Operation: Ice pick

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Weaver's pov
6 days later
Ramstein AFB, Germany
"We've got a location, let's go briefings in 5" I nodded groggily as I rolled off my cot and started standing "come on Em- oh yeah..... she's not here anymore" frost patted my shoulder "it's easy street after today, you'll be with her again" I looked at him "Well let's go" he chuckled as we took off sprinting towards the briefing, a minute later, we burst through the door before resting our hands on our knees breathing heavily "holy shit, this base is huge" frost nodded as we took in as much air as possible before I laughed, frost looked at me "what's so funny?" I looked over "I almost had you" he replied "Almost, doesn't matter" I waved him off as we looked forward and saw Sandman next to the "General" causing both Frost and I to straighten at the word "Sir" he nodded "At ease" we assumed the position arms behind our backs, the back of my right hand resting in the palm of my left as my feet moved to 1 foot apart from each other as we waited until Grinch and Truck walked in and suddenly became hyper aware of the situation before assuming the position of Attention, the General repeated the order and they joined us in the position of At ease. The general spoke "Alright gentlemen, you've done a lot of extremely dangerous missions for this nation and we are grateful but we're asking you to do one more. The Girl, Alena, has been taken to a diamond mine in Siberia, you're going to infiltrate with the assistance of various ASOF elements. You leave in 20 make your preparations and bring them out safely" we saluted and exited as Sandman led us out. Once we got far enough away they couldn't hear us Sandman spoke in hushed tones "I've already informed Price of the situation, He and a new friend of ours, Yuri, are going to assist us on our venture. Keep your gun tight, no one likes a dead hostage" I nodded with a small smile "So we get to see if Price breaks his hip this mission, good, good, I've missed the bets" sandman chuckled as Frost asked "Bro, i don't think he knows you're here. You could scare the shit out of him" I rubbed my neck "Yeah, no, I prefer not to be dead" he replied "Pansy" I looked at him as Grinch spoke "Frost, you're scared of spiders" I looked at his shoe "speaking of spiders, Jesus Christ, that's a big one" he jumped and spun "getitoff, getitoff, getitoff, Get it off!" We started laughed as he realized what happened and tackled me as we started wrestling until I put him in a headlock "come on, just accept it! I'm the better you!" He struggled until Truck all but yelled "Hello! Mission to rescue the Russian President and keep Europe from being nuked is being prepped, would you like to join us?!" We froze and stared at him before standing and wordlessly walking into the barracks. I got my cold gear together as Sandman spoke "Voodoo, you and Frost are on sniper cover until we reach the insert point. After that, you're with price, requested you by name when he heard you're here" I nodded as I grabbed my 416 CQB

and Barrett M82 before walking over and listening as Truck asked "Any clue where the president is?" He shook his head no "Nada, we've got ideas but nothing concrete" I sighed "can I make a call before we leave?" He nodded "you've got 5 minutes" I ...

