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Weavers pov
3 months since war broke out
Ramstein air base, Germany
I was walking around with the A10 pilot I'd become fast friends with "So you joined the Air Force just to fly an A-10?" She nodded "yeah, that's about it" I replied "If the Air Force guaranteed I was put in an A-10 I'd switch in an instant, I love that plane so much" she nodded as we walked to her hangar "Yeah, my beast is amazing."

I noticed the callsign on the side of the cockpit "Valkyrie, huh I didn't expect that" she looked back "what do you mean?" I replied still admiring the plane "I have a friend in the seals who works at Rainbow with me who's callsign is Valkyrie, I ...

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I noticed the callsign on the side of the cockpit "Valkyrie, huh I didn't expect that" she looked back "what do you mean?" I replied still admiring the plane "I have a friend in the seals who works at Rainbow with me who's callsign is Valkyrie, I mean she's badass but this Valkyrie could eat her alive" Victoria nodded with a small chuckle "this Valkyrie could eat anything alive" I started laughing violently causing Victoria to grow confused "what? What's so funny?" I calmed down enough to reply "I'm gonna scare my friends back home shitless" she cocked her head to the side "what do you mean?" I looked at the A10 "when I was younger before I joined the military I would say "I'd do a lot of things for the chance to sleep with an A10 pilot, like I'd kill all of you if I had to" and I told them after I got sworn in I'd find her no matter what and when I did they'd be fucked." I looked over "I found her, and now it's time to fuck with them" she grew an evil smile "I'm in, but don't think I'm fucking you" I waved her off "I wasn't expecting you to, I just need you to stand next to the A10" she moved and stood next to the gun as I took a picture and sent it to my friend with the message "hey buddy, guess who I found. Remember how I said I'd kill you if I had to? I'll see you in a week" I waited next to Victoria for a minute until my phone went off and he replied "There's no fucking way you actually found an A10 pilot who's willing to sleep with you" I looked at Victoria "wanna do me a huge favor?" She looked at the messages before turning "what do I have to do" I replied "just take my phone and send a voice message saying you'd be willing to, I know I know you don't want to but Jesus Christ do I want to mess with him" she looked at me with a sigh "Fine but you're buying me dinner and a beer" I chuckled "You do this and I'll buy you the whole damn bar" she smiled before replying "you've got a deal" I nodded and handed her the phone as she recorded the voice message and sent it, we waited like toddlers promised candy until he replied "oh my god, you actually did it. Fuck, atleast kill CJ first, can we do it in order of least to most favorite friend?" I typed back "nah, you're first. See you in a week" as I turned off my phone "Why don't we go and get you your food and that beer?" She nodded excitedly as we walked out of the Hangar laughing and smiling, I noticed Emma and Marius off a bit and Emma staring at us before Marius noticed "Oh Hallo Weaver!" I waved as he jogged over "where are you two going?" I looked at Victoria and then back to him "We're going to the mess hall so I can buy her dinner and a beer" he chuckled "so you got her to agree?" I nodded as she spoke "it didn't take that much convincing, I just had to make sure I got something out of it" I looked over "you could've got me out of it, I mean who doesn't want a badass Delta operator?" Marius motioned to Emma causing Victoria to laugh and me to sigh "low blow Dude, anyway you two wanna join us?" He nodded "I will, I don't know about Emma" I called over "Emma! Come here for a second!" She jogged over "oui? What is it?" Victoria gave a small wave "we're all going for lunch, do you wanna come with us? Weaver's paying" I turned "no, I only paying for yours and mine. Marius and Emma have to pay for their own" causing Marius to sigh over dramatically "Oh mein Gott(oh my god), he hates us" and Emma to shift all of her weight to one foot and cross her arms "why are you paying for hers?" I looked over "it's payment for a favor" she rolled her eyes "no, I'm fine." Before she turned and all but stormed off, I looked at Marius with confusion all over my face as Victoria asked "was it something I said?" I looked at Emma's retreating form "I don't know, that was really out of character for her" Marius sighed before straightening excitedly "Hey, why don't we invite Meghan and Craig?" I cocked my eyebrows "they're here? I thought they got deployed to Britain" he replied "apparently they hauled all kinds of ass through the mission" I shrugged and looked at Victoria "it's your call, you wanna swing by and see if Valkyrie and Blackbeard wanna come?" She nodded "that sounds good, I'd like to see how Rainbow acts with each other" I laughed "we're children, children with guns and government licenses but all the same" her eyes held excitement "let's go then" we all suddenly took off laughing like kids as we hunted down Meghan and Craig. It took 27 minutes, 27 minutes of asking people around the base and just following hints and sign until we found them, I looked at Marius before I turned to Victoria and put my finger across my lips as we slunk away. I crouched next to Victoria and looked at Marius whispering "I'll take Blackbeard you take Meghan and we'll hit em with these" Victoria asked "why do you have paintball guns?" I looked over "I told you, we're children" as I blindly handed the paintball pistol to Marius as I lifted my own "Hey Vic, you might wanna record this." She pulled out her phone and nodded to us as I looked at Marius "blitzkrieg?" He replied "blitzkrieg" as I stood and yelled "Blitzkrieg!" Marius and I tore out of our hiding spot as the two turned only to be impacted by several pink paintballs we kept pegging them until we ran out of ammo at which we stood as I tossed my paintball gun and looked around as Blackbeard and Valkyrie shook with shock and rage. Craig spoke first "Why?!" I looked at him "we wanted to invite you to lunch with Victoria and us" Meghan looked down at her shirt where Marius had shot a pink dick on her chest, "why the fuck would we go to lunch with you three after this?" I chuckled "I'll pay for it" Craig's demeanor immediately shifted "free food? Fuck it I'm in" Meghan sighed "fine fine I'll go, can I change first?" I noticed we were both wearing a black Tshirt and I know Meghan and I share the same shirt size from the several times we worked out together and traded shirts to throw people off. I pulled off my shirt as Victoria emerged and walked forward, "meg, give me yours. You can keep mine" she smiled faintly as I put on the shirt, I turned to Victoria "Lead the way, you've got first pick of food" as she turned and headed to the mess hall. Marius leaned over as we walked "am I the only one who wonders how Victoria got a figure like that?" I whispered back "I don't know but what I do know is there has to be a god for an ass that nice to exist" he laughed as I heard Meghan behind us "Alright boys let's go, move it! Stop walking so fucking slow!" I spun "hush, we are studying something!" She snapped back "Since when is staring at Victoria's ass studying something?!" Marius and I froze as Craig chuckled and Victoria turned "what?" Marius and I looked at each other before screaming like little girls and running to the mess hall leaving the group in our dust.

