BONUS: Theories & Insights

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The Sonic Game Franchise has many... many timelines and sometimes they don't even match. For the record, there are 6 existing timelines/dimensions, if not more -- but that's not our focus.
We'll only take 2 timelines that do not relate with one another BUT WILL OVERLAP in this story.

"So Long, Goodnight" is connected to the actual Sonic Universe so I will take time to explain all of this for the Sonic nerds and hardcore fans over here, heh...

Yes, I had to do some research before I made the storyline of this fanfic. Feel free to debate/argue with me (lol) by making inline comments!
Take note that Sonic Forces is not included/hasn't happened in this timeline (because this story was written back in 2016, literally a year before SF was released).

Here we go...

First, Where Did this "Bonus Part" Come From?
The appearance of Blaze the Cat. We'll literally focus on her in this part of the book. Why? You'll see-

How The Story Was Outlined:
•Given that there are too many timelines existing in the Sonic Universe, here are the reasons why they can't simply be mixed (be it canon or simply for the book) but ended up mixing because of Generations:

1. TIMELINE A (stands for Adventure):
•This follows the classic timeline where there is only 1 human (Robotnik) and a bunch of Möbians (Sonic 1, CD, 2, 3, & Knuckles... up to Tails Adventure), eventually leading to SA1, 2, and Shadow the Hedgehog.
This timeline will be altered in one way or another because of the paradox in Timeline B.

•A universe where GUN imprisoned Shadow, where ARK was meant to destroy, where Maria died, and the ever confusing arrival of Black Doom.
(Following this trail, one can conclude that all endings from Shadow the Hedgehog are canon. No other choice. No games with parallel plots were released after this.)

•No Solari (so, no Iblis nor Mephiles the Dark (do you guys wanna know more about them? They are pretty imporant in the story)), no Elise (yay? yay.)

2. TIMELINE B (Sonic '06 timeline):
•We'll only take the games where Blaze appeared: Sonic '06, Colours, Generations (Modern Half), Rivals 2, Rush, and Rush 2.

•A universe where GUN recruited Shadow and Rouge instead, every opposite of Timeline A even if similar events occured here (because nothing indicates that they are the same thing). Also where everyone's efforts are futile since Earth still has fallen at some point (Chaotic Inferno Zones, and the existence of Crisis City) so the Chaos Emeralds are being harnessed to repair it.

•It was mentioned in Generations that the Time Eater does not literally eat time, but consumes the paradoxes created by Timeline B Sonic from encountering things from other things that didn't happen in that universe (SA2 Shadow, Silver and Crisis City).
This occurence will then extend Timeline A in a sense since Classic Sonic and Classic Eggman learned from Modern Sonic & Eggman before going home. Note how the Sonic before SA knows the Homing Attack and other moves that he just learned as Modern Sonic.

Blaze the Cat first appeared in the game Sonic Rush (2005) but arranging the Sonic games in chronological order (where Blaze appeared which falls under Timeline B), it can be concluded that her actual appearance happened in Sonic '06.

Chronological Order of Blaze's Appearance (Timeline B):
1. Sonic 06
2. Sonic Rush & SR2
3. Sonic Rivals & SR Adventure
4. Colours
5. Generations

Okay, so what's up with this, now? What's troubling you? GENERATIONS.
This particular line: "I've never thought I'd see myself in Crisis City again. This world is full of surprises."
AND this particular description of Blaze: Blaze is a princess from another dimension who is the protector of the Sol Emeralds.

So... is she the Blaze from Sonic Rush and not 06? Or are they the same? Because:
•Sol Emeralds are the inter-dimensional counterparts of Chaos Emeralds.

•THERE ARE CHAOS EMERALDS IN '06, denoting that there was no need for the Sol's to exist in that dimension.

•It is implied that the Blaze in Generations is the future '06 Blaze since she was freed after clearing Crisis City and was even challenged for it.

•If '06 never happened, then that means that the future Blaze is alive. So she just didn't go to the "dimension" created by the Time Eater?

The fact that I can't connect Blaze's origin in Generations to the others in Timeline B stresses me out.
I personally think SEGA f*cked up her character description in Generations and the one who appeared in the "dimension" is, indeed, the future Blaze. The Sol Emeralds should have never existed in this timeline.

SO... here's how I decided with the Story Outline. Timeline A and B are mixed in this sense:
•ARK to destroy Earth happened
•Maria died, GUN imprisoned Shadow but after the incident with Doom (Heroic Good), he and Rouge became part of GUN until the present.
•Solaris Project happened. So the split of Solari into Iblis and Mephiles the Dark happened.
•Unleashed happened (vital to the story)
•Generations happened (but only for the sake of stitching up the timelines).
•So Blaze didn't die in '06. There is only one Blaze. Silver met Blaze (because it can be pointed out that they shouldn't have met if the non-Iblis Silver existed if and only if two timelines were created upon blowing out the Flames of Destruction: one where 06 happened, one where it didn't).

I talked too much.
I did my best to summarize everything that is going on in my head. I'll just reserve it for those who are pretty curious.

Someone suggested that I should make an OC of myself if I were to go back in the Sonic fandom because RP'ing at this point is kinda too late since I've publicized a lot about my self now.
Should I?

Alright, that's all! See you on the next, actual Chapter update: Chapter III: Breaking Boundaries

"If I were to lose my mind again and set out on a rampage to kill, would you still save me?"

"If I managed to save you once, then that's the best reason for me to do it again. And again. As long as I can, yeah?"

"Why do I mean so much to you when you gained nothing from me?"

"...because it brings me joy to see you experiencing the things I didn't."

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