An interesting introduction

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Weavers pov
5 months since joining
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
     I sat at the table with David "Yeah, Harry's moving all of us to a base in northern Canada." He cocked an eyebrow "why Canada? The main activity is in the Middle East" I shrugged "apparently the Mask sect in America and Canada are getting more active so we're moving to be closer to the most active sect" he nodded "smart but that always puts rainbow on the back foot" I sighed "that's every mission we have, it's always reactive" he looked over as Erik sat down "yea, I suppose you're right" Erik asked "what are we talking about?" I looked at him "Rainbow recalling us to Canada" he nodded "I'm not looking forward to the cold but I am looking forward to seeing my friends at Rainbow again" I spoke after taking a drink "I'm looking forward to meeting the other members, Harry met with me and confirmed my acceptance to rainbow and then everyone got sent back to their bases. I only met Twitch, thermite and the Seals" he replied shocked "I forgot you didn't get to meet everyone, don't worry kid I'll introduce you to a couple people when we get there" I raised my hand in a peace gesture "we leave tonight don't we?" He nodded checking his watch "in 4 hours" I sighed "great we're going to northern Canada at night in February" David spoke "Weaver, you're from Alaska. What do you mean?" I nodded "and that's why I hate the fact we're gonna be there at night, it's gonna be -20 if we're lucky" Erik nodded "pack warmly, got it" I rolled my eyes as David asked "where's the base gonna be?" I shrugged "If I remember right the southern part of the Yukon" he laughed "good luck with that" I flipped him the bird as he stood "I've gotta go get to training or the Sergeant is gonna eat my ass" I rolled my eyes "just tell him I was keeping you held up" he looked at me hopefully "are you allowing me to use you to pull rank on my Sergeant?" I sighed "just this one time, if I hear you do it any other time and I'll come back just to kick you" he ran off giddy as I watched him "how the fuck is he here?" Erik spoke "no-fucking- clue staff" I looked over "why do you only call me staff after I mention it to keep David from dying?" He chuckled "because it annoys you" I sighed as I heard my Master Sergeant "Voodoo, come on we've got something special for you" I sighed quietly speaking to myself "please for the love of god, do not be a party" causing Erik to chuckle as I stood and walked over to the door and followed Richard down the hall. "So what do you have for me? Is it a new toy?" He chuckled "Calm down, you aren't a child" I replied "well I am one of the younger men here" he waved me off as we walked out and down the rod towards our barracks. It was quiet as I relished the warmth of the sun before it disappeared as we stopped in the shade outside the barracks door "after you Staff Sergeant" I wanted to insist he go first but the look in his eyes said it wasn't up for debate, I carefully opened the door now suddenly worried about what my squad had planned for me. When a substance didn't come pouring down, I relaxed slightly and pushed the door in as I took a step in and 2 of my squad mates appeared and threw slime at me before the other 2 appeared and covered me in glitter. I froze at the sudden cold as I breathed out shakily "oh my god" as my best friend Andrew laughed and someone took a picture, causing me to run at him and tackled him to the ground as we impacted and started wrestling effectively covering our door in the slime and glitter before Richard spoke "alright, alright, enough" we stopped and sat up I wiped off some slime on Andrew before I stood "Sir, with all due respect what the fuck?!" He laughed "it's been a fun couple years but you're leaving so we figured we'd send you off the same way we accepted you in, back when you were a baby faced kid" I flicked my arm sending slime flying before I chuckled "was the glitter necessary?" He nodded as Andrew helped me up. I looked at other delinquents and pointed at each of them "I'll get you, maybe not today or tomorrow or even this year but I'll get you" they chuckled as Richard spoke "come on, outside so we can deslime you two" I asked tiredly "the hose?" He nodded before Andrew and I walked outside standing against the wall as our squad lines up infront of us. I looked at Andrew "it's been an honor" he nodded "it's a shame it had to end this way" I replied