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and Barrett M82 before walking over and listening as Truck asked "Any clue where the president is?" He shook his head no "Nada, we've got ideas but nothing concrete" I sighed "can I make a call before we leave?" He nodded "you've got 5 minutes" I smiled faintly and walked outside and leaning against the wall as I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the contacts until I saw Emma's and Dad's next to each other, I sighed and clicked on my dad's contact and waited for him to answer after a couple rings I heard the voicemail before hanging up and scrolling down to Emma before waiting only to hear her answer "hello? Weaver?" I replied "hey Em, how're you?" She sighed "tired, i haven't slept well." I asked "any idea why?" She replied "worrying, growing grey hairs" I looked down as I asked "cause of me?" She must've sensed something since she replied "No, just worrying since we got word about the Delta Op and I know you're gonna be there" I spoke trying to ease the worry "I've got overwatch, I won't be in harms way." She spoke with unease "promise?" I chuckled softly "oui, I promise" she released a breath "how's the base without me?" I groaned over dramatically "boring as fuck, I've had to hang out with frost and that's been fucking terrible" Frost spoke from next to me as she laughed "Thanks asshat, tell her I said hi and you've got 3 minutes" I gave the OK hand gesture and spoke "Frost says Hi, how's everything on your end?" She replied slowly as she found the words "weird, Marius has been trying to sub in for you and keep me smiling but it's just not the same. When can you get back? I want that date" I laughed openly "if everything goes according to plan 2 days, if it goes side long then I don't know" she sighed before turning serious and sternly speaking "you come back to me in one piece or so help me god" I laughed "I will, I gotta go. Stay sane" she replied tiredly "Bye, I'm gonna try to get some sleep since you're aging my heart with these stunts" I replied through the chuckles "bye, that's my job em" I hung up and spun walking into the barracks and got on my gear "I'm ready boss" he nodded as we all looked at each other before we checked our gear and headed out to the blackhawk and mounted up before the pilot finished their checks and got ready to take off, I was looking out the door until I heard my name and looked over seeing everyone looking at Truck as he held his phone and got ready to take a picture of us before we departed for the mission. I grew a half cocked grin and lifted my right hand in a peace gesture as Frost rested his arm on my shoulder while saying "West side" like an idiot as Truck took the picture and we all chuckled before settling in for the long flight, I double checked my M82 before leaning back and watching YouTube for a couple hours before taking a nap. I woke up when we reached the staging point and met up with Price and this new guy Yuri "Hey old man, who's the new blood" Price looked at me "Yuri, he's ex-Spetsnaz and has a hard on for killing Makarov" I extended my hand "Me too bro, me too. I'm voodoo" he nodded "Nice to meet you Voodoo, Price has told me about you" I looked at him "Oh? Hear that Sandman? I think price is proud of me" we shared a laugh as price asked "You yanks ready to go to work?" I handed the m82 to Frost as Sandman and the rest gave their affirmations. "Let frost and I get into position before you go meet the neighbors yeah?" Price nodded as Sandman spoke "Go, you've got a minute" I whacked frosts shoulder as we took off running to the upper edge of the diamond mine, before laying down and setting up our position I radioed "In position" as I started looking through my binoculars. Sandman radioed back "Rog' we heading to the elevator now" we laid silently and undetected for 6 minutes before I heard Sandman "Overlord, this is sandman. We're at the bottom of the mine, we're gonna need air support" I heard Overlord reply "Affirmative sandman. We'll chop a predator to you" I smiled to myself as I saw two little birds evading a hind's attempts to take them down "Frost you got the target designator?" He reached to his vest and pulled it out extending it towards me, I took it "Sandman, designator is in hand, break, we're gonna hunker down and hit anyone you can't, how copy?" He radioed back "Good, Viper 1-2 and 1-6's teams are boots down we're moving to phase line Charlie" I spoke "Frost, 11 o'clock, 140 meters, on the jersey barricade" he replied after a couple seconds "got him" I spoke "prosecute" as I heard the tremendous roar of the 50 caliber BMG and watched the man drop almost instantly "good shot" just then Overlord spoke "UAV is on station with a full load of AGMs. Ready for targets" I glanced at Frost "My turn" as I lifted the designator and saw an armored truck tearing towards Sandman, Price and the rest before I clicked the button on the side and watched as a missile streaked into the hood of the truck causing it to roll 4 or 5 times side over side before resting upside down and detonating as the fire reached the gas, Overlord spoke "nice work. Multiple KIAs" I heard Price "Viper 4-6 I need a strafing run East to west, 20 meters from friendly positions!" 4-6 replied "I'm gonna need something to mark friendly positions, um, some smoke or a flare" I heard Grinch "give me 5 seconds and I'll mark us" 4-6 spoke "holding orbit" as I spoke to frost "3 at direct front, 15 meters from Price, backs to us" he spoke sounding like he was in a  trance "on 'em" I replied "send it" the rifle barked again as 2 dropped leaving one extremely confused as to where the giant hole in his buddies came from "1 skinner, hit him again" frost fired as I watched the man get ripped to the ground. Just then the smoke was popped and 4-6 spoke "Got it, moving to strafe targets ETA 15 seconds" I watched the strafe before speaking into the radio "4-6, send a second strafe same line, targets are not down" he replied "A-ffirm, rotating now" as the Little bird streaked overhead and the two miniguns shredded the targets "Good hits" just as I was about to go back to spotting for Frost I heard Sandman "Targets on top of the construction project, Voodoo hit em with the predator!" I lifted the designator again and located the project they were talking about before clicking the button and locking in the coordinates "Send it" a few seconds later a missile screamed into the top of the building and Overlord spoke "5 plus casualties confirmed, good work" sandman radioed "Viper, we're moving into the construction yard, watch your fire!" The pilots replied "Roger, moving to the next phase line" I heard Sandman "Overlord, Phase line Delta hit!" Overlord replied quickly "Nice work Delta, keep up the progress" I sighed "Frost, the porta-potty. Two targets hiding behind it, got em?" He replied still in a trance "got them" I replied coldly "end them" he squeezed the trigger causing the Barrett to buck defiantly into his shoulder and the porta-potty to get ripped to the ground as the men dropped dead. I was about to use the designator on a convoy of armored trucks heading to the entrance of the target until a missile streamed up from the top of the building and exploded high above us "Overlord a SAM just took out our Predator, we need another way into the mine" The pilots of the various Viper teams strafed the convoy as they came to a halt with rockets and guns taking a decent amount of the troops down but leaving enough that it entered a stalemate "Frost, 10 o'clock high, above the entrance, 9 targets" he spoke "Got em" I replied "Prosecute, kill them all" he fired several times before I slid him another magazine and he finished reloading firing again dropping the last 3 targets. Overlord came over "Solid copy, Voodoo. Odin Six, Payload target coordinates are as follows, seven niner four four." I radioed to Sandman "keep everyone down, we've got AC-130 support inbound 30 seconds" he replied "Everyone, you heard him hunker down. 30 seconds" it was painfully difficult to keep hitting targets when there's 30 of them and you only have an 10 round magazine. 39 seconds later everything erupted in a hail of 40mm, 25mm and 105mm impacted the Russian positions. I heard Sandman "Voodoo, Frost, rally on us" I patted his shoulder as we packed up the Barrett and made our way to the group. "How'd was your walk?" I looked at price "Amazing, I really enjoyed the Russian soup street." They chuckled as we got ready to enter the mining facility, I nodded as Frost joked "isn't Siberia just fucking great?! My nuts are in my stomach, why is it so fucking cold?!" I looked over as Yuri and Truck laughed softly while Price spoke "It's Siberia you fucking muppet" Frost sighed as I took a couple steps back after Sandman nodded to me before I rushed forward and drop kicked the door, sending it flying in as I started rolling to my left as Price and Sandman entered checking corners while the rest walked in and started pushing the Russians back through the tunnels I heard Sandman "Overlord, we're in. Approaching the target now", Yuri turned and extended his hand I took it as he yanked me up "well that is an interesting breaching technique" I nodded "tried and true in the parking lot of high school"

