The departure

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Weavers POV
5 months 1 week after war breaks out
Ramstein AFB, Germany
     I stood next to Sandman as the rest of the rainbow operatives prepared to get on the C-17 that would bring them back to the Yukon, Emma spoke from behind me "where's your bag? It's almost time to go" I looked back "I thought I told you? I'm not going back to the Yukon" she froze "So where are you going?" I looked at the rest of the team as they placed all of their gear together "Wherever Command orders us, I'm running with Metal for the rest of the war" she looked at me "Am I gonna see you again?" I nodded "Soon" she asked "how do you know?" I looked over "Look around, we're in Germany, 5 months ago it was New York. This war will end, but before it does a lot more people gotta die" she punched my shoulder "you better not be one of them, I'll bring you back from the dead just to kill you again" I nodded with a chuckle "I'll see you on the other side" she smiled as the C-17 started descending. I heard Sandman "I'll be in the barracks, I'll keep my ear open for any word on the girl" I nodded as Emma asked "Why can't I stay with you? Why do I have to go back but you don't?" I sighed "Emma, we have different parts to play in this war. Our skills are different and you can make more of a difference somewhere else" she gave me a look "No dying" I nodded with a small chuckle "it's not on my to-do list, don't worry" she sighed as the rest of the team started loading their gear on the plane "well I guess it's time we split up" I nodded "for now" she looked conflicted as I saw her mouth opening and closing as she fought an internal battle until I spoke "Emma, say it, this is the last time we're gonna see each other for a bit" she sighed "Can I have a hug before I go?" I nodded and opened my arms as she rushed forward and gripped my chest tightly as I wrapped my arms around her. I felt my chest grow a wet spot, I looked down "Emma..." she looked up with tears rolling down her face as I asked "what's wrong?" She burrowed into the embrace "I'm gonna miss you" I nodded "I know, I'll miss you too but when this is all over we can go and have that date you wanted" she nodded "That sounds nice, you're really giving me a chance?" I flashed a small smile with a nod. She sighed as Mike yelled "Come on, Emma! We have to get going!" And she released her grip on me "I guess I should get going" I looked down at her "stay alive so we can have that date" she smiled as I wiped away the tears "Stay strong and keep moving forward" she nodded "I will" I gave a two finger salute "I'll see you when this is over" she turned and picked up her bags and started jogging towards the plane as I watched her form retreat before disappearing into the plane. I watched the plane for another 2 minutes before it lifted off and banked to the left and disappeared behind the trees, I groaned "fuck, I'm gonna miss her" I heard Frost behind me "so you didn't move on after all, I'm owed money" I turned with a question "the fuck do you mean?" He chuckled before replying "bro, we could all tell you weren't over her. I don't like it but I know you want her, I just made a bet" I asked "how much?" He replied "$35 you wouldn't let her go" I shook my head side to side with a small chuckle as I walked towards him before wrapping my arm around his shoulder and guiding him to the barracks "you're lucky you're like a brother to me or I'd be pissed you're gambling on my love life" he laughed "yeah, but I also know you well enough that I just got 35 of Truck's dollars" I punched his shoulder as we walked through the door and sat down at the table, truck looked up as Frost spoke "truck, you owe me money" he sighed while staring at me "so he held on?" Frost nodded as truck threw a bundle of money to Frost "you had one job Weaver, just one" I waved him off "suck me" as Grinch asked "why don't we play some ping pong?" I looked at him as Sandman replied "because you're too good at it, it's not even fun anymore" he sighed as we stood and walked to the ping pong table, I sat next to Truck and Sandman "So what's our next move?" He replied "we wait, Intelligence is tracking the helicopter as we speak. When they get a confirmed location of touchdown we're launching our assault to try to recover the Russian President and the girl." I sighed as Truck asked "why didn't you go with rainbow?" I looked down "I can't be responsible for anymore of their deaths, Maverick, Kapkan, they didn't deserve to die and if I was running with Delta they would've been deployed somewhere else" he nodded slowly "you weren't at fault for their deaths, neither of them were forced here. They agreed to be here" I sighed as Sandman spoke "I know, I've had that feeling before but everyone in this line of work fully accepted that at any point they might die. Don't place that burden on yourself" I nodded as I hopped off the counter "aye boss" I took the paddle from Frost and started playing. An hour later, we were at the range competing to see who could top who with accuracy, I was going against Frost and focusing extremely hard on keeping my gun on target and not missing rounds. My sight jumped from target to target as I shifted effortlessly for 15 seconds before my gun cleared empty, I watched as Frost finished off the last of his magazine before we slowly turned to Sandman "who won?" He didn't reply for a bit as I asked "Sandman, who won?" He looked up from the tablet "it's... it's a tie" I spun on Frost "I get 1st!" He yelled "The fuck you do!" As I tackled him "I was faster! I get first!" He yelled "I'm older!" We rolled as I yelled back "I don't give a fuck! I was faster and just as accurate! Eat a dick!" Truck and grinch pulled us apart as Sandman stepped in between us "Voodoo wins, he was faster and just as accurate." I pointed at Frost "Victory!" He pouted as we all laughed before sitting on the bench and watched Grinch and Truck take up positions and start their competition, I looked over at Frost "How's it feel?" He flipped me off "Fuck yourself" I snapped back "I will, because every morning I wake up and look in the mirror and ask "would I fuck that?" And the answer is always yes because I'm fucking hot" he sighed before asking "why are you so fucking weird?" I looked at him "why are you so boring?" He laughed as I joined him before I stood and heading out to walk around the base until I saw Victoria as she walked out of her barracks "Hey Vic" she looked over "Sup?" I sighed "nothing, literally fucking nothin'" she laughed before looking around confusedly "Yeah? That's rough, where's Marius and Emma? They're always with you" I looked up at the clouds "They're heading back to Canada, I'll be joining them when the war ends" she mused "could be a really long time before you see them again" I nodded "I doubt it but I'm prepared to make that sacrifice if it keeps them alive" she looked at me "Always the sacrificial lamb, you protect your friends a lot more than I'd expect" I shrugged before speaking "I guess, hey, what's your next mission?" She looked down "Bad news, they're moving my unit to Poland to help push the Russians out. You're gonna be here alone" I groaned "how'd I know god would say Fuck you one last time?" She chuckled softly before replying "I was gonna go get breakfast, why don't we go and get that together for the last time?" I gave a small smile "Sounds good, lead the way" we started off towards the mess hall talking and bouncing ideas off of each other until noon when she had to go get ready to leave, leaving me by myself to think and read, a small moment of respite in a world of total turmoil and shock.

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