as I looked forward "2 cases of friendly fire incoming" as Richard yelled "Men, Make ready!" And the team strengthened their grip on the hoses before Richard yelled "Hose em!" I tried to prepare myself but it was too late as I was impacted my ice cold pressurized water and flung to the ground as my squad followed their targets hitting us after we hit the ground. A freezing 30 seconds later I heard Richard "Hold!" As the water suddenly stopped and I sat up shivering as did Andrew. I looked at the team as Andrew and I simultaneously said "I hate you all" they laughed as we stood and walked inside quickly tearing off the waterlogged clothes switching into comfortable warm dry clothes as the rest of the team walked in I hear Steven "so that was fun" I rolled my eyes "for you yea" he chuckled as James spoke "come on, you had fun" I looked over bored as Andrew spoke "I wouldn't do that if I were you" James noticed the look "right, right, no fun got it" Alex laughed "alright, now can we give him the actual gift?" Richard sighed "Yes, yes we can" as Alex ripped up a box and placed it on the table "come on, come on! Open it up" I sighed and walked over grabbing the box and carefully opening it pulling away quickly several times as Andrew laughed "Jesus guys, we gave the man PTSD" I sighed and decided if this is how I die this is how I die as I grabbed the box and ripped the top open. I looked inside and saw a framed picture of the team, I lifted it up "wow.... this is worthless" as James spoke "wow, I see how it is" I waved him off "okay, okay, you caught me. Thanks guys, this is pretty nice" they smiled as I lifted the second box out of the bottom "what the hell is this?" Steven replied "you're a big boy figure it out" I rolled my eyes "it was rhetorical dumbass" he laughed as I opened it and saw a handgun "I already have a pistol, why do I need this?" Richards spoke "it's custom made, I figured you'd like it since most of your gear you've modified" I lifted it and inspected the gun "it is pretty nice, thank you all" they smiled as I brought everything over to my bed and got a duffel bag out. I lifted my clothes out of my foot locker carefully placing them in the duffel bag before I placed my will, dog tags, pictures from home and awards. I zipped up my bag before I got my gun case and placed in my rifles and pistols before I clipped it shut and rested it on my bed as I turned and looked at the squad "so when does my replacement get here?" Richard spoke "tomorrow, we're getting one from team onyx" I nodded as I stood "I'm off to see team Metal and say goodbye before I leave" Andrew asked "say hello to Derek for me, will ya?" I nodded "rich, want me to say hi to sandman?" He nodded as I saluted before walking out and heading to Team Metals barracks. It took a minute before I arrived and knocked Frost opened the door "Ah, Weaver heard you're leaving us" I nodded "rainbow wanted some more help since the marines weren't cutting it" he laughed "crayon eaters I tell ya man, anyway did you need something?" I shook my head no "just came to talk to everyone and say goodbye 'fore Erik and I leave" he moved out of the way and motioned me in, I walked in and saw Grinch and Truck playing ping pong while Sandman watched closely "what're are you guys doing?" Sandman looked up "Voodoo" I nodded in acknowledgement "Sandman, Venom sends his regards" he smiled "nice to hear, what brings you to our humble abyss?" I replied "just came to see everyone a last time before Erik and I report to Rainbow" he smirked "I heard about that, you've come a long way since you last ran with us" I rubbed the back of my neck "well having you all to help me gave me a pretty big head start" Frost spoke "come on kid, let's take a seat" I looked at him "bro, you're a month older... the fuck?" He laughed "still older" as he ran a hand through his brown hair before we pulled up seats next to the ping pong table "Hey Sandman, who's winning?" He motioned to truck "3 points" I nodded as we watched the match play out until truck won "get fucked, I told you you wouldn't win" grinch shook his head "I'll get you one day" I laughed "Dude, you've been saying that for a year" he looked over "Yeah, but sooner or later it'll be true" I smiled as Truck spoke "I'll die before you beat me in ping pong" I heard Frost "why didn't you go pro? You could've been doing so many things greater than being an operator" he chuckled as Sandman smiled and Grinch asked "Frost, have we ever told you that you're an idiot?" He