he laughed as we dropped down a level and started walking through the mining tunnel until we saw the bodies of Russian soldiers and the team stacked on a door Price turned back "Yuri, get the door" I shoulder my 416 as I turned and held rear guard...

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he laughed as we dropped down a level and started walking through the mining tunnel until we saw the bodies of Russian soldiers and the team stacked on a door Price turned back "Yuri, get the door" I shoulder my 416 as I turned and held rear guard while they prepped to breach. I heard the door explode as the 6 of them flooded into the room causing me to stand and walk backwards into the room as Overlord was heard "0-1, what is your status? Have you secured the president?" Sandman replied "Negative overlord, but we have the girl" as I spun and saw Alena while Overlord replied "we'll prep a team for extraction. Continue searching for the president" truck spoke "She's trying to say something" causing me to walk forward and crouch "She's speaking, quiet, quiet!" Everyone shut up as I leaned in and heard her mumbling "they took my father deeper into the mine" I turned to Sandman "they took the president deeper, go get him, Frost and I will extract the girl. Go!" He nodded and motioned everyone to follow him as they took off running. I looked at Frost "go in my bag and grab the extra jacket, she'll freeze if she goes out there in this" he nodded "sit still" I suddenly had a jacket in my face as I sat Alena up "мы вытащим тебя отсюда, ты можешь идти?(we're going to get you out of here, can you walk?)" she groggily mumbled "моя нога болит(my leg hurts)" I asked "какая нога?(what leg?)" she patted her left leg I nodded "надень эту куртку, я отнесу тебя к вертолету(put on this jacket, I'll carry you to the helicopter)" she stuck her arms through while I zipped it up "let's go, Frost lead us out" he nodded as I picked up Alena and we headed out to the blackhawk waiting "Let's go! We need to get her to safety!" The pilot nodded as I radioed "Sandman, we're egressing with Alena. See you back at base" I heard a static ridden reply causing me to sigh "Overlord, egressing with Alena, Medical should be prepped. Secondary objective completed, how copy?" As we lifted off he replied "Good work, I'll have Medical waiting. Overlord out" I leaned back as we flew away and towards friendly territory.

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