The resurgance

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Weavers POV
7 months after joining
Yukon Territory, Canada
     We watched as the first missile struck the skyscraper, I turned to Maxim "let's see if you're true to your word" he nodded before everyone ran to get our gear as we scrambled to get on our way to the East Coast to repel the Russian attack again, I looked at Harry after I had geared up "I need a fire team" he nodded "Twitch, Kapkan, Maverick, Valkyrie and Jäger will move with you to link up with Delta units at Bennett field" I nodded as I situated my beret "we'll get it done" he replied "I know voodoo, bring everyone home" I saluted before grabbing the operators as they exited the armory "We're moving Jäger you're our ride, we're going to Bennett airfield" he nodded and ran out to the helicopter "Guess we were right Maverick" he nodded sadly "unfortunately Staff" I looked at Kapkan and Twitch "keep close to us and you'll make it through, clear?" They both nodded as Emma replied "Crystal" I smiled "good, any questions?" Kapkan raised his hand "how will they react to me being Russian?" I shrugged "I'll vouch for you, so will Maverick" he nodded as Valkyrie asked "how much damage is there?" I shook my head "I don't know, what I do know is there's going to be a lot more by the time we get there. It's a 12 hour flight" twitch asked "are they halting the operation until we get there? Or are we gonna catch up?" I replied "as far as I know Deltas waiting for us, the Rangers and Marines are already scrambling a defense but we need to move fast" they nodded as Jager burst through the door "Chopper is good, let's go!" I looked at the team as Erik yelled "come on, let's get moving I don't want to wait any longer than we need to!" Everyone shook the stupor and ran out the door quickly climbing into the chopper and closing the door as Jäger and his co pilot flipped some switches before the helicopter lifted off and headed south. I woke up to the jolt of the helicopter as it came in to land, he spoke "we've got a lock on, I'm going to attempt to drop you onto the airfield" I ripped the door open and looked back seeing the rocket "we've got 3 klicks Jäger" he was heard struggling to force the helicopter to do maneuvers it wasn't designed to do "2 klicks" he looked down "it's a 20 foot drop, go! bail out!" I kicked the bags out "everyone bail!" The team didn't hesitate and jumped out impacting the ground and rolling as I looked back "1 klick" as I jumped, I impacted and rolled forward to relieve the shock to my legs as I heard Erik "clear! Go!" I saw the blackhawk start climbing again as flares popped but it was too late. He rose 100 meters gaining speed and starting to dump flares again until the rocket struck the tail taking the rear stabilizer off as Jäger spoke breathing heavily "mayday mayday mayday, Rainbow 0-1 is going down." As we watched in horror as the helicopter spun violently before disappearing behind the tree line and we heard the crash. I stood and grabbed my m4 and magazines before running in the direction of the crash, I didn't think to check if the team was following me as I ran across the airfield tarmac. I lifted my arms in an X infront of my face as I rushed through the trees feeling the pine needles scrape against my forearms, when I burst out the other side and into the open field and saw the crash site.

The blackhawk had turned so it lay on its right side, the glass was cracked as if lightning had struck it and the rotors were horribly twisted, the shock quickly wore off as I started running again