 Marius leaned over as we walked "am I the only one who wonders how Victoria got a figure like that?" I whispered back "I don't know but what I do know is there has to be a god for an ass that nice to exist" he laughed as I heard Meghan behind us ...

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"Maybe if we get our food and eat quickly we can get out of here before they get to us" he nodded as we scrambled to get our food and eat. I was inhaling my food when I heard the doors open slowly, I looked like a deer in headlights as I turned to Marius "please tell me I'm wrong about what that sound was" he kept looking at me "I wish I could" I stared at my food horror never leaving my face as I heard the clacking of hard plastic trays around me. I heard Victoria "So studying my ass?" I didn't move or reply opting instead to try to see the table to the molecular level without aid. I stared a hole into the table as Craig spoke "Jesus, they're like statues. Victoria you must fucking terrify them" I felt my cheek getting poked but didn't move my eyes until I saw Victoria's face creeping into my vision, she chuckled as my eyes darted away from her "you know I'm not Medusa right?" I wanted to reply but remained frozen in my position until I heard her in my ear "You know i can kill you before you even know what hit you right? Like my A10 will shred you" I shifted my eyes to Marius as he looked at me "it's been an honor" he wiped an imaginary tear "the honor was mine" I saluted "to pranking in the next life" he nodded as Craig laughed "holy shit, Victoria you broke them. First they're hung up on your ass and now they're terrified to look at you, what power do you have?" She looked at me with interest before replying "Apparently the power to turn an operator into a shaken statue" I finished my food and went to stand to try to exit the awkward situation until Victoria's hand wrapped around my wrist "Stay, I'm not upset you were looking at my ass. I just wanted to mess with you" I sat down and talked with them for 5-7 minutes until Emma walked in and sat down away from us ignoring Craig, Marius and Meghan's attempts to talk to her. I sighed quietly and decided not to try talking to her since it seems she wants to be left alone, I was talking predominately with Victoria and Marius as Meghan's and Craig tried to talk to Emma before joining our conversation. I smiled slightly for the first time in a long time it feels like I have my old squad back, I've missed this dichotomy.

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