Night strikes

221 2 6

Emma's pov
5 months after war breaks out
Berlin, Germany
I checked my magazine for the third time making sure I had rounds in it before loading it again, Thatcher spoke "Emma, enough, it's loaded. Calm down" Weaver looked over for a second before returning his eyes to the passing city "Jäger, how far out are we?" Marius replied "just over a klick from the SAMs, 400 meters from the LZ" Weaver asked another question "How close can you get us safely?" We waited for a minute before Marius got back "I can push it to 600 but it's risky" Weaver looked conflicted "stick with the original LZ, I'd rather keep this bird in one piece" Jäger breathed a sigh of relief "danke(thank you), if you made me fly into that mess I'd probably have shit myself" we chuckled as the crew chief spoke into our headsets "30 seconds, make final preparations" Weaver looked at us as he spoke "Remember slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Let's finish this and get home, I've got shit to do that is more important than this" I looked at him "like what? This is world war 3 we're talking about" he looked back "Victoria wants to make cookies for our squads she asked me to help and I agreed after ensuring she buys me dinner. I want my free food!" We chuckled at the antics getting a break in the tension before the crew chief pulled the door back and clipped the rope to the hook before waiting until the helicopter came to a halt. The crew chief tossed out the rope and leaned out making sure it touched the ground before turning to Weaver and nodding with a thumbs up, Weaver moved past him and grabbed the rope leading us out of the helicopter and to the ground below. I was the last one off the helicopter as My feet hit the ground I took 3 steps before falling to a crouch as Voodoo radioed "we'll call you when we need a ride, over" Jäger replied "A-ffirm, see you in a while, Jäger out" I went to ask him how we were doing this when he radioed again "Overlord, this is 1-1, we're Oscar Mike to objective Pluto, how copy?" Overlord was heard "Solid copy, keep me updated voodoo, I want to know the moment those SAMs are offline, over" Weaver replied "yessir, 1-1 out" thatcher, Blackbeard, Valkyrie and I moved so we were crouched around him as he pulled out a compass and checked his gps before turning to us "Blackbeard, you've got lead. Thatcher you're rear guard, Twitch you're infront of him, Valkyrie you've got middle and Blackbeard I've got your 6. Any questions?" Thatcher asked "how far to the target?" Voodoo replied "600 meters, we should run into 3 platoons along the way, if the intel is still good" thatcher nodded as I asked "what happened if we're spotted?" Voodoo sighed while looking down, almost conflictingly, before looking up and replying "we're on our own at that point, until those SAMs are down the Air Force isn't launching planes" I nodded before it fell quiet and he stood "form up and let's move, remember the darkness is your friend" he pulled down his NVGs and placed his hand on Blackbeard's shoulder before 5 green lines appeared in my vision. We moved slowly throw the eerily silent city, no one moved, there was no gunfights, there was no lights on, there was no sign of human life besides us thatcher noticed my head shifting "everyones either dead or asleep, the city comes alive in the mornin' lass. It's why we're out here now" I nodded before looking back and replying "it doesn't make it any less creepy, I'm getting the chills just looking at it" he chuckled softly "you get used to it by your 10th deserted city" we came to a stop behind some cover as we watched a patrol of 7 Russian soldiers walked past us. I held my breath as I saw the barrel of an Ak47 pass inches away from my head until I noticed weaver moving past me after the last man in the patrol and I saw something glimmer in the moonlight, I couldn't tell what it was until he covered the Russians mouth and stabbed him twice in the base of the neck and dragged him into our piece of cover pulling his Radio off of him as well as his grenades and flashbangs. I whispered "what the hell are you doing?" He waved the radio "I know Russian, the grenades and flashbangs are for Valkyrie, and ID is so I can maintain the illusion that this man is still alive" thatcher spoke "smart, well done son" weaver nodded with a smirk as he passed the equipment to Valkyrie and hooked the radio to his hip. "Let's get moving" i shouldered my F2 as I glanced at the dead Russian one last time before following him towards the target, he glanced back "Thatcher, Twitch, come here for a second" we moved next to him "oui? What do you need?" He handed me his trip mines "Plant them on both sides of the street behind us, if someone's trailing us this'll let us know" I nodded "I'll get it done" as I handed one to thatcher and he spoke "you rely on technology too much, gives you a crutch" I heard weaver sigh "Mike, I'll listen to your anti-tech speech after the mission but for now we rely on it. I need to make sure my team is safe, that includes you, I will use whatever I can to ensure everyone comes home alive" mike nodded with a chuckle "alright lad, I'll let it slide for now" as we hung back and jogged to opposite sides of the street carefully planting the mines and activating them before jogging and catching up with the team.
Weaver's pov
      I heard the radio crackle to life "алексей, ты где? ты снова заблудился?(alexei, where are you? Did you get lost again?)" I sighed before speaking "да я не могу найти дорогу обратно в лагерь(yes, I can't find my way back to camp)" the man replied "Ну где ты? мы можем получить вас, если мы знаем, где вы находитесь(well where are you? We can go get you if we know where you are)" I shook my head before adding annoyance into my tone "хорошо, если бы я знал, где я был, я бы не погиб(well if I knew where I was I wouldn't fucking be lost)" the voice replied sounding uneasy "почему ты звучишь странно?(why do you sound weird?)" I froze for a second as my mind raced for an answer until I replied "я споткнулся и ударил радио на некоторых камнях, это могло испортить микрофон(I tripped and hit my radio on some rocks, it might have fucked up the mic)" he sighed before snapping "это третье радио за месяц! хорошо, что ты видишь вокруг себя?(thats the third radio this fucking month! Alright, what do you see around you?)" I pulled out my gps and looked at everything south west of us, the direction we had come from and saw an old church just over 500 meters behind us "ну, церковь, деревья, разрушенные здания(uh, a church, some trees, destroyed buildings)" the man in the radio replied "я думаю, я знаю, где ты, сиди спокойно, я пошлю патруль, чтобы забрать тебя(I think I know where you are, sit tight, I'll send a patrol to pick you up)" I sighed in relief "благодаря(thanks)" as I put the radio back on my hip "heads up, they're sending out a patrol to find alexei, we're gonna make sure they disappear too" I checked my gps after Twitch asked "how far?" I looked at her "350 meters, we have to cut through a destroyed building in 50" she nodded "thanks" I waved her off before gripping my M4's heat guard "No problem, Thatcher how do you feel about this? You've got the experience" he sighed "I don't like it, if we're lucky we'll have just over 48 enemies to deal with, if we're unlucky we're looking at a company" I nodded before speaking "I'll see if there's an update on the personnel" I was about to thumb my radio when I heard "1-1, this is Overlord, be advised there is a Russian patrol approaching your team from the northwest, 100 meters out, how copy?" I spoke "Overlord, 1-1 copies all, be advised we called the patrol to us and are gonna set up an ambush, over" I heard the general choke on his spit "1-1, please repeat you last" I spoke again "we called the Russian patrol from the 1st camp to our position, over" he asked in layman's terms "how the hell did you do that?" I chuckled despite myself trying not to before replying "a commandeered Russian radio and ID, as far as they know one of their own has just gone missing and a retrieval squad has been dispatched, how copy?" The general laughed "well done Voodoo, when you get back to Ramstein give the radio to the command center so they can crack the Russian code, Overlord out" I shook my head before whistling "Set up an ambush, we've got that squad coming in. 75 meters out" everyone nodded as Twitch and I moved to the left side of the street ducking behind some rubble and waiting for the Russians to walk around the corner and into our crosshairs. It took a minute for the Russians to appear as I used my left hand and thumbed my radio "Open fire on three, 1, 2, 3, hit em" I squeezed my trigger and listened as my rifle barked to life as I heard a yell of pain and saw one of the soldiers start to fall before I shifted my aim to anyone who looked like they were even remotely close to still standing. I stood and gave the rally hand signal "Let's hide the bodies and get a move on, 300 meters out" twitch asked "how long until sunrise?" I checked my watch 12:37 "5 hours give or take" she nodded before asking "think we'll get a break and make it through unhindered?" I shook my head no "They're awake, we don't have the chance to catch them while they're asleep" she sighed as I spoke "don't worry about it, you guys are behind me I'll take the hits" she gave me a pointed look "you better not die" I looked at her "I don't plan to" I moved to the bodies laying in the street and grabbed one pulling him into the store and placing him down before standing to the side so Valkyrie and Thatcher could drag their corpses in before walking out again and seeing 5 more corpses. I sighed quietly before grabbing two corpses by the scruff of their neck and dragging them to the collection point, I counted quickly "9 down, 39 to go. If we move quickly we can ignore the next two platoons and only have it clear the last group and place the charges before Jäger comes and gets us" they nodded as I motioned for Blackbeard to lead us out, I glanced to my left and saw Emma looking around frantically causing me to ask "what's bothering you?" Her head snapped over towards me "I'm on edge, I don't like the numbers difference. I don't know, I guess I just have a bad feeling about this" I nodded quickly "Stay close to me and you'll be safe, if your feeling gets worse let me know" she nodded as I caught up with Blackbeard "how're we looking?" He glanced at me for a second before turning forward "we're clear so far, not even a fuckin' rat" I chuckled "then let's kick this into gear, if we can cover the distance quickly we'll be able to catch 'em off guard" he nodded as I turned around walking backwards "we're gonna kick it into a jog, we've got 150 meters to the first platoon" they nodded as I turned around and started jogging along the path to the first target. 30 seconds later, I fell to a crouch as we heard a helicopter flying overhead causing me to look up and see the underbelly of a Hind passing by, I glanced a twitch "your feeling might be right, let's go" I stood and started running again trying to cover the ground quickly. 1 minute later, we dropped back to a slow walk as we got to the outskirts of the camp, I motioned to right through the destroyed building as we started moving past the camp, my eyes kept scanning the base trying to keep track of all the movement in the camp as we snuck through the rubble. I was the last one to leave the building acting as rear guard as we moved past them somehow remaining undetected, I looked around as we walked through the destroyed streets "I remember this city, it used to be beautiful now look at it.... a fuckin' ghost town" Valkyrie looked back "it looks like those pictures of world war 2 we looked at" I nodded as Thatcher jumped in "The German military should've been able to keep the Russians out, I wonder what happened" I responded "The gas attacks, russia did them all over the continent. Crushed any hope for a defense, everyone who survived the gas attack had to retreat back to France and the bases we've secured" Twitch replied "This war retraces World War 2 almost to a T, only difference is it's russia taking the continent instead of Germany" I was going to reply until I heard some Russian coming around the corner, my head snapped forward as 4 soldiers came around the corner. We all stared at each other in this weird awkward moment before I lifted my M4 and started firing, hitting and dropping 2 Russians before they got into cover, I sighed before I saw and AK come around the corner and bark to life as I grabbed Thatcher and Twitch, the two closest people next to me, and threw them to the ground. I felt a sudden sledgehammer to my chest plate and then burning points across my left arm as I fell to the ground, I heard Blackbeard's mk17 and Valkyrie's MPX as I groaned in pain as if felt like a man was standing over me hitting me with a sledgehammer repeatedly.

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