M's Dirty Dancer [11]

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“Syreena!” I heard someone call me.

I quickly wiped the tears from my nose and took in deep breathes, I couldn’t look like I was crying, then questions will arise.

“I’m coming,” I yelled to the voice.

I got up from my bed and took a glance at the mirror, my red nose seemed to fade and my eyes were returning to normal also. I took a hair band from the dresser and tied a messy ponytail. I gave a weak smile to my reflection, god, everything was different, I was different. I wasn’t a stripper no more I was part of a forming family and the thought made me give an mouth splitting smile. I quickly opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs.

“Eleanor!” I squeaked in surprise.

She held her arms out and I ran into them, throwing her almost off balance.

“I’m so sorry,” I cry as I move away from her and she just smiles. “I missed you,” she said.

I wasn’t aware that the five boys were starting at us with such awe so when I saw Zayn and he’s dazzling smile, I had to blink. Was he even real?

“Im going to make breakfast!” Louis suddenly yelled and I gaffed.

“What?” Louis asks, arching a brow and scowling at me. “I can’t make food?”

“I..” I scratch my head and turn to Eleanor who was silently laughing. “Ask your girlfriend,” I said.

“Eleanor?” Louis asked.

Eleanor looked at him and then stuttered. “Louis baby…. I… of course!”

Pretending to ignore Eleanor he heads to the kitchen and I couldn’t help but laugh, I felt good today. Like I was on cloud nine and everyone seemed to notice.

“Syreena’s happy today,” Harry stated and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and gave an affectionate squeeze. He then dropped his voice to a whisper. “Zayn and you must’ve had real fun last night.”

I blush and answer just as quietly. “Jealous Styles?”

Harry laughed and Zayn threw a questioning glance at the both of us and we headed to the kitchen.

“You know,” Harry said loud enough for Zayn to hear us. “Syreena and I are going out tonight, have a drink, and to thank you I’ll hire a male stripper for you.”

I freeze and stare at dimpled boy Styles. He gives me a sly smile in return and I could hear Zayn.

“And I’ll go to Taylor and keep her for myself,” Zayn answered back.

“Taylor?” I question.

“Swift,” Harry replied and then glumly answered Zayn. “Fine.”

We enter the kitchen and see Louis flying around with an apron and a spatula. It looked odd on him and I couldn’t help laughing out loud. Louis saw us and he stuck his middle finger at me, which made me laugh more. I went to lean by the counter and smiled at Louis.

“Alright chief, whatca cooking?”

“Pancakes,” a very concentrated Louis answered as he was flipping.

I nod in approval and grab the maple syrup. I tilt my head back and squeeze the bottle until the sweet syrup was on my tongue. It was delicious.


I put down the syrup and lick my lips and see a disgusted Zayn.

“Problem?” I laugh and point to the bottle with my chin. “It’s yummy. Try it.”

Malik's Dirty Dancer (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now