nodded "only before I do something that works" everyone smiled as I asked "have any of you got any word on where makarov disappeared to? I haven't heard a fucking thing since price told us about shepherd" they shook their head no as Sandman spoke "hopefully the Russian President can handle the situation before Makarov gets them stirred up again we're still recovering from the last time they invaded" I sighed "apparently there's Russians at Rainbow, the Russian President sent them as a message that we aren't enemies and that makarov is acting of his own accord" they sighed as Grinch spoke "then he's acting alone with a lot of support, men like that don't just disappear" I nodded as Truck replied to him "and when he crawls out of whatever dark corner he's hiding in we'll hit him" I stood after checking my watch "well boys, I believe it's time I go get Erik and head out. The plane should be here soon" Frost gave me a fist bump "stay safe" I nodded as Grinch came over and extended his hand, I shook it as Truck appeared infront of me "keep your eye on the target and you'll never miss" I chuckled "that is until the mongoose appears in front of me. I'll definitely miss then" he shook his head as Sandman walked over "don't die metal 0-5" I replied with a smirk "never have and don't plan to" he chuckled as Frost spoke slowly "except for that one time" I looked over "we don't talk about that" he laughed as I turned and headed to the door "keep hunting Metal" before I disappeared. 20 minutes later Erik and I were standing off the Airfield as we waited for the plane "think Makarov is gonna work with the Masks?" He sighed "I hope I'm wrong but yea, there's no way he'd let an asset like the masks slip through without making a deal" I sighed "I was hoping I was wrong" he nodded as we saw the plane coming down "I believe we've got a lot of work coming out way" I lifted my gun case and threw my duffel bag over my shoulder "I wonder how the Russians are going to handle it" he chuckled "don't worry about that, worry about how the worlds going to handle it" I sighed before looking over "how much do you trust them? I'm not sure I'm comfortable being around them after DC, that was hell and a half" he replied tiredly "I trust them enough to go into combat with them, just try to let the past scars fade and you'll be fine" I nodded "a year isn't much of a window for that to happen" as we walked out to the plane he replied "but it is a lot of time", when we got on I saw the Russians in the back, the Brits and French were sitting up front and the SEALs were right behind the brits. I placed my bag in the over head and sat behind the French with Erik "hey Emma, how've you been?" She turned with a smile "hi, I've been good, a lot of work but it's been good" I sighed "we've had our hand full helping rebuild, sometimes we get some fun missions but it's mostly just security" she nodded "I saw the damage when we were coming in, lot of work" I chuckled "atleast the economy is going fucking great, I still wish I got to see more combat" she gave me a weird look "you enjoy combat a lot don't you?" I nodded "it's where I feel I'm actually making a difference, I can kill an enemy and save 10 people with a single round." She replied "I've never thought of it like that, it's always just been a necessary evil" I shook my head "it's still a necessary evil, if I didn't believe in what we're doing I wouldn't have ever shot someone. I just find a good reason to do evil things" she nodded slowly "je vois, je pense l'avoir compris(I see, I think I got it)" I asked "avez-vous hâte d'aller à la nouvelle base?(are you excited to go to the new base?)" she nodded excitedly "j'ai toujours voulu voir les aurores boréales mais nos bases ont toujours été un peu trop au sud(I've always wanted to see the northern lights but our bases have been a bit too south)" I replied longingly remembering the views when I was a kid "ils sont magnifiques quand on les fait réfléchir sur l'océan(They're gorgeous when you get them reflecting over the ocean)" she replied "j'ai hâte de les voir(I look forward to seeing them)" as we got ready to take off. I leaned back as Erik leaned over "see? You're already settling in" I chuckled softly "that because I met Emma months ago and we kept in touch over the break" he smiled softly as he sat upright and closed his eyes. I felt the plane lift off as we headed back towards my domain, the icy expanses of wilderness in the great north.

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