Chapter V - Act I

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QUICK NOTE: Let me get this straight-
•In the canon, 06 never happened, right? And the first official encounter of Silver and Sonic was during Sonic Rivals, which explains why Silver is still in the proceeding games like Generations. BUT for the sake of the storyline...
SONIC, SHADOW, and SILVER – being the three who managed to defeat Solaris and preventing the whole thing from actually happening – are the only ones who managed to retain their memories from '06, presuming that their beings were still protected by their super forms through the chaos emeralds' power before the consciousness of Sonic and Elise put out the Flame of Hope, Solaris.
•Blaze was assumed to not be affected by the time paradox created by Solaris as she was locked to another dimension when she became the vessel for Iblis so she retains the memory.
NO ONE ELSE except for the four of them has the memory from '06.


"Will you be fine on your way back?" taking in the view of the night sky from the highest point in Green Hill, the ultimate life form asked the drowsy hedgehog.

Sonic rubbed his eyes, physically drained from both the training and the hours spent on messing around, "I guess I still can do it one more time. You can go ahead and leave if you need to. I don't want you to get in trouble."

"You certainly look like you're gonna fall from the slightest push," adjusting his inhibitor rings, he shook his head and grumbled as he went in front of blue hero who was sitting down, leaned against a palm tree. "And anyone from GUN won't get me in trouble if they are the trouble per se. I'll be the biggest loss they'll have once they fire me."

Expectedly, the exhausted hedgehog couldn't think of any smart comebacks and only nodded in agreement. Too much enjoyment from the past few hours, the fact that his body was still adjusting to chaos and continuous usage as early as this stage could easily knock him cold slipped from his mind.
His rival was already dozing off when Shadow pinched the skin between his eyes and growled, 'Just as when I thought he is no longer a drag, he does it again.'

"Stubborn hedgehog," he was standing still for a few seconds, contemplating which regrettable action he was willing to do. 'Do I have any remorse left for myself?'
Giving it more time, Sonic just looked more and more peaceful as he drifted off to sleep.

"Tch. To hell with pride now, huh?" Shadow knew he couldn't leave his rival by any means.
He snarled as deep as he could whilst scooping the blue blur in his arms, "If only that pothead, fancy-pants friend of yours didn't see us, I won't be taking you back."

'Has he really been this light?' the ultimate life form looked down on his rival who was already resting peacefully.
He didn't pay too much heed to the detail and closed his ruby eyes, readying himself to chaos control the both of them back to the Central City when he suddenly heard the sapphire male whisper, "Goodnight, Shad."

"Night, Sonic," the midnight blur mustered as he smiled ever so slightly before vanishing in a flash of light.

Silver's POV:

It was already seven in the evening, and those two hadn't gone back – I had to call Tails up to inform everyone that I won't be back soon because of a random excuse I gave them. Several more lies had to be made when a few nurses attempted checked in to see how Sonic was doing.

Each time the coast was clear, I would simply invite myself back to the couch, stare at the empty bed patiently, and let my mind wander like right now.

Oh, a pompous bastard just happened to steal him away, it's nothing to worry about. The thought angered me and caused me to clench my fists tighter; I didn't realize I was already breaking the bedside chair from where I was looking.
One crack after another, I only managed to stop myself after hearing a solid snap from its backrest. It took a short while before I decided to use my telekinesis to dump the broken chair at the corner of the room, right beside a trashcan. I pressed my back against the cushions of the couch, breathing slowly, in and out.

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