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The old cloak down the hall
Is tell the time of lies,
I could remember in your hollow voice
The words of anger that cut deep,
You always seem to be so mean.
Oh, how you loved it when I dreamed,
You call me your queen of darkening dreams
That makes me want to scream,
Every time your cold aging hands would
Touch my body, it gave me chills down my spine,
You would whisper in my ears,
casting so much fear,
just for me to hear all your evil commands,
in a deep voice, you would say,
freedom will never come your way,
Oh, how I believed all your lies in darken dreams,
You keep telling me how much you love
to bring me down, for once I would have to say
that for once you told the truth,
I must say to you oh, Dark Angel,
It's only your right to play your evil games,
While I dream out your pains,
I could see your coldness in your eyes
While you kept on telling me more lies,
So, listen carefully to the sounds
That is crying out all around you,
Your loneliness is tearing me apart,
I'm not the one that broke your heart,
Those sad ancient wounds,
I can see they are still eating away at you,
Every time you look my way,
Your heartbeat pounds so raptly,
It's diving you mad that I stand up before you
And tell you the truth,
I'm not the one that cut you,
and left you out to bleed
Like you are doing to me,
Oh, I can still remember the stillness
that came between us,
the hollow wind calling at me again,
letting me know I'm back in a place
I never wanted to see again,
Oh, the pains and rain of yesterday's sorrows,
I would always hear your evil voice
Saying to me, what you lost is your freedom
You belong to me, my queen,
The rains started pouring down
With the old sound of thunder,
So, I just started dancing in the rain
Hoping and praying it would wash me clean,
I hear you saying, while you stood before me,
You will always remember me
my beautiful queen Lilly Emery
you are my true poetic love of long ago
this is how our the story will be written,
I could see in your eyes you aren't lying this time,
In my crystal vision, I have seen you,
Kissing me on a summer of an ancient day,
But I kept that vision to myself,
trying so hard to understand
What this means for you and me,
I know it was always me that runs,
But this time I am standing right next to you,
everything got wrapped up in darken dreams.

-Judy Emery © 1989 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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