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The blackhawk had turned so it lay on its right side, the glass was cracked as if lightning had struck it and the rotors were horribly twisted, the shock quickly wore off as I started running again. I arrived infront of the windshield "Jäger, come on Jäger you still in here?" He groaned "Ja, my straps are caught. Copilots fucked, so is the right gunner" I nodded as I kicked the glass panel in and crawled in "we'll get them out later come on" I pulled my knife and cut the straps causing Jäger to tumble and impact the door "crawl out, I'm gonna help the gunner out" he gave a thumbs up as I climbed over the copilots seat and into the back. When I got in the pack and turned on my flashlight I saw a grizzly mess where the gunner had been thrown from their position and cut in half as the door slammed shut on her lower stomach, my mind permanently etched the scene in my memory as I climbed back into the cockpit and grabbed Jäger's 416 before crawling out the hole in the windshield I'd made. I handed him the rifle as he spoke "I don't have any mags" I pulled out 3 of my magazines "that's all I can spare" he took them "danke(thank you)" as the rest of the team caught up to us. We were about to start talking when we heard Russian in the near distance, I crouched as everyone froze and held my pointer finger over my lips and motioned back into the woods. Everyone gave various signals of understanding as Jäger and I moved as quickly as we could to the tree line, we waited until a minute later a Russian patrol of 6 men dropped the 2 feet to the ground below. I looked at my team and nodded while drawing my thumb across my neck they gave thumbs up as we took aim, I quietly counted down "3, 2, 1" as we squeezed the trigger, shifting and tagging any targets that didn't drop with the initial barrage of fire. A couple seconds later a larger group of Russian troops came over the hill firing, I sighed as we returned fire "Maverick, do we have any reinforcements?!" He yelled back "Affirm! Metal is Oscar Mike!" I nodded "Rog!" As I shifted my aim on the tree to hit an enemy with a dragunov "Sniper! Twitch get down!" She ducked as I fired 3 or 4 rounds in 2 seconds and watched as time seemed to slow and the Russian fell from the tree "He's done!" Kapkan yelled "right side!" Causing me to scoot around the tree and hit the next set of targets, Jäger activated one of his ADS's "you can stop worrying about grenades now!" As he tossed it into the field and started firing again, twitch asked "Eta?!" Maverick checked his watch "1 minute!" I groaned "you've got to be fucking me!" I flipped my rifle to full auto and squeezed the trigger as a man stood up watching as the rounds riddled his chest causing him to look down and inquisitively touched the new holes in his chest before he coughed and dropped face first onto the ground. I shook from my stupor of watching that and went back to firing when I felt a hand on my shoulder "Well well well, Sandman look who's back!" I glanced back for a second and saw Frost with his M4 as he stepped to the tree to my right and started firing as sandman replaced him next to me "Voodoo, back already?" I nodded "I brought some friends to come help you fucks" he laughed as a missile impacted the Russian force, I looked up and saw nothing "God, have I ever said how much I love predators?" we stood as Sandman yelled "Rainbow, egress to Bennett we'll hold your 6!" I saw Maverick, Twitch, Jäger and Kapkan stand, turn 180 and start jogging to the airfield. I waited with team Metal as we slowly backed out of our positions before we reached the tarmac at which point we spun and ran to the base, when we reached the barracks delta was staying at I looked at Sandman "My team's yours, what's the mission?" He handed me a tablet "Rangers are going to infil us to Manhattan, after that we fight our way to the stock exchange and knock out their jammer." I nodded "CentCom know we're attached to you?" He sighed "no, I haven't had the chance to tell them" I nodded and grabbed the radio "CentCom this is Rainbow 1-1, we're opcon to you over" I heard CentCom "Roger, 1-1, callsign overlord, good to have you in our corner. I understand you have a Russian with you, over" I replied "yessir, I'll vouch for him he won't hesitate to hit a Russian, Delta operator Maverick will also vouch" he spoke "cleared, have you been briefed?" I looked at the tablet "affirmative, we know what you're asking" I could hear him typing "good, Overlord out" I passed the tablet to Erik "get this to everyone in our team, I want them to know that briefing like it's there mother's name" he gave a nod and a reply "you're comfortable with this mission?" I looked at the team talking with Metal "no, no I'm not, but we need to get it done if we want a hold in this war." He sighed "we're going to lose people here" I looked at him sadly "I know" as Erik walked away, Sandman walked over to me "your team is interesting" I nodded "they're something, Twitch is a geek, Kapkan is a knife nerd, Jäger is a flight nerd, Maverick is well he's Maverick and I'm the super cool leader" he laughed before turning serious "when can we leave?" I looked at the two teams "Give them 10 minutes to memorize the briefing and we can get a move on" he nodded "you've grown up in the last two months" I mused "world war 3 will do that to you" he spoke "this war will be over soon enough, the world is too strong for it to last" I nodded as I looked over "I just wonder who's going to be there to rebuild" he looked at his dog tags "i wish I could tell you" We kept talking until I heard Twitch "Voodoo, we're good to go hunting" I looked at Sandman "there's your answer" he nodded "Metal, gear up. I'll tell the Rangers" I looked back at the team "check gear, we're about to enter a world of luck" I sat next to twitch after I got some extra mags and started loading them "stay safe will you?" She looked over at me "you sound worried" I nodded "I am, I'm fucking terrified to do this mission" she sighed "you too huh? Well fear not for the great and powerful twitch will be next to you to protect you" I looked over as I lifted my fist and she tapped the back of her hand against mine "together then" she nodded with a smile "together" I looked up as I saw multicam pants and saw Frost "when you two lovebirds are done the humvees are out front" I rolled my eyes with a chuckle as Emma burned red "come on Em, let's go save the world" she stood as we headed out to the second truck in the convoy and I walked around to the passenger seat, I got in and placed my M4 between my legs and put on my straps as Erik climbed into the drivers seat while Kapkan and Twitch took the back seats, Jäger was on the minigun as Erik flashed the headlights and Truck pulled the humvee around and followed the rangers out the gate heading toward New York City so we could hit one of the hardest missions of our lives. I looked back "try to get some sleep, it's a 40 minute drive" they leaned back after I helped them figure out the straps, I tried looking through satnet for any images of anything we could use to make our approach easier. The time seemed to fly until I heard a Ranger yell "RPG!" Causing my head to snap up as I saw the rocket flying through the air hitting under the front right tire of the humvee lifting and flipping it on its side. We stopped quickly and ripped off our straps and got out as truck and Grinch climbed out and started engaging, "Jäger get that minigun hitting the enemies!" He nodded as the barrels started spinning. I crouched behind the humvee with the other four "keep it tight and safe, I want no risky plays" they nodded as i spoke again "Maverick and Kapkan take the right flank and help truck, Twitch on me" as we came out from behind the humvee and watched as two missiles impacted one of the skyscrapers dropping massive pieces of debris

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