Decisive strikes pt. 2

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Weavers pov
7 months after joining
Central Park, Manhattan
     I traded fire with the Russians until I grew tired "Rainbow 1-1 requesting air support, how copy?" Overlord replied 30 seconds later "affirmative 1-1, we're directing an Apache, callsign Jinx 4-3, to your location now. Mark targets with red smoke, over" I nodded "1-1 copies all" I moved down the trench "2-5, do you have any more red smoke mike mikes?" She checked her munitions pouch before looking at me "no, I must've used them." I sighed before asking "can you cover me while I make a run?" She nodded "definitely" I gave a thumbs up before moving back to Twitch "Twitch grab my smokes please they're on my belt" she came over and pulled one out, handing it to me I replied "merci madam" she chuckled as she replied "pas de problème monsieur(no problem mister)" I gripped the grenade and took a couple deep breaths before speaking "I'm gonna have to run cover to cover to get close enough to mark it, Wolverine 2-1 cease fire I repeat cease fire I am crossing your muzzles" he replied "Roger, our muzzles are cooling" I climbed over the trench and ran for the closest tree as rounds flew passed me both from the Russians and my own trench, I paused next to a tree and peaked around trying to locate my next piece of cover until I saw a large rock, I took a couple deep breathes before planting my foot and pushing on the ground bursting out from the tree and running towards the rock until a round impacted the ground infront of my foot tripping me up and causing me to impact the ground behind the rock. Regaining my senses I scrambled to press myself against the rock crawling around to a corner and seeing I only had one tree to go until I got to the 20 meter mark. I pushed off the ground and got into a crouch as a paratrooper came over the top of the trench, I lifted my m4 and fires 2 rounds one into his chest before shifting my aim and firing into his head making him stumble before falling back and disappearing into the trench, I came around the rock and ran to the tree as rounds flew, a single round ripped through my sleeve grazing my arm as I slid into the tree trunk and pressed against it hissing in pain as my arm felt like it was burning before pulling the pin on the smoke grenade and throwing it into the Russian trench before spinning 180 and running back to the friendly trench as quickly as I could with rounds flying past me. I heard Twitch fear present clearly in her voice "RPG! Weaver watch out!" Causing me to dive to cover as the explosion was heard and felt while my world turned into a storm of soil, I heard Twitch on the radio "voodoo, voodoo, come on talk to me" I thumbed my radio coughing out "I'm good, I'm good" just as I heard the chopping of helicopter blades and a 30mm cannon firing "rainbow 1-1, this is Jinx 4-3, I am on station and firing on the red smoke, confirm effect?" I rolled over and pulled out my binoculars as the gunner stopped firing "Jinx 4-3, 1-1, good effect, walk fire 10 meters to the north east, how copy?" I heard the gun firing again "4-3 copies all, good effect, walking fire 10 meters northeast over" I watched the tracers stream into the trench causing eruptions of soil as the gunner traced the trench. "4-3, good effect, I'm not seeing any movement targets destroyed, break, thanks for the assist, over" he replied "Call us if you need any more help, take care 1-1" I chuckled "4-3, you guys keep doing shit like that and I might just never leave you. Stay safe, 1-1 out" I jogged back to the trench "how's everyone here?" 2-5 and her squad replied "we're kicking, tired but kicking" I nodded as Twitch replied "I'm good, you're hurt" I waved her off "we gotta move before any reinforcements arrive" they nodded as we moved over to the main trench "Wolverine 2-1, you're clear. Report to your FOB and get a new mission directive, we're returning to Bennett field." He breathed a sigh of relief "thanks for the assist, I don't know what would've happened if you guys didn't show up" I mused "probably horrible deaths at the hands of Russian paratroopers, anyway take care" we got in the humvee and headed back to Bennett as I radio "Overlord, Rainbow 1-1 returning to Bennett airfield. Wolverine 2-1 effectively relieved and moving to their FOB, 1 FKIA, Russian counter attack repelled, how copy?" Overlord replied "overlord copies all, well let Bennett know to prepare to handle friendly casualty. Good work, 1-1" I leaned back as Emma steered through the streets me occasionally telling her what turns to take. 30 minutes later, we pulled through the gates and headed to the barracks where we saw the Medical personnel waiting, we came to a stop as I got out my M4 handing from its bungie as I walked around to the back and opened the the hatch. I saw Erik's blood covered body as I stepped to the side and let the Medics bring him out and carefully set him on the stretcher, I looked away as they lifted him up and walked away. I looked into my humvee and saw blood covering the pan, I sighed as I turned to Jäger, Kapkan and Twitch "Go relax before we move out tomorrow morning, I'll clean this up" they slowly dropped out until it was just me causing me to go and grab the spraying the blood pan, watching as the red water splashed out the back of the humvee. I quietly cleaned the humvee for another half an hour before being satisfied that it was clean, I put the hose back and