eyes and gives the cup to Louis who smiled in response and stared drinking. I swear there was something wrong with him.

“Uh, Simon?” Liam asks uncertain. “What brings you here?”

Simon tells one of the recorders to leave and I knew something was up. Simon leans by the door as if he was guarding it.

“Is everything okay?” Harry asks puzzled.

Simon nods. “Everything is okay,” he assures us.

I raise a brow in response and Simon gives a huff. “Someone found out Eleanor’s pregnant.”

My eyes go wide I turn to Louis who was in mid sip. His eyes bulging out of his head. I take the tea from him, we couldn’t let him be armed at this moment. His temper was just as bad as mine.

“Who!?” Louis hisses and stands up.

Simon shakes his head. “I don’t know, but that certain person threatened over the phone.”

“Why couldn’t you curse them off or something like that!” Louis yells. “Like how are in X factor.”

“I did,” Simon defends himself. “I just brushed it off but this is a risk, this person knows somethings up and we need you guys and Eleanor to take precautions.”

“Like what?” Louis scowls. “Where are we supposed to go?”

“We could go to Norway,” Harry suggests.

“Shut up Harry, I don’t have time for this,” Louis growls and grabs a fistful of his hair.

“Hey man, chill,” Niall says and stands up from the floor. He pulls Louis’s hand from his hair. He was in agony.

“How about we just stay low?” Simon advises and walks to Louis. “Its going to be fine,” he pats Lou’s back.

“I can’t conceal her from the face of the earth,” Louis speaks softly.

“Lou,” I say. “We’re here okay and we’ll be on the low for a while, no big deal.”

Louis nods. “Im going to check on Eleanor, its just messed up that her parents don’t give a fuck.”

He walks out of the studio and Liam breaks the silence.

“Who was the person?” Liam asks.

Simon looks down. “It’s Eleanor’s parents,” he mumbles.

Shock, I was in shock. I think everyone was, what kind of parent would that to their own child. Frustration broke out.

“What the hell?!” Niall hisses.

“I’m going to fucking kill them,” Harry growls.

Liam didn’t say anything but I stood up aggravated. Just because they disowned did not mean that they do this to their own daughter. It was disgusting.

“Louis cannot know,” Simon speaks. “Alright lads.”

We all nod in agreement, Eleanor couldn’t know either or else she’d be crushed. Simon walks out of the studio and everyone’s silent, the same thoughts were running throw our heads.

“We have to be very careful now,” Niall spoke up. “We can’t trust anyone.”

“Eleanor cant be seen with us,” Harry said. “Let’s keep her with Syreena, she took care of her before, she’ll do it again.”

“We cant trust her,” Niall said.

“Why not?” I hissed and glared at the blonde.

Niall looked down scared; my anger had caught him off. Why couldn’t Syreena be trusted?

“Harry’s right,” Liam finally said. He looked at me and then at Niall. “Syreena’s the only person we’ve got.” And then he spoke to me; “Call Syreena, and tell her she’s moving in with us.”

A/N;  Oh m geeee! Some shits about to go down! Sex 1O1(‘; I see people are liking it xD I will update that and vote and comment! Thank you guys! I waffle you[:


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