quietly walked into the barracks since it was late and almost everyone was asleep. I took off my gear and placed it in its assigned position before turning and walking back out the door and sitting on a foldable metal chair, I watched the NightStalkers take off bringing troops to missions and listened to battles raging around Manhattan just thinking until I heard another chair get opened and placed next to me. I glanced over and saw Marius(Jäger) "how're you Weaver?" I kept my eyes on the burning skyline "Tired, tired and in pain" he nodded before speaking "we all are, we try to stay strong and not let it show because you already have so much on your plate but I want you to know we all feel like you do" I replied "You guys don't have to try to protect me, I can tell you're scared when we enter battle, I can sense the hesitation and ultimately the resignation. Give me a couple hours and I'll be fine" he replied with a sigh "Just don't be afraid to talk to one of us, Emma's pretty worried about you" I nodded slowly "I was afraid she'd be" he chuckled "She worries about you a lot" I replied "I do a lot of dangerous things, give her a lot of reasons to worry" he patted my shoulder as he walked back inside "See you tomorrow" I said after him "night" as I listened to the battle rage. 45 minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw Emma "it's almost 11, why don't you come get some sleep?" I looked back at the airfield "I'm not tired" she sighed "you can't lie to me, I heard your conversation with Jäger. I know you're tired" I looked at her "alright fine you caught me, I guess I'm just thinking over what I could of done differently" she sighed before sitting down and tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear "you know there was nothing you could've done, you've tried everything you can to put yourself better us and danger." I nodded grudgingly "I suppose you're right, did your parents get out?" She nodded "They're in Britain now getting ready to fly to the headquarters" I smiled softly "good, I wonder how my parents are doing" she spoke "you should call, they're probably worried about you" I glanced at her as I shot back "but no where near as worried as the great and powerful Twitch sitting next to me" she laughed "you said it yourself you give me a lot of reasons to worry" I nodded before replying in a quiet voice "you know my mom loves that I have you for a friend?" She looked shocked as she asked "why? What do I do?" I looked down at the ground keeping the tenderness in my voice letting an image of strength dissipated into one of vulnerability "she likes knowing I have someone worrying and watching out for me while I'm out here doing these missions, whenever I visit I tell them about you" she chuckled "sounds like you're in ww2 writing home about a pretty French girl" I replied "only difference is I'm in ww3 writing home about a pretty French girl" she spoke with an indistinguishable tone "you flirt an awful lot for someone who almost dies daily" I nodded with a chuckle "I flirt with two people: you and death. I don't know who's gonna get me but we'll figure it out sooner or later" she sighed "there's another reason to add to the list" I patted her shoulder "oh hush, you love me" she stood and turned towards the dorm "you know sometimes I can't tell if you're joking or seriously flirting with me." I was gonna reply but she spoke again "anyway I'm gonna try to get some sleep, call your parents and do the same" I gave a thumbs up as I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts until I saw my father. I hit call and waited until I heard my father "Hello?" I spoke "hi dad, how've you been?" He sounded surprised "Weaver?" I asked "yeah, did you just hit accept without looking at the name?" He replied "yea, it's what I always do." I chuckled "jeez dad, anyway how have you and mom been?" He sighed "we've been glued to the news, trying to hear anything about delta casualties. How're your missions?" I asked "Did you hear about the jammer in Manhattan?" He replied "Yeah, was that you?" I nodded subconsciously "yeah, my team and Metal Team. We also hit the Russian fleet" he seemed surprised "you guys took out the fleet? I thought it'd be the navy" I chuckled "yea dad we hit them, we're doing clean up now" he asked "How's Emma? Is she safe?" I leaned back "As far as I can tell she's hanging in there, yeah, she's safe. I have her as my partner so I'm always close enough to take the hit" he sighed "always the hero, your mom says hello and to tell Emma to stay safe" I looked up at the stars and jets "you two stay safe, I don't know if they're gonna try an invasion through Alaska but if you hear anything go to the base" he sighed trying to sound calm "alright, can you tell me what you're doing next or is it classified?" I replied "We're heading to DC to clear out the masks that took the national guard armory." He spoke a bit of worry seeping through the facade "they sound like they're gonna be heavily armed" I spoke totally calm "Yeah probably, but we're the best of the best. Some accountants with a grudge against the government aren't going to beat us" he replied "I hope you're right, stay safe" I looked down as the chill ran up my spine "I'll try, night tell mom I said love you" he was heard once more "night, I will" I hung up and stood to walk into the barracks as I thought I heard some footsteps moving away